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Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]es

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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby HighlanderAttack on Mon Feb 27, 2012 9:25 pm

Night Strike wrote:
Master Bush wrote:I really don't care what you have to say Night Strike. I'm over the mod "spin" that gets pushed down the paying costumers throats. It's about time someone looks into this site, since the "owner" has all but abandon it.

What will someone looking into it change? And it's sad that you think the truth is considered "mod spin". Like I said, the lynch mob will just throw tantrums until they get the heads of anyone they deem unworthy. No matter whether that person is guilty or not. I'm not going to defend any of GLG's actions or antics, but it's equally wrong for so many people to automatically assume someone is guilty and think there's a massive conspiracy going on anytime someone is cleared.

Mods are doing a fine job.

Why people care so much about GLG and how he plays is beyond me.

I think the few thread knockers that always have something to say against anything they can need to get lives.

A mod is a thankless job which they don't even get paid for. I applaud all the mods even if I do disagree with them from time to time. =D> =D> =D>
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby Viceroy63 on Mon Feb 27, 2012 10:10 pm

I want to congratulate GeneralLeeGettinHed for being cleared of the most circumstantial Nonsense (Bullshit), that I have seen in quite some time. I read this whole thread and with this kind of circumstantial evidence I can even prove that Santa Claus is real and that he is a Multi-User on CC and that he is Glg's son as well.

I think it is just shameful when people start witch hunts to satisfy some deep seeded desire out of envy and spite and forget the fact that inciting a riot is not justice. In my opinion, even if Glg had been guilty and I was in charge of the verdict, I would have thrown this whole case out the door simply because personal information is personal and yet many of you supposedly fine folks here, continued to insist on repeating this person's name over and over again as if you were not breaking any rules yourselves.

Just because everyone is doing it, does not make it right. And no matter how many times you repeat the circumstantial evidence does not make it any more real. Evidence is undeniable facts and what this whole thing was based on was a theory that some one had based on words and hearsay. It was truly a waste of time for the CC staff and everyone involved in this thread and that in itself should carry some kind of a penalty for the person who instigated this whole thing.

Perhaps there should be a CC counselor where people who want to file a complaint can go to them first and get counseling before creating a thread. IDK, perhaps. They can always create a new topic anyway but this may prove helpful in reducing time wasted in investigating nonsense. For if the CC staff investigate everyone who is accused with no real evidence then CC will cease to be fun and turn into a tribunal court. Are there really enough volunteers for all this time wasted? This C&A section should really be for the more serious accusations based on real evidence to debate. And each thread should cover only one accusations and not mix in/up a whole lot of different accusations together.

I truly admire the character of those in charge of the decision for many of the words said to you by those who disagreed with the decision should certainly have some kind of penalty to it for just being rude and disrespectful. I am sure that there is a ruling on that somewhere? I just haven't read that far yet.

If people disagree with the way that things are being done on CC then leave CC. Start your own site based on your ways of doing things. But don't continue to attend a site that you disagree with all the while inciting more riots and insulting the people who are only trying to serve the rest of us better.

I propose that CC have a special meeting to make it a ruling on such a thing. While we are all free to express our opinions we definitely do not have the right to be calling others a "Moron" or any insulting names just because we don't agree with them or their decisions??? That should be a crime!

Again I really just want to congratulate GeneralLeeGettinHed and all the staff at CC for providing a wonderful service and for arriving at a just and correct decision. And anyone who does not like it.... "Adios, Baby, and See Yaaaa!"
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby chapcrap on Mon Feb 27, 2012 10:11 pm

Master Bush wrote:looks like glg signed another check over. just helping the mods out in their personal lives, while they turn a blind eye.

btw, I have it on good authority that lackattack has VERY little to do with this site anymore. It's pretty much being run (into the ground) by Andy Dufresne, with help from KA and others. I haven't started a non tournament game, and once my tournament games are done, i'm out. I've decided to file a report about below:

I suggest others do the same, so that someone takes a look inside of whats going on behind closed doors at this site. I guarantee you they will discover some interest stuff, like dice codes.

I wish GLG would help me in my personal life.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby lanyards on Mon Feb 27, 2012 10:27 pm

Quoted for truth Viceroy63, and job well done C&A mods. I've noticed a great recent improvement in your work.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby TheGeneral2112 on Tue Feb 28, 2012 1:11 am

lanyards wrote:Quoted for truth Viceroy63.

Except you didn't quote it?
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby Swimmerdude99 on Tue Feb 28, 2012 1:25 am

HighlanderAