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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed

Postby TeeGee on Sun Feb 14, 2010 4:34 am

looking at the last time these 2 met .. Game 6457818

It appears something suss is going on with these 2 players

*netham* only attacks nuetrals for the 1st 2 rounds and only attacks Gen.LeeGettinhed territories a total of 6 times and neutral territories 11 times, while David attacks netham 42 times
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed

Postby alster on Sun Feb 14, 2010 4:48 am

JOHNNYROCKET24 wrote:Unwritten Rules

Obviously any gross abuse of the game is forbidden. This includes but is not limited to: throwing games or deliberately benefiting from thrown games, intentional deadbeating, holding players hostage, serial teammate killing, hijacking accounts, systematically "farming" new recruits.

gross abuse of suckering low ranks into playing his tactics of farming.

feel free to add your opinions on why this gross abuse should not be over looked any longer. Time to step up to the plate CC and make an example with this player.

Added opinion: The anti-farming rule is clear-cut as it is now, i.e. it covers ?s only. And yet, the rule causes problems applying. To add your suggestion as an unwritten rule, not a good idea. To begin with, the anti-farming rule (covering ?s) has a simple purpose, i.e. to try to make sure?s at least get the chance to sneak a peak of CC in a reasonable friendly environment. But it ends there, the purpose serves no use with respect to non-?s. So, then it would be some general unwritten rule adding another type of prohibited "farming" (noob farming in addition to new recruit farming?). Don't see the point. People pay to play and should be able to do this as they see fit (within the rules, and with respect to rules, less is more). No one gets hurt by Gen.LeeGettinhed's way of playing as you describe it and I don't see any reason why anyone would care. If he raises his score this way and eventually goes Conqueror, well, then it'll just be the usual thread where people claim that this and that conqueror is crap (just switch 1v1 freestyle clickable maps with noob farming).
Gengoldy wrote:Of all the games I've played, and there have been some poor sports and cursing players out there, you are by far the lowest and with the least class.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed

Postby elfish_lad on Sun Feb 14, 2010 6:02 am

alstergren wrote:Added opinion: The anti-farming rule is clear-cut as it is now, i.e. it covers ?s only. And yet, the rule causes problems applying. To add your suggestion as an unwritten rule, not a good idea. To begin with, the anti-farming rule (covering ?s) has a simple purpose, i.e. to try to make sure?s at least get the chance to sneak a peak of CC in a reasonable friendly environment. But it ends there, the purpose serves no use with respect to non-?s. So, then it would be some general unwritten rule adding another type of prohibited "farming" (noob farming in addition to new recruit farming?). Don't see the point. People pay to play and should be able to do this as they see fit (within the rules, and with respect to rules, less is more). No one gets hurt by Gen.LeeGettinhed's way of playing as you describe it and I don't see any reason why anyone would care. If he raises his score this way and eventually goes Conqueror, well, then it'll just be the usual thread where people claim that this and that conqueror is crap (just switch 1v1 freestyle clickable maps with noob farming).

Alright. I didn't always feel this way, but you have convinced me. I think you are right here. The system is fine the way it is for it works itself out.


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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed

Postby Gen.LeeGettinhed on Sun Feb 14, 2010 6:48 am

I think C&A-ers should read other threads before posting crap like this. The previous one was more personal and vindictive, so this one is almost comical (maybe the poster cannot read) -- but both before were overturned. Apparently people like this have nothing better to do with their life -- and THINK you are lawyers/forensic scientists.

