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classicmap- multi [Busted]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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Re: classicmap- multi [Busted]

Postby alex951 on Wed Dec 30, 2009 11:38 am

angola wrote:
alex951 wrote:I have a question. On the iPhone you can copy and paste right? So could you have gone to the forums and copyed your name then paste it in the username box?

The copy and paste button on the iPhone is rather new, so he may have created the new account before the 'copy and paste' button came about.

Oh, and why do you use the phrase 'srry'? Is it so, so, so, so hard to type that extra 'o'?

True true I was being lazy. My psychology teacher did something similar and we ( class mates) were making fun of her. So your right next time I will include the o ;3
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