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brann2006 point dumping[vacation]es

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Re: brann2006 point dumping

Postby firth4eva on Sun Jan 24, 2010 11:11 am

Evil Semp wrote:
firth4eva wrote:Once again CC refuses to solve the point dumping problem. How many more players have to do this for it to be addressed?

It isn't a problem that is easily notice, and by the time it gets noticed who knows how many points have been dumped. Unfortunately rules can't be enforced until they are broken.

Do you have a suggestion on how to solve the problem? Are there warning signs? Do you want us to be proactive and stop it before it happens?

brann2006 is currently on VACATION from the website. And we will be looking to see who took advantage of his point dumping.

There needs to be a way of lowering your score without point dumping
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Re: brann2006 point dumping[vacation]es

Postby therev1957 on Sun Jan 24, 2010 11:48 am

He played me in a speed game and took me down to one then stopped and timed out three time and lost and I checked and he still was online! :o
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Re: brann2006 point dumping

Postby ronsizzle on Sun Jan 24, 2010 11:56 am

Evil Semp wrote:
firth4eva wrote:Once again CC refuses to solve the point dumping problem. How many more players have to do this for it to be addressed?

It isn't a problem that is easily notice, and by the time it gets noticed who knows how many points have been dumped. Unfortunately rules can't be enforced until they are broken.

Do you have a suggestion on how to solve the problem? Are there warning signs? Do you want us to be proactive and stop it before it happens?

brann2006 is currently on VACATION from the website. And we will be looking to see who took advantage of his point dumping.


there was a thread that dufresne posted in when brann was a general with 50 speed games waiting. this could have all been stopped.
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Re: brann2006 point dumping[vacation]es

Postby jpcloet on Sun Jan 24, 2010 12:47 pm

Point dumping cannot be stopped. However, it could be more difficult if players were limited to a set amount of speed games. Currently in Sugs&Bugs.
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Re: brann2006 point dumping[vacation]es

Postby endar1077 on Sun Jan 24, 2010 12:53 pm

Well, now I have to say that I was a little over the top in my anger last night. Probably because I wasn't entirely sober. I still think it's totally messed up, but whatever.

My guess is that he was never planning on coming back. Points dumping that coincides with premium membership ending would indicate to me that he decided to be done with CC. I don't actually know the guy, though, so I could be wrong.
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Re: brann2006 point dumping

Postby Evil Semp on Sun Jan 24, 2010 1:03 pm

ronc8649 wrote:
Evil Semp wrote:
firth4eva wrote:Once again CC refuses to solve the point dumping problem. How many more players have to do this for it to be addressed?

It isn't a problem that is easily notice, and by the time it gets noticed who knows how many points have been dumped. Unfortunately rules can't be enforced until they are broken.

Do you have a suggestion on how to solve the problem? Are there warning signs? Do you want us to be proactive and stop it before it happens?

brann2006 is currently on VACATION from the website. And we will be looking to see who took advantage of his point dumping.


there was a thread that dufresne posted in when brann was a general with 50 speed games waiting. this could have all been stopped.

I don't play many speed game but I do agree that there should be a game limit. But the question ron is creating speed games enough proof that he is point dumping before the games are lost?
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Re: brann2006 point dumping[vacation]es

Postby Fruitcake on Sun Jan 24, 2010 1:22 pm

Point dumping - It's not big and it's not clever

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Re: brann2006 point dumping[vacation]es

Postby ronsizzle on Sun Jan 24, 2010 1:26 pm

it was obvious what his intent was.

it was a two tier thing.

1: be intentionally annoying to other players that have to scroll through all those games.
2: to lose points. not saying intentionally, but losing them regardless. one can not maintain that amount of games and win more than 20 percent of them.

he was wanting a vacation regardless. but andy saw what was going on. so this could have been stopped. sometimes you have to roll with the punches, and move swiftly.
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Re: brann2006 point dumping[vacation]es

Postby gottaloveme on Sun Jan 24, 2010 1:43 pm

brann2006 here. Just walking inside one of my IRL friends account, which is indeeded not active atm 0.o, to just tell everyone the truth. I'd posted this from my own account if that would be a possibility...