FSP (Fascist Purist Proctologist -- I tend to lump similar people together):
- You'll note that now I post rank/completed games AND whether or not I promised to help them (for your use)
- One of your implied "victims" at first got mad at me for losing, then APOLOGIZED and thanked me for showing them how to play the map and overall better (smaller bonuses, forting, etc.). We talk ALL the time in PM's**
- Breaking away from playing too many low ranked players is like an addiction, and to do it right I instituted my own 12-step process. First was cutting back on/eliminating Cooks; which I'm working on (seriously)
- I told *Nehtam* about my "no Cooks" policy and they continually PLEADED with me for a game. I said I would play IF/when they were Cadets or higher. I think it was Nehtam (or another player) that HAD NOT WON A GAME, but I befriended and they started winning (Nehtam now at 24%). I doubt either you or your other FSPs or other higher ranks do a whole lot of that. Regarding their play: they ARE getting better (close to winning, longer games), but I saw them deploy 24 in BI behind Neutrals after and asked them why? (another help). We talk in PMs all the time**

** these are but two of the people that LIKE playing with me, like my help, like TALKING with me. CC made it clear that one of the BIG desires of CC admin was to have it FRIENDLY -- not just friends joining, but making people feel welcome, etc. -- so I do that.

FSP's should remember this is a 12 step process. Please hold your breath (literally) until I complete Step one (damn close -- only played Nehtam (just below Cadet), and move on to Steps 2-12. I also recommended to CC Admin ways to change the Ranking system so my scores would not bother you and your FSP friends.

I'd like to thank all those who voiced proper opinion to argue accuser's point for me. They are the decent people of CC. Thank you all for listening
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed

Postby stahrgazer on Sun Feb 14, 2010 8:13 am

Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:I think C&A-ers should read other threads before posting crap like this. The previous one was more personal and vindictive,

The previous thread was only vindictive because of your nastiness in the thread, David, like your flaming here.

The only 'personal' things about the origins of that thread is that 1) I personally believed that someone who targets the inexperienced in 90% or more of his games, who won't accept legitimate challenges with people who have experience on the various maps or settings, and 2) I personally knew because of comments you'd made in one of our gamechats that you ensure you're selectively picking only those people who do not know the map in question ... was grossly abusing the game, if not outright farming (which is what the OP of that thread accused. I should know, I posted it.)

Now, CC admin came back and said that it's not farming unless it's a new recruit. Admin also came back and said that David's tactics may be (all sorts of spurious things), but wasn't a gross abuse of the game.

So... the definition of farming is limited to ? and someone with 6 games is no longer a ?. Thus, unless the definition of gross abuse of the game changed between then and now, this report will be found to have no merit.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed

Postby *netham* on Sun Feb 14, 2010 10:36 am

David is my friend here at Conquer Club. He plays me when others do not. I am wining more after I learned things from him.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed

Postby CreepersWiener on Sun Feb 14, 2010 11:49 am


Come on, you guys! Who even cares? Why does it matter? How is it affecting you in anyway?

This thread is BS (again!)
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed

Postby *netham* on Sun Feb 14, 2010 12:17 pm

i am a frend of Gen.LeeGettinhed and i play him when no won want's to play me and i am lurning from him
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed

Postby THORNHEART on Sun Feb 14, 2010 3:24 pm

netham tools a captian in this game...

also note beckytheblondie has taken points from netham 2 times.

jewish ninja has taken points 6-7 times....

i think its obvious that david and this kid are friends and playing david most likely helps the kid get better.

when your learning chess you dont play weaker players than yourself

You have received a formal disciplinary warning.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed

Postby maasman on Sun Feb 14, 2010 4:11 pm

If you don't like him, then ignore him, but there are no rules being broken here. If he likes points so much that he goes out of his way to play people that have no chance of winning, then fine.
Some people are asshats in life, but those are the people you ignore.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed

Postby Emmdizzle on Sun Feb 14, 2010 4:16 pm

Bottom line people is that he's breaking no rules and besides who cares mind your own damn CC business.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed

Postby the.killing.44 on Sun Feb 14, 2010 4:22 pm

*netham* wrote:i am a frend of Gen.LeeGettinhed and i play him when no won want's to play me and i am lurning from him

