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steve 3ah [busted]

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Re: steve 3ah [busted]

Postby Woodruff on Tue Dec 08, 2009 3:59 pm

deathcomesrippin wrote:? If you pay for premium you can get away with multis? Is that actually a rule?

Sadly, yes.
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Re: steve 3ah [busted]

Postby 72o on Tue Dec 08, 2009 4:46 pm

Apparently he's not banned, because he's posting in the forums. I don't know.
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Re: steve 3ah [busted]

Postby steve 3ah on Tue Dec 08, 2009 4:58 pm

72o wrote:Apparently he's not banned, because he's posting in the forums. I don't know.

it would seem that cc have passed my premium over to my billy07 account. which i am more than happy with. i never wanted to cheat anyone and didn't know the procedure of finding out my pw. now all i need is the pw so i can access it and everybody is happy :D .
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Re: steve 3ah [busted]

Postby Queen_Herpes on Tue Dec 08, 2009 5:00 pm

72o wrote:He can't post here if he's banned.

Also, when he made the Steve 3ah account, he checked a little box that said "I will only ever use one account." So, he lied right there.

If he wanted to play again, he should have sent an e-ticket to reset his password so he could use his original account. Instead, he created a multi, which caused him to be banned.

Maybe for $25 more, and a promise not to do it again, he can be unbanned.

The point is that he was told once that he was in error...and the solution the mods came up with was to tell him he could rebuy with the Steve 3ah account. SO HE DID.

As far as the "only ever use one account" jargon, I think that you can understand his situation. He forgot the password, he didn't know about etickets, and it was never his intention to use two accounts. He, like anyone who is re-accessing a site they have been away from for a while, probably figured it wouldn't be a big deal. shouldn't be this big of a deal.

Look at his comments in the game where he was "identified" as a multi...then look at his comments on this thread. He clearly didn't see any error or cheating in his ways. I'm not one to say that ignorance allows a person to be free from consequence, but he obviously did not consider himself to be cheating by using multiple accounts.

The hammer (once again) came down too quickly on this one...without enough review. moderators should be given the power to mark accussations as "[Pending]" and should communicate with the accussed considerably before marking them "[busted.]"
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Re: steve 3ah [busted]

Postby 72o on Tue Dec 08, 2009 5:28 pm

Queen_Herpes wrote:
72o wrote:He can't post here if he's banned.

Also, when he made the Steve 3ah account, he checked a little box that said "I will only ever use one account." So, he lied right there.

If he wanted to play again, he should have sent an e-ticket to reset his password so he could use his original account. Instead, he created a multi, which caused him to be banned.

Maybe for $25 more, and a promise not to do it again, he can be unbanned.

The point is that he was told once that he was in error...and the solution the mods came up with was to tell him he could rebuy with the Steve 3ah account. SO HE DID.

As far as the "only ever use one account" jargon, I think that you can understand his situation. He forgot the password, he didn't know about etickets, and it was never his intention to use two accounts. He, like anyone who is re-accessing a site they have been away from for a while, probably figured it wouldn't be a big deal. shouldn't be this big of a deal.

Look at his comments in the game where he was "identified" as a multi...then look at his comments on this thread. He clearly didn't see any error or cheating in his ways. I'm not one to say that ignorance allows a person to be free from consequence, but he obviously did not consider himself to be cheating by using multiple accounts.

The hammer (once again) came down too quickly on this one...without enough review. moderators should be given the power to mark accussations as "[Pending]" and should communicate with the accussed considerably before marking them "[busted.]"

I would tend to agree with you that he's not maliciously creating multis after understanding the situation, but I still think CC is doing the right thing by enforcing a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to multis. They are the largest threat to the integrity of the game, and if left unchecked, would destroy the revenue-generating potential of this site.

I also think things like this thread could be put to bed if they would state publicly their actions regarding something like this. If I were steve 3ah, I would certainly want people to know that CC had ruled that I was not a cheater, but simply naive to the rules, and they had allowed me to buy back in. I would expect people to be told all of this so that I would be treated like any other member of the community, and not a past cheater.
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Re: steve 3ah [busted]

Postby king sam on Tue Dec 08, 2009 5:38 pm

Queen_Herpes wrote:The point is that he was told once that he was in error...and the solution the mods came up with was to tell him he could rebuy with the Steve 3ah account. SO HE DID.

