Conquer Club

*netham* [busted +++

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[These cases have been closed. If you would like to appeal the decision of the hunter please open a ticket on the help page and the case will be looked into by a second hunter.]

Re: *netham*

Postby SlayerQC on Wed Feb 17, 2010 4:23 am

And if your posts are not ON-TOPIC, you should abstain from posting.
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Re: *netham*

Postby THORNHEART on Wed Feb 17, 2010 1:04 pm

slayer you a noob.

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Re: *netham*

Postby The Neon Peon on Wed Feb 17, 2010 10:09 pm

SlayerQC wrote:I feel sad for that boy.
specially when there's tons of other accusations not taken care of and "forgotten" and that I saw malicious cheaters walk away.

Why was this case taken care of so fast while this forum keeps getting bigger and bigger for at least a week.

I didnt see the point dumper abusers get sentenced, even when a mod did say he was cheating.
What about the other cases that are hanging with no one looking at them.

Older threads should be dealt with before fresh threads. Pretty logic no?

This forum seems to be falling apart. Time to fire some hunters and hire some active ones who have straight priorities.

Did he actaully purchased premium on one account and got instantly banned anyways?? I dont even see ONE game where the two accused played together. If so, HOW MEAN IS THAT MODS??? Only deleting the freemium wouldve been enough punishment.

Can the hunter who sentenced the accuse stand up? Isnt it policy to post here first then close the thread?

If a case is so obvious, why wouldn't a mod just make the decision right then and there to get it over with. In the end, all the cases are dealt with, letting a cheater play an extra game or two while another gets banned instantly isn't really an issue.

No, he did not purchase premium, he was just thinking about it (according to DH, for some reason I doubt this to be true). However, even though he never used both accounts at one time, he was still breaking a rule. Sure, there was no harm done, but when someone breaks a law/rule and gets away with it (however small), they go down a slippery slope. Subconsciously, all other laws are no longer as strict. It is a really well developed social theory that is a rather interesting topic to read about, so I won't do injustice to it by making it overbrief here.

But think about netham's position now. Since he is young, this is probably one of his first experiences with an online game. Do you think he will break another rule on any site anytime soon after getting banned for such a minor offense here?

Other than that, we have a set down process: if you are a multi, you get banned. If we start making exceptions to that in ANY cases, we'll start making more and more exceptions. People will point at similar (with one or two details different) and say they shouldn't get banned. Then people will do the same to those cases. After a year or two, a lot less people will be getting banned.
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Re: *netham*

Postby Gen.LeeGettinhed on Wed Feb 17, 2010 11:03 pm

There are degrees of offense for a reason:
- Swing at someone and miss, it's assault, hit it's battery
- attempted murder and murder are two HUGELY different things -- as is Murder and Manslaughter
- as is theft and grand theft
(in US)

No one says he shouldn't be dealt with. Let REASONABLE people review and act REASONABLY. There's a reason civilized countries don't go for "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth". It's to prevent us from seeing all blind and toothless people.

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Re: *netham*

Postby the.killing.44 on Wed Feb 17, 2010 11:12 pm

I think a better analogy is a scenario where a country has a law in place that no matter of circumstance, killing someone is prison for life. Which means even if a supposed 11-year-old like *netham* does the same crime as an older guy, the sentence is the same.

You should be having a problem with the rules (even though your dissent is stupid; this was *netham*'s third account), not the situation.
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Re: *netham*

Postby rutherfoo on Wed Feb 17, 2010 11:24 pm

Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:There's a reason civilized countries don't go for "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth". It's to prevent us from seeing all blind and toothless people.

If we were all blind and toothless, we wouldn't be seeing anything.
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Re: *netham*

Postby BoganGod on Thu Feb 18, 2010 6:15 am

Nice catch :)
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Re: *netham*

Postby VampireM on Thu Feb 18, 2010 10:17 am

The CC system is very fair, if what u say is true and the kid wants to buy premium then he still can.. he will be busted use all his accounts then be allowed to buy premium for his first account and he will be able to play..
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Re: *netham*

Postby AAFitz on Thu Feb 18, 2010 10:31 am

Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:CC Admin and Players (apologies if something similar posts twice, didn't see it),

Well, Natham/Mathen sure does sound like a Multi, but:
- wouldn't a REAL multi have used something more like Mathen/Nehtam? unless he though TH was a consonant
- or based on his spelling, wouldn't it be Nhetma, Anthem, or something like that?

