Conquer Club

BoganGod - Farming [closed]

All previously decided cases. Please check here before opening a new case.

Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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[These cases have been closed. If you would like to appeal the decision of the hunter please open a ticket on the help page and the case will be looked into by a second hunter.]

Re: BoganGod

Postby lord voldemort on Wed Nov 04, 2009 8:34 am

starting a new thread i have already locked [-X
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Re: BoganGod - Farming

Postby king achilles on Fri Nov 06, 2009 3:15 am

As much as we want to share your beliefs about this feudal-farming issue, creating a spurious report is definitely not the way. If you do not like the outcome of certain cases, then that is unfortunate for you. If things do not go the way you expect them to be, learn how to accept and move on. Otherwise, if you do a foolish thing, do not be surprised if it is not tolerated.

If the Feudal map has been overlooked, it is already being re-evaluated for further adjustment from a new recruit's join-ability. We are doing what we can to minimize any exploitation on how to go around the farming rule and to have more credible players in the scoreboard who gained points that are not coming from new recruits. Yes, out of this feudal map-farming reports, some were warned, and some were not, being that different players do their own actions. There can be different verdicts when it comes to farming reports, as it is basically a case-to-case basis, depending on what was done and the number of games presented.

We are now less strict as compared when this farming rule was newly brought out, as we would really like you guys to enjoy as much as freedom as possible in creating your preferred games.

However, as a veteran player, and a regular forumer, you know the farming rule, you know about this map, about it's connection to farming, so you should know better not to take advantage of this setting. And yet some still continue to create a mass number of Feudal games so that they could rank up in the scoreboard, thanks to Feudal, not being a "standard classic map" + new recruits = easy points.

We can always deny any suspicious motivation for creating Feudal games and just claim it's our favorite and preferred map anyway.

Still, the results are there and it has become a fact. A sad part is, some would rather follow this technique to farm points. It's like taking advantage of a 'non-simple' map at the expense of new recruits.

Warnings will still be given as an advisement for you to change your preferred settings from time to time. It's not suppose to end your world or castrate you. It's to remind you that we have a farming rule that we need to respect. We would prefer that you diversify your games and move away from games which might be interpreted as farming and decrease an already above average number of new recruits coming from a single map.
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