U ar won hoo is stoopit
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed

Postby nemrehs1 on Mon Feb 15, 2010 9:40 am

Look, i looked through all of the old accusations, and even no matter how much evidence there is that they think he is farming...but...on this case he is just NOT farming, everyone who played with him says they learned a lot so he is in face helping players out, and he is not purposefully joinin new recruits games...the players are more than happy to play against him
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed

Postby Frankly, my dear on Mon Feb 15, 2010 11:32 am

I feel this thread is naturally moving in the right direction. To take a quantitative approach like JOHNNYROCKET24 I would like to share some numerical data:

From the start of this thread to this post, there have been 38 posts. Scored by page I am going to show what percentage of people agree, disagree, and ignore the accusations. You will see there are neutral comments, these represent things like JOHNNYROCKET24's double-post/backseat modding and the.killing.44 calling *netham* "stoopit".

Page 1
53.33% In support of accusation (A majority of these are from the same user, and incidentally the thread author)
33.33% In opposition to the accusation
13.33% Wasting time

Page 2
6.66% In support
80% In opposition
13.33% Wasting time

Page 3
0% In support
87.5% In opposition
12.5% Wasting time

Now this raises some interesting questions... Are 13% of all posts here at CC utter bullshit? Are there enough admin in the world to clean 13% of each thread ever created? Does JOHNNYROCKET24 not like Gen.LeeGettinhed?

Enough of the comedy. Gen.LeeGettinhed is not farming. The definition of farming is playing ? New Recruits and smashing their teeth in for points. He plays ranked players, and not only that, he attempts to avoid cooks by his own admission. Each player who signs up for CC has an agenda, some want to play classic all day, some want a pick-up game on the weekend, some have a boring job and network admin has overlooked the restriction of on the web filter, and some want to be at the top. He is the player who wants to rank #1. He has found a way to get pretty damn close and he is not breaking the rules, therefore, the accusation is false. If you are a player who is offended by Gen.LeeGettinhed having the patience to find a way to earn steady points within the guidelines of the rules, execute the strategy, and sit at the rank of General, then perhaps you should PM him and see if he will share some advice with you.

I assume JOHNNYROCKET24 is a bit salty because he wants to play competitive games with competent opponents yet wants to be ranked Conquer... Well, you can't have your cake and eat it too. Clearly Conquer is reserved for the person who has the resolve to play a million noobs a day on the map of their choice.

I commend JR for playing quality opponents a good portion of the time while maintaining a near 70% winning percentage, but cannot avoid looking down on a person who makes false accusations towards another player for no apparent reason. IMHO, I think JR owes DH an apology.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed

Postby nippersean on Mon Feb 15, 2010 3:31 pm

nemrehs1 wrote:Look, i looked through all of the old accusations, and even no matter how much evidence there is that they think he is farming...but...on this case he is just NOT farming, everyone who played with him says they learned a lot so he is in face helping players out, and he is not purposefully joinin new recruits games...the players are more than happy to play against him

Don't think your assassment is up to much there fella. Re farming - was that the C&A? Guess you didn't read it.
Kindly read OP if giving your considered views else they's invalid.

Re Alstergran and Emdizzle input. Kindly check facts also.

Check chat info on games and feedback if you think people aren't having a bad CC experience due to his behaviour.
Can give plenty e.g.'s but really you guys should do that before posting rubbish. Just check yourselves.

Em - it's up to mods to decide on accusation not your ill considered thoughts.

If David is so helpful why not just direct +6 cadets to society for cooks rather than raping them on waterloo / freestyle?
Work that one out.

I find it mildly disconcerting that an 11 yr old thinks he is being helped. Check his games guess he must be kicking arse in freestyle waterloo now?

I really think it's time for some common sense decisions on his behaviour.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed

Postby alex951 on Mon Feb 15, 2010 10:07 pm

this is clean cut. Right now according to the rules david is clear. end of story if you dont like it make a suggestion in the suggestion forum
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed

Postby ask me2 on Mon Feb 15, 2010 11:38 pm

THORNHEART wrote:Pathetic accusation...

while we might disagree with his tactics he is obviously playing within the rules.