But, if he is found guilty, I wonder what horrid punishment CC admin will bestow on him?
- if CC has ANY moral compass, it would definitely treat a kid less severe than a player "of age"
- Listen to the voices of reason that point out "what huge crime has been committed"?, and
- this situation is more like a kid that forgot his password, etc.

Then consider that this kid says he's using his hard earned chore money to buy premium at CC.
- my feeling is Money Talks, and greedy ol' CC will be GLAD to take his money -- THEN levy the punishment
- O M G, is he nuts? waste hard earned money here? with creeps bothering you?
- my bet is that dudes like the.killing.44 and JohnnyRockets24 had their nannies, mommies or trust fund pay for it

CC also claimed to want to promote friendships, like groups at a bon-fire
- better to foster reasonable friendships like this
- instead of nasty, fascist, purist, proctologists like JohnnyRockets24

I saw JohnnyRockets24's suggestion of trading leniency on Netham for info on "the bigger crime"
- the bigger crime is him and others wasting time on these threads
- and it sure make it look like he's either been watching too much Law and Order -- or flunked out of law school

Overall, I think Netham is just a 11 yr old kid that wants to play a game here and get better. JR24 and buddies may not like how I help SOME people (not all), but the fact is this kid APPRECIATES my help, as did Frankly, my dear, etc.
These guys' (complainers) time is better served sitting in a corner getting a time out -- or getting a real life.


Well, the poor kid does not deserve the flaming, especially if he is somehow telling the truth. A simple multi check is of course in order, and then he simply has to pay, or move on, or not be a multi, and play on. Either way, its a good time for him to learn to play by the rules, if in fact he is a multi.

As far as suggesting that we allow cheaters to do what they want and ruin the game for the rest of us...well, its not surprising that you would be all for it...but it is these threads that keep CC as fair as it can be.

Some enjoy a fair game, and those that dont care about fairness, and cheat, typically aren't worried about such things.

I actually hope to see some action against death and thorn for flaming him about his bunny. This is a C&A report, and its at least spam, if not flaming...especially if the kid is 11. Though, who else could Thorn/death be able to make fun of.
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Re: *netham*

Postby THORNHEART on Thu Feb 18, 2010 11:13 am

at no point did this "kid" ever say he even wanted premium...

we are also trying to prove that he isnt in fact just a kid because his actions are alittle suspect there.

and the bunny thing are you kidding me? Anyone who uses as a excuse for cheating that their bunny died in their arms so their irrational ans started cheating ? you dont find tnat werid odd and totally random...

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Re: *netham*

Postby Gen.LeeGettinhed on Thu Feb 18, 2010 1:56 pm

to try to clarify:

- Netham mentioned to ME in a PM that he planned on purchasing it with his chore money.
- He asked me to buy it for him (yeah, right) and later told me one of the -ninjas would buy it for him. Sorta gullible and sounded a lot like an 11 yr old.

- I never said he shouldn't be punished. It appeared someone thought I thought he ought to be "let go". I never said that
- I said the punishment should fit the crime -- and age/understanding. Again it seems like a kid that forgot his password.

- more than 2 people have said that I helped them. Ask CC Admin (K A?) who I asked a few people I help to contact him
- to assume only 2 people were helped or thankful for help is as ludicrous (look it up) as these threads
- as several people I don't even know noted, my help (while far from perfect) is more than most opponents give. I never promised help before games to EVERYONE -- and now damn few. Most people just reply "sure" when I ask them to play a game. they RARELY ask what game/settings.
- JohnnyR- wants proof. lol, did he read Frankly's? -- right from Game Chat
- finally. What gives people like JohnnyR- the right to expect me to put EVERYTHING in chat? for others to use? I find it easier to play in game, chat in PM.

- some of you act like I surf the 4-games-complete list waiting for people to finish their 5th. Not the case.
- some people like to play only high ranks; some medium, some mixed, some NO LOW RANKS. There are few rules regarding who people can an cannot play.

Again, thanks to people like reasonable people like Changsta- who are realistic, openminded and not Purist/Haters.
And JohnnyR-, I'll take fries with my sandwich. . .

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Re: *netham*

Postby Gen.LeeGettinhed on Thu Feb 18, 2010 2:02 pm

to try to clarify:

- Netham mentioned to ME in a PM that he planned on purchasing it with his chore money.
- He asked me to buy it for him (yeah, right) and later told me one of the -ninjas would buy it for him. Sorta gullible and sounded a lot like an 11 yr old.