As far as the "only ever use one account" jargon, I think that you can understand his situation. He forgot the password, he didn't know about etickets, and it was never his intention to use two accounts. He, like anyone who is re-accessing a site they have been away from for a while, probably figured it wouldn't be a big deal. shouldn't be this big of a deal.

Look at his comments in the game where he was "identified" as a multi...then look at his comments on this thread. He clearly didn't see any error or cheating in his ways. I'm not one to say that ignorance allows a person to be free from consequence, but he obviously did not consider himself to be cheating by using multiple accounts.

The hammer (once again) came down too quickly on this one...without enough review. moderators should be given the power to mark accussations as "[Pending]" and should communicate with the accussed considerably before marking them "[busted.]"

Do you have to make a cognizant effort when creating an account on here to adhere to the rule of only having 1 account. Yes you do, cause you check so in a box.

Cut & Dry he had more than 1 account, regardless of the reasoning, regardless of whether he was using the accounts to boost his score on one account or not its a violation of the rules that everyone has checked that they would follow when they signed up.

If you start allowing acceptable reasoning on this then you open the door for a loophole that any user can throw out there. Which in turn doesn't benefit the site or its users and we have even more mod decision hating going on.

Its pretty standard what happens when found in this violation, regardless of the situation. Both accounts get Busted, stripped of premium(s) and only the initial account will be available for a possible re-buy if that user wishes to continue to play on the site. Since the initial password was lost on the initial account this user was allowed to re buy under the steve 3ah accounts.

And one last tid bit to throw out there steve 3ah was BUSTED with billy07, britbloodthirsty, bean, geordielandpower, steve lee, sure steve. I'd say the excuse that you guys were trying to logically stand up for of losing the password on the one account doesn't stand up anymore.

Good Day,
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Re: steve 3ah [busted]

Postby Queen_Herpes on Tue Dec 08, 2009 5:52 pm

king sam wrote:
Do you have to make a cognizant effort when creating an account on here to adhere to the rule of only having 1 account. Yes you do, cause you check so in a box.

Were it not for my freuquent visits to the cheating and abuse forum, I would have no idea about the "checkbox." It is completely forgettable. It is also something that I probably didn't read when I joined. There are so many programs, sites, etc., that require you to "click here" to "comply" that referring back to the "checkbox" as evidence of a person's malfesance is silly.

king sam wrote:
And one last tid bit to throw out there steve 3ah was BUSTED with billy07, britbloodthirsty, bean, geordielandpower, steve lee, sure steve. I'd say the excuse that you guys were trying to logically stand up for of losing the password on the one account doesn't stand up anymore.

So, he had more than just "Steve 3ah" and billy07???? My apologies. However, once again, if we knew this earlier in the post it would have spared me the time of discussing it here and with him. The more that is related to the players about a player's violations, the better.

So, will he be able to come back as billy07?
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Re: steve 3ah [busted]

Postby the.killing.44 on Tue Dec 08, 2009 5:54 pm

Queen_Herpes wrote:
king sam wrote:
Do you have to make a cognizant effort when creating an account on here to adhere to the rule of only having 1 account. Yes you do, cause you check so in a box.

Were it not for my freuquent visits to the cheating and abuse forum, I would have no idea about the "checkbox." It is completely forgettable. It is also something that I probably didn't read when I joined. There are so many programs, sites, etc., that require you to "click here" to "comply" that referring back to the "checkbox" as evidence of a person's malfesance is silly.

I have not heard many worse arguments.
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Re: steve 3ah [busted]

Postby Queen_Herpes on Tue Dec 08, 2009 6:00 pm

the.killing.44 wrote:
Queen_Herpes wrote:
king sam wrote:
Do you have to make a cognizant effort when creating an account on here to adhere to the rule of only having 1 account. Yes you do, cause you check so in a box.

Were it not for my freuquent visits to the cheating and abuse forum, I would have no idea about the "checkbox." It is completely forgettable. It is also something that I probably didn't read when I joined. There are so many programs, sites, etc., that require you to "click here" to "comply" that referring back to the "checkbox" as evidence of a person's malfesance is silly.