1. he plays a variety of low ranks from looks at his pages from cooks up to captian he has played recently.

2. he has play a variety of maps.

what do you reccomend happen he be restricted to inviting only captains and above to his games? Everyone receiving these invites has a choice.

I added up the ranks of his opponents from his most previous page of games

opponents rank/total times played against

conqueror= 0
field marshal= 0
general= 0
brigadier= 0
colonel= 1 ( and he lost ) ( he tried farming a game and was caught by this player )
major= 1 ( and he lost ) ( he tried farming a game and was caught by this player )
captain= 1
lieutenant= 2
sergeant 1st class= 7
sergeant= 6
corporal 1st class= 12
corporal= 13
private 1st class= 9
private= 19
cadet= 32
cook= 15
new recruit= 0

118 total players

85% of the players are below a total of 1300 points ( corporal 1st class )( currently )
13% of the players are between a total of 1300-1800 points
2% of the players are over 1800 points ( which he lost half )

do you think an 11 year old understands what is going on ? 16-0 against *netham*

You have way to much time on your hands.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed

Postby tdans on Tue Feb 16, 2010 12:11 am

ask me2 wrote:
THORNHEART wrote:Pathetic accusation...

while we might disagree with his tactics he is obviously playing within the rules.

1. he plays a variety of low ranks from looks at his pages from cooks up to captian he has played recently.

2. he has play a variety of maps.

what do you reccomend happen he be restricted to inviting only captains and above to his games? Everyone receiving these invites has a choice.

I added up the ranks of his opponents from his most previous page of games

opponents rank/total times played against

conqueror= 0
field marshal= 0
general= 0
brigadier= 0
colonel= 1 ( and he lost ) ( he tried farming a game and was caught by this player )
major= 1 ( and he lost ) ( he tried farming a game and was caught by this player )
captain= 1
lieutenant= 2
sergeant 1st class= 7
sergeant= 6
corporal 1st class= 12
corporal= 13
private 1st class= 9
private= 19
cadet= 32
cook= 15
new recruit= 0

118 total players

85% of the players are below a total of 1300 points ( corporal 1st class )( currently )
13% of the players are between a total of 1300-1800 points
2% of the players are over 1800 points ( which he lost half )

do you think an 11 year old understands what is going on ? 16-0 against *netham*

You have way to much time on your hands.

HAHAHAHHA i couldnt agree more... but yea he Isnt breaking any rules ..... Just drop it
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed

Postby KraphtOne on Tue Feb 16, 2010 12:45 am

Frankly, my dear wrote:I commend JR for playing quality opponents a good portion of the time while maintaining a near 70% winning percentage, but cannot avoid looking down on a person who makes false accusations towards another player for no apparent reason. IMHO, I think JR owes DH an apology.

JR has thousands upon thousands upon thousands of games where he JOINED against weak opponents in games that would boost his win percentage...

That's why he wins 70% of his games...

And that's why this thread is laughable...

JR and DH are both chicken shit for using these tactics, but do like everyone else does and just stop giving a damn...

....... my god when i saw another DH thread i couldn't believe who was doing the accusing of systematically targeting low ranked players

I'm up to my nuts in mendacity... =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

JohnnyRockets24 Relative Rank - Point Hoarder (0.644)
Gen.LeeGettinhed Relative Rank - Point Hoarder (0.618)
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed

Postby Queen_Herpes on Tue Feb 16, 2010 2:30 am

JOHNNYROCKET24 wrote:I added up the ranks of his opponents from his most previous page of games

opponents rank/total times played against

conqueror= 0
field marshal= 0
general= 0
brigadier= 0
colonel= 1 ( and he lost ) ( he tried farming a game and was caught by this player )
major= 1 ( and he lost ) ( he tried farming a game and was caught by this player )
captain= 1
lieutenant= 2
sergeant 1st class= 7
sergeant= 6
corporal 1st class= 12
corporal= 13
private 1st class= 9
private= 19
cadet= 32
cook= 15
new recruit= 0