First of all, thx AAfitz for rapporting it. I guess the cc team dont manage to do hunting work themself. I wrote it in like all the games I played that I were point dumping. Lmao
AAFitz for multi hunter? *yeay*

and yeah, here it is:

I wanted to ran a test on how poor and slow the cc team really were.


1) I knew that they were slow, and my apply to join them would definitely speed something up in here.
a) A under point to that, I'm tired of waiting...waiting and once again WAITING
2) I find some of the team very bold in their head. Like seriously. Earlier this week I asked two of the chat mods to ban me from the chat all this week. (IRL issues) They didnt cus they didnt even know if they were allowed to do so....
a) They apparently dont got enough knowlegde on what their task and power are.
b) Aint the team supposed to help us, when we need them? Like, I want something, then you give it to me? (oh well, most cases it should be a yes there, but not all those nooby once)
c) And like, all the extream good suggestions out there which never get moved on with, cus they dont know how to fix it. So hey, we got some admins that dont know enough on what kinda shit they are dealing with.
oh well, I'm gonna give an example. Lets take this clan leader should have forum privs for their clan forum. Oh well, you are sitting on your arse waiting for php or whatever to tell you how to do it. You've not got any answer from them after waiting at them for like 1 year? Maybe time to move on? Like seriously, why dont we just make a new forum where this could be fixed much easier (I'm far from any expert on this field, but I know it should be possible!)
3) Tests iz cool. So I found out that I wanted to test this out.

SO, my goal were to do as many rule breakings as possible before I got banned...

What I managed to do before they vacated me:

1. Point dumping from 3800p to what I'm at now (donnu what it is cus I cant see it as I'm vacated, but I guess its around 1300p) (speed games are really good to do this guys, lols)
2. Suiciding different players by purpose. Oh well, I had to make it a fun story too, so suiciding mates like THORN, obx, and others, which I totally knew would piss them off. But hey, they're to cute and funny when they're pissed :D
3. 3 player games is fun, especially when you got a low ranker in it. Going all in on the biggest opponent and then just deadbeat is something I also did.
4. 1vs1, deadbeating 3 first rounds, got some here too
5. 1vs1, killing the opponent down to 1 teritory, then leave the game and miss it out. Haha, someone got shocked there.
6. 2vs2, killing my own partner.
7. spaming down chat
8. being rude at chat (which just gave me 2 chat bans before this)
9. spaming some post at official (this) forum.
10. I did not ran into farming new recruits, damnit forgot about that one.
11. were actually having in mind hijacking some accounts to, but hey, i'm not that morron either.
12. bombarding the shit out of 1s. Damn that takes long time with a huge enough stack...
13. Darn, forgot to make multies too

I guess there is some points I also have missed out here too..

So well, I did manage to make a lot "damage" as I wanted to do in a pretty short time. BUT, I didn't get under 1000p as my goal were. So the multi hunters/Cheating & Abuse guys manage to not fail. But however, I'd give them a E-.

Then over to the quoting!

THORNHEART wrote:I would agree brann is ruining games...he suicided on me 2 times to so i had to foe him cause he is jumping in games and point dumping...


notice his comments

Reason, read above :)

JOHNNYROCKET24 wrote:part 2 of his saga


I didnt know it were not legal, and hey, it worked. A bit cheap yepp, and therefore I quitted doing it...
And hey, I'm far from the only one to do this. (I wont mention names)

endar1077 wrote:The stupid moron admitted to it.

Game 6285058

I haven't been this pissed off since Manimal spammed my wall. I can't believe it. This dude started a game and required 4500 points for opponents in a high-points callout. I knew that a lot of people had him foed, but I figured it was just because he had a bad attitude.