- I never said he shouldn't be punished. It appeared someone thought I thought he ought to be "let go". I never said that
- I said the punishment should fit the crime -- and age/understanding. Again it seems like a kid that forgot his password.

- more than 2 people have said that I helped them. Ask CC Admin (K A?) who I asked a few people I help to contact him
- to assume only 2 people were helped or thankful for help is as ludicrous (look it up) as these threads
- as several people I don't even know noted, my help (while far from perfect) is more than most opponents give. I never promised help before games to EVERYONE -- and now damn few. Most people just reply "sure" when I ask them to play a game. they RARELY ask what game/settings.
- JohnnyR- wants proof. lol, did he read Frankly's? -- right from Game Chat
- finally. What gives people like JohnnyR- the right to expect me to put EVERYTHING in chat? for others to use? I find it easier to play in game, chat in PM.

- some of you act like I surf the 4-games-complete list waiting for people to finish their 5th. Not the case.
- some people like to play only high ranks; some medium, some mixed, some NO LOW RANKS. There are few rules regarding who people can an cannot play.

Again, thanks to people like reasonable people like Changsta- who are realistic, openminded and not Purist/Haters.
And JohnnyR-, I'll take fries with my sandwich. . .

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Re: *netham*

Postby lord voldemort on Thu Feb 18, 2010 2:27 pm

FYI...he has been busted with many accounts...
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Re: *netham* [busted +++

Postby #1_stunna on Thu Feb 18, 2010 2:42 pm


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10:59:12 ‹rhp 1› holy hell... that did it.. I pissed myself
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Re: *netham* [busted +++

Postby waseemalim on Thu Feb 18, 2010 3:01 pm

poor kid was probably just trying to play more games. Cant blame him, CC is addictive. not sure if I want to ruin his life by buying him a premium if he's still around.
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Re: *netham*

Postby niMic on Thu Feb 18, 2010 3:02 pm

David Hoekstra wrote:Premium:
- Netham mentioned to ME in a PM that he planned on purchasing it with his chore money.
- He asked me to buy it for him (yeah, right) and later told me one of the -ninjas would buy it for him. Sorta gullible and sounded a lot like an 11 yr old.

Oh f*ck. I suggest we give in to his every demand.

I don't want to piss off any ninjas.
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Re: *netham*

Postby JOHNNYROCKET24 on Thu Feb 18, 2010 3:15 pm

lord voldemort wrote:FYI...he has been busted with many accounts...

how many of those accounts played david ? Curious besides the 19 games against the account in question and how many vs all the others ?
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Re: *netham*

Postby the.killing.44 on Thu Feb 18, 2010 4:09 pm

Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:- more than 2 people have said that I helped them.

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Re: *netham*

Postby Chariot of Fire on Fri Jan 06, 2012 2:10 am

Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:to try to clarify:

- Netham mentioned to ME in a PM that he planned on purchasing it with his chore money.
- He asked me to buy it for him (yeah, right) and later told me one of the -ninjas would buy it for him. Sorta gullible and sounded a lot like an 11 yr old.

- I never said he shouldn't be punished. It appeared someone thought I thought he ought to be "let go". I never said that
- I said the punishment should fit the crime -- and age/understanding. Again it seems like a kid that forgot his password.

- more than 2 people have said that I helped them. Ask CC Admin (K A?) who I asked a few people I help to contact him
- to assume only 2 people were helped or thankful for help is as ludicrous (look it up) as these threads
- as several people I don't even know noted, my help (while far from perfect) is more than most opponents give. I never promised help before games to EVERYONE -- and now damn few. Most people just reply "sure" when I ask them to play a game. they RARELY ask what game/settings.
- JohnnyR- wants proof. lol, did he read Frankly's? -- right from Game Chat
- finally. What gives people like JohnnyR- the right to expect me to put EVERYTHING in chat? for others to use? I find it easier to play in game, chat in PM.

- some of you act like I surf the 4-games-complete list waiting for people to finish their 5th. Not the case.
- some people like to play only high ranks; some medium, some mixed, some NO LOW RANKS. There are few rules regarding who people can an cannot play.

Again, thanks to people like reasonable people like Changsta- who are realistic, openminded and not Purist/Haters.
And JohnnyR-, I'll take fries with my sandwich. . .


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Re: *netham* [busted +++

Postby b00060 on Sun Jan 08, 2012 8:32 pm

So in summary, two people defend multis, multis and those that keep milking their many several accounts for points, in this case a Conquerer and I use that term loosely as I would never call a paper champion a "conqueror".
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