118 total players

85% of the players are below a total of 1300 points ( corporal 1st class )( currently )
13% of the players are between a total of 1300-1800 points
2% of the players are over 1800 points ( which he lost half )

do you think an 11 year old understands what is going on ? 16-0 against *netham*

JR, I'm typically in support of your pursuits, but this one has some holes in it:

First, do you think every player who lists their age as 11 is actually 11? Certainly possible that he conquer abusing a child, but also possible that the "11y.o." is a 32y.o. who can't play the game very well.

Second, If you check most players, they will have 0 games agains the conqueror, and zero against FMs, brigs, and colonels.

Third, the majority fo the players on this site are below the rank of lieutenant. Therefore, everyone will have a lot of games against low rank players unless they are starting private games and inviting ONLY HIGH RANKS.

It seems like a witch hunt, but if you can come up with better data, I'd sign on in support. Until then, this seems like the cheese of the Swiss.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed

Postby thebest712 on Tue Feb 16, 2010 6:19 am

lol look at the games all private games sent to low ranks think cc has to sent a warning...
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed

Postby alster on Tue Feb 16, 2010 8:37 am

thebest712 wrote:lol look at the games all private games sent to low ranks think cc has to sent a warning...

A warning for what? Warnings usually are sent for rules violations (formal or informal). You have to state the basis for a warning if claiming that such would be appropriate.
Gengoldy wrote:Of all the games I've played, and there have been some poor sports and cursing players out there, you are by far the lowest and with the least class.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed

Postby Tisha on Tue Feb 16, 2010 11:16 am

alstergren wrote:
thebest712 wrote:lol look at the games all private games sent to low ranks think cc has to sent a warning...

A warning for what? Warnings usually are sent for rules violations (formal or informal). You have to state the basis for a warning if claiming that such would be appropriate.

not for farming, but maybe for abuse of the game..
the guy's a pain in the ass.. there have been others banned for that. a warning wouldn't hurt anything but Davids score.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed

Postby JOHNNYROCKET24 on Tue Feb 16, 2010 12:03 pm

latest "victory" :roll:

Game 6470444

He cons pickleprincess ( score of 900 ) to his private game. Prior to this game, pickleprincess played 5 games, just enough to be promoted off of new recruit status, and never playing the map waterloo which we all know as one of the hardest maps to play. :roll: Im sure this opponent was researched before the invite was sent.

2010-02-15 15:19:56 - pickleprincess: ummm this map is confusing!


it is not even until the 3rd round that pickleprincess even figured out how to attack him. Meanwhile, david cashes in round after round of with his bonuses.

and to make sure he can con this same player back for another game

2010-02-15 16:00:16 - Gen.LeeGettinhed: I like the way you play/defend


I guess he likes when players just deploy and end turn

to make matters worse, he even responded to this thread of his abuse and knowingly continues to abuse the low ranks with his invites.

this report is of abuse, not farming

next, he claims he is helping them with their game play. Why does he not use neutral maps and game settings? Why freestyle and Waterloo ? If he really wanted to help them he would atleast give suggestions during the game in what to do. Not false information to steer his opponents into thinking they did a "good job ".
Last edited by JOHNNYROCKET24 on Tue Feb 16, 2010 12:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Gen.LeeGettinhed

Postby alster on Tue Feb 16, 2010 12:09 pm

Tisha wrote:not for farming, but maybe for abuse of the game..
the guy's a pain in the ass.. there have been others banned for that. a warning wouldn't hurt anything but Davids score.

Yesh. But that's the problem. What on earth would the abuse consist of?
Gengoldy wrote:Of all the games I've played, and there have been some poor sports and cursing players out there, you are by far the lowest and with the least class.
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