But seriously, starting SEVERAL high-points callout games (there were many, overall) where you require that your opponents match your points, and then dumping your rank before the games finish is just unbelievable. This son of a bitch needs to be booted off the site. It is clear that he is a malicious prick, who thrives on the idea ruining other players' experiences.

But here it is, in a nutshell:
2010-01-23 10:54:42 - endar1077: what happened Brann...General to Major in a day???????
2010-01-23 10:55:02 - endar1077: chephren for endar again btw
2010-01-23 13:53:02 - Brann2006: I'm point dumping smartarse

f*ck him.

lovcha too. Well, if you count 2 or 3 as severals, then I count your fingers as to many.

jammyjames wrote:He is a actually a really nice bloke... i thinkthe dice got to his head and he just ended up losing lots... so he just gave up... it certainly was not a malicious attack towards you and your teamate endar...

thx jammy, your nice (an arse sometimes though) too :)

and no, I'm not kidding about this one.

hahaha3hahaha wrote:Yeah I second that, Brann wasn't intentionally dumping to sabotage people that joined his private high rank games. He just got sick of the high rank and went crazy, I suspect. Prismsaber did the exact same thing. It's not just the high rankers that do this, a lot of people just wake up some days in a particularly bad mood and say "f*ck it, I feel like a good ol' game of doodleass", and will be in a huge point slump for a while. Same happened to me, I felt like going for gold manual so I created hundreds of manual 1v1s, not long after, 1k points less. If you keep playing strictly to maintain high points, it gets very boring. And yeah, he may come across as a bit of a dick, but he's a nice guy if you get on his good side, he usually pisses people off with his extreme social unawareness 8)

Why are you always trying and making your way to being the "wise guy"?

KraphtOne wrote:brann wasnt point dumping just was about to lose premium so played as many speed games as possible, most of which were 3 or 4 player sequential games with low ranked players...

you try keeping your rank up playing nothing but sequential speed games on random maps...

brann just used the "i'm point dumping" to save a little face for losing such a high percentage of games over a day...

didn't lose ALL the games, just most of em... which will happen if you join every speed game you possibly can...

i refer back to my "use your brains" quote that i've used in the past...

Stop bullshiting and cover my arse pall. I did it on my own way : )

And no, I didnt lose all games. Cus some games are just not possible to give away. Like the games freestyle games with zep inside. Heck its a good feeling to win against that fast kiddo. It would totally be the same if you or reck were in it. I would never point dump in a game like that. To much fun to let go at once....

obliterationX wrote:I was playing a 4-way escalating game with him yesterday, standard, yet he assaulted me at every opportunity, at one point ignoring an easy kill on another player for their cards.

Reason is above

AAFitz wrote:Im going to use the phrase "use your eyes". Look at those logs. Its not that hes losing, its that hes suiciding which proves the dumping. I agree, he tried to be sly about it and give some plausible deniability....but he just didnt do a good enough job of that.

well, I were 100% honest all the time. I did do it and I did not try to cover it. Why should I? I even ran to long without trying to hide it......
The team should be...ashamed of their own back

jaimito101 wrote:
JOHNNYROCKET24 wrote: watch all the--- problem players--- of this site come and support brann which is a typical response when someone is about to get booted. ---They seem to work together like a pack of wolves --- everytime one of them is in the spotlight. Now carry on.

lmao seems like you have an educated and completly unbiased opionion on these players ;)

brann wasn't playing the best he could, think he just flipped at some point, as a result of dice, and/or spending too much site on this website and just wanted to go out with a bang. He'll get punished, but he knows it, and actually seemed to be soliciting for it. So i just think he wants to take a break form CC.

too bad cause he was pretty active in the tournament circuit... currently participating in one of them and would be a shame if it would discontinue.

Not really, just a test that I ran. But if they strip my premium, then I'm lost for cc. And I were actually on my way to release another 15 tourneys next week. HALLELUJA to that

Evil Semp wrote:It isn't a problem that is easily notice, and by the time it gets noticed who knows how many points have been dumped. Unfortunately rules can't be enforced until they are broken.