I have not heard many worse arguments.

Oh, come on. How many times have you read the disclosures insert with a new phone? How many times have you "checked here" on a cell phone agreement? How many times have you "clicked to accept" the user agreement on a new computer, new piece of software, new video game, new internet account, etc., etc.,???

From the looks of it, I was way off on this player anyways. But had his original story been true, I think it is highly believable to walk right past the "no multis, I promise" checkbox without reading it or giving it a second thought.
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Re: steve 3ah [busted]

Postby AndyDufresne on Tue Dec 08, 2009 6:09 pm

I'm not sure the cell phone agreement is really an accurate analogy---considering we don't have pages for someone to read or scroll through. Pretty much all could be read in under a minute. Additionally, people can at any time refer easily to the rules page---more so than say they could read some old agreement they signed/checked long ago.

But all of this is probably a discussion for another topic!

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Re: steve 3ah [busted]

Postby the.killing.44 on Tue Dec 08, 2009 6:10 pm

Queen_Herpes wrote:
the.killing.44 wrote:
Queen_Herpes wrote:
king sam wrote:
Do you have to make a cognizant effort when creating an account on here to adhere to the rule of only having 1 account. Yes you do, cause you check so in a box.

Were it not for my freuquent visits to the cheating and abuse forum, I would have no idea about the "checkbox." It is completely forgettable. It is also something that I probably didn't read when I joined. There are so many programs, sites, etc., that require you to "click here" to "comply" that referring back to the "checkbox" as evidence of a person's malfesance is silly.

I have not heard many worse arguments.

Oh, come on. How many times have you read the disclosures insert with a new phone? How many times have you "checked here" on a cell phone agreement? How many times have you "clicked to accept" the user agreement on a new computer, new piece of software, new video game, new internet account, etc., etc.,???

From the looks of it, I was way off on this player anyways. But had his original story been true, I think it is highly believable to walk right past the "no multis, I promise" checkbox without reading it or giving it a second thought.

So? You're right, but you can't use "oh I didn't read the contract" as an excuse to break the rules. I said your using it as an argument was terrible, not your point itself.
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Re: steve 3ah [busted]

Postby colton24 on Tue Dec 08, 2009 6:16 pm

I think he shouldn't have been busted because he didn't know about E-Tickets as many people don't. I mean really he shouldn't have been busted. Plus what if he can't access his E-Mail for some reason. I mean really comeon CC
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pmchugh wrote:BUMP- one more fool needed :mrgreen:

One fool reporting for duty!

Been around for too long...said things that shouldn't have been said...but all that has changed
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Re: steve 3ah [busted]

Postby the.killing.44 on Tue Dec 08, 2009 6:25 pm

colton24 wrote:I think he shouldn't have been busted because he didn't know about E-Tickets as many people don't. I mean really he shouldn't have been busted. Plus what if he can't access his E-Mail for some reason. I mean really comeon CC

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Re: steve 3ah [busted]

Postby Bones2484 on Tue Dec 08, 2009 6:25 pm

colton24 wrote:I think he shouldn't have been busted because he didn't know about E-Tickets as many people don't. I mean really he shouldn't have been busted. Plus what if he can't access his E-Mail for some reason. I mean really comeon CC

Do you even bother to read the threads that you post in?

king sam wrote:
And one last tid bit to throw out there steve 3ah was BUSTED with billy07, britbloodthirsty, bean, geordielandpower, steve lee, sure steve. I'd say the excuse that you guys were trying to logically stand up for of losing the password on the one account doesn't stand up anymore.

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Re: steve 3ah [busted]

Postby king sam on Tue Dec 08, 2009 6:55 pm

lol.. Im locking this. Colton heed the advice of the seasoned posters that posted above.

Case has been Closed due to steve 3ah having not 1, not 2 not 3 but 6 multiple accounts, and as stated the rules are readily available for all and if not followed then you leave yourself vulnerable to the consequences.

Feel free to take the discussion on procedures in this matter to the suggs & bugs forum if you wish.

P.S. Evidence at first only implicated the first 2 accounts, but further research showed all 6 were actually 1 hence why it wasn't announced earlier in the thread. And since the action was the same there was no need to add more implications to a player that already received his punishment.

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