Do you have a suggestion on how to solve the problem? Are there warning signs? Do you want us to be proactive and stop it before it happens?

brann2006 is currently on VACATION from the website. And we will be looking to see who took advantage of his point dumping.

oh well. vacate me as much as you want. But seriously man, its not hard to find out how many points thats been droped, just use your fingers and count for god damnit :) Then you would at least get good at something.

alstergren wrote:
JOHNNYROCKET24 wrote:part 2 of his saga


Don't see the relevance of this. I see no reason to believe that this was nothing but an unintentional rule violation.

Indeded mr.wise swede :)

therev1957 wrote:He played me in a speed game and took me down to one then stopped and timed out three time and lost and I checked and he still was online! :o

You enjoyed it? Well, reason is written above

ronc8649 wrote:it was obvious what his intent was.

it was a two tier thing.

1: be intentionally annoying to other players that have to scroll through all those games.
2: to lose points. not saying intentionally, but losing them regardless. one can not maintain that amount of games and win more than 20 percent of them.

he was wanting a vacation regardless. but andy saw what was going on. so this could have been stopped. sometimes you have to roll with the punches, and move swiftly.

Dont make your statement clear to early pall. yes, I lost by purpose, but I didnt want a vacation...

To then end I will say this. I will come back (I do at least think so), as long as I dont get stripped for premium... And I will be back with my star (general rank) in that case.
If guys want to point reset me down to 1000p, I couldn't care less. I were almost done with my goal on the way down there. But that would not be much appriciated around when I starting farming high rankers :)

So shure, do whatever you CC team want to do. I've already proven that your slow and not knowlegded enough on your task, so I bet you can do this wrong too. But hey, surprises lives around every corner every day (oh well, sometimes they do), so we'll see what your decition will be.


-@- Brann -@-
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Re: brann2006 point dumping[vacation]es

Postby the.killing.44 on Sun Jan 24, 2010 2:26 pm


I love it when people stick up for friends (and yell at authority) when the friend was really trying to break rules.
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Re: brann2006 point dumping[vacation]es

Postby jpcloet on Sun Jan 24, 2010 2:30 pm

And clearly misbehaving is the best way to get what you want from the site. Hey lack can you please provide.......when will we get.......have you started.......fine, I'll cheat to prove my point.....

Always works.... :)
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Re: brann2006 point dumping[vacation]es

Postby firth4eva on Sun Jan 24, 2010 4:09 pm

God Brann, you could have done it so much better. You actually did it in a very shit way. You pissed some of your friends off and gave points out. You didn't prove anything new about the CC team. And btw, they couldn't ban you in live chat, it's stupid to even request. Stop trying to turn the result of your RL problems into something. You got pissed and point dumped. That was all.
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Re: brann2006 point dumping

Postby AAFitz on Sun Jan 24, 2010 4:48 pm

firth4eva wrote:Once again CC refuses to solve the point dumping problem. How many more players have to do this for it to be addressed?

this was not Team CCs mistake. it was the fact that player after player either didnt believe he was point dumping and didnt report it...or just didnt want to report it.

I suspect others didnt report it, because of the hassle, but also, because brann put enough thought into this, that it wasnt simple enough to just show all his lost games...he won some, he tried in some....and finding the thrown ones wasnt as straightforward as it could have been.

In any case, very soon after I posted it, he was vacationed.

There are many CC terrorists in here. They thrive on it. Many stay within the rules as much as they can to continue to terrorize, simply because thats how they have fun. Some would say its some kind of psychological problem, but since it mostly kids...usually, its just boys being boys...and sometimes...girls acting like boys...and quite often...boys acting like girls....

One must accept this is an online game, and accept that this kind of behavior will ALWAYS happen. That doesnt mean we cant work to control it as much as possible...but blaming the management for not being able to stop every instance of cheating or rules violation is ridiculous...especially when half of the posts are suggesting they do so too often.

Basically, you cant please all the people all the any who have been here as long as I have know.....CC will always be predominately made up of positive great people and players. It will also always suffer the occasional internet terrorist...and some may even take that too personally, and others will spend quite a bit of time on it. In the end...its all entertainment....we are all lucky to be able to suffer such people, lucky not to be them, and lucky to be able to be connected to the internet, attacking regions with our intensity cubes, as people dig out their dead under the collapsed buildings. We are so lucky to suffer such things that it is not funny.

Thank you brann...for showing us how lucky we are. Most of us are so thankful that we do not need to do such things to be happy. And also for making some seem kind of silly....and...for well...putting so much time into this wonderfully entertaining stunt.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.
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Re: brann2006 point dumping[vacation]es

Postby firth4eva on Sun Jan 24, 2010 4:53 pm

This was Team CC's mistake. They have no way of a high player who wants to start at 1000 to do so without point dumping.
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Re: brann2006 point dumping

Postby AAFitz on Sun Jan 24, 2010 4:56 pm

Evil Semp wrote:
ronc8649 wrote:
Evil Semp wrote:
firth4eva wrote:Once again CC refuses to solve the point dumping problem. How many more players have to do this for it to be addressed?

It isn't a problem that is easily notice, and by the time it gets noticed who knows how many points have been dumped. Unfortunately rules can't be enforced until they are broken.

Do you have a suggestion on how to solve the problem? Are there warning signs? Do you want us to be proactive and stop it before it happens?

brann2006 is currently on VACATION from the website. And we will be looking to see who took advantage of his point dumping.


there was a thread that dufresne posted in when brann was a general with 50 speed games waiting. this could have all been stopped.

I don't play many speed game but I do agree that there should be a game limit. But the question ron is creating speed games enough proof that he is point dumping before the games are lost?

You have to look closely at the game. It wasnt necessarily the number of games that proves dumping...that is dumping defacto...but not the reason he is guilty of dumping....the reason he is guilty of dumping, is because, and only because he was intentionally throwing games to do it. If he set up too many games, and ended up not being able to make them, it isnt hardly as bad as actually suiciding to give others the game. Most of the games brann set up, were unlikely ever to fill. the main reason he lost, was because he actually made moves which would cost him the game. It was the suiciding that allowed me to post the complaint...if he was just losing a bunch of games...I wouldnt have posted. Its why he got so far....he gave some plausible deniability along the anyone who actually wanted to make the accusation, would have to find games he actually was throwing...and not just saying he was throwing.
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Re: brann2006 point dumping[vacation]es

Postby JOHNNYROCKET24 on Sun Jan 24, 2010 6:07 pm

gottaloveme wrote:brann2006 here. Just walking inside one of my IRL friends account, which is indeeded not active atm 0.o, to just tell everyone the truth. I'd posted this from my own account if that would be a possibility...

brann saga part 3

directly admitting of posting from another players account to avoid the ban given to him from the site. Also, possible multi account ?
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Re: brann2006 point dumping[vacation]es

Postby Night Strike on Sun Jan 24, 2010 6:15 pm

firth4eva wrote:This was Team CC's mistake. They have no way of a high player who wants to start at 1000 to do so without point dumping.

You're assumption is that there should be a method to restart at 1000 points. Many people, including myself, would strongly disagree with that assumption. When a player with the talent of 3000+ points suddenly has only 1000 points, the only player benefiting from the game is the player who restarted their points. Every opponent they play against will be harmed by this move because instead of losing 5 points to 3000 point talent, they're losing 20+ points. So yes, it may help this 1 person, but it hurts the 99% of players they will play against.
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Re: brann2006 point dumping[vacation]es

Postby Fruitcake on Sun Jan 24, 2010 6:33 pm

Night Strike wrote:
firth4eva wrote:This was Team CC's mistake. They have no way of a high player who wants to start at 1000 to do so without point dumping.

You're assumption is that there should be a method to restart at 1000 points. Many people, including myself, would strongly disagree with that assumption. When a player with the talent of 3000+ points suddenly has only 1000 points, the only player benefiting from the game is the player who restarted their points. Every opponent they play against will be harmed by this move because instead of losing 5 points to 3000 point talent, they're losing 20+ points. So yes, it may help this 1 person, but it hurts the 99% of players they will play against.

For once I must agree wholeheartedly with can only imagine the carnage if say Seul, rabbiton, Herpes, laddida, myself and others decided to reset our points at 1000 and start climbing the scoreboard again.

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Re: brann2006 point dumping[vacation]es

Postby rhp 1 on Sun Jan 24, 2010 6:38 pm

someone explain to me the theory behind point dumping... i realize top players stick to players of high rank as not to lose too many points from a loss, while not gaining any for a win... but when players get sick of their high rank.. instead of dumping, just play everyone.
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Re: brann2006 point dumping

Postby Woodruff on Sun Jan 24, 2010 7:27 pm

wolfpack0530 wrote:
Falkomagno wrote:why people do that?'I mean..point dumping??

When your point total gets really high, you find yourself only playing the games you are an 'expert' at. You rarely stray from your comfort zone, and you try to avoid playing singles games with low ranking players, because wins = few points gained, and losses = lots of points lost.

But see, that is not a legitimate excuse for point-dumping at all. If they'd just play the games they feel like playing and continuing to play-to-win, their score would simply "naturally" lower, serving the purpose they allegedly want to serve by point-dumping.

firth4eva wrote:This was Team CC's mistake. They have no way of a high player who wants to start at 1000 to do so without point dumping.

What legitimate reason would a high rank player have for wanting to do so? I can think of none.
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Re: brann2006 point dumping[vacation]es

Postby AAFitz on Sun Jan 24, 2010 7:40 pm

Night Strike wrote:
firth4eva wrote:This was Team CC's mistake. They have no way of a high player who wants to start at 1000 to do so without point dumping.

You're assumption is that there should be a method to restart at 1000 points. Many people, including myself, would strongly disagree with that assumption. When a player with the talent of 3000+ points suddenly has only 1000 points, the only player benefiting from the game is the player who restarted their points. Every opponent they play against will be harmed by this move because instead of losing 5 points to 3000 point talent, they're losing 20+ points. So yes, it may help this 1 person, but it hurts the 99% of players they will play against.

More importantly, it is very easy to go from 3000 points to 1000 points.... while trying to genuinely win every one of the games. If he just played doodle assassin games, hed have achieved the same goal, unless he won 3 out of 8 at his score. Its just absolutely ridiculous to blame this on anyone but the player himself....and even the player himself takes full responsibility for it.

To suggest someone should have the right to reset their score at will is just silly. To suggest someone should be able to ruin games, deadbeat, and throw games to achieve this is absolutely ridiculous.
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Re: brann2006 point dumping[vacation]es

Postby AAFitz on Sun Jan 24, 2010 7:44 pm

jpcloet wrote:And clearly misbehaving is the best way to get what you want from the site. Hey lack can you please provide.......when will we get.......have you started.......fine, I'll cheat to prove my point.....

Always works.... :)

Whats really disappointing about this common approach, is that the people doing it, simply dont take into consideration how much work actually has been put into the site, to accommodate the varying needs of many diverse players. So much time is spent listening to, and reviewing the ideas of the many on the site....and then someone comes along in some ego-infatuated-state of insanity and decides to take it upon themselves to change everything, ignoring all due process, simply because they can, and simply because they think they are right.

In the real world, we call these people terrorists. Certainly the stakes in an online game are nothing like the real world, but the action has the same basis, and justification. There will always be monkeys at the zoo, who throw their crap at the glass because they want something...and surely there will always be someone who has to go clean it up.....But most of us are just thankful, we aren't those monkeys, even if we are the ones that occasionally have to clean up the sh*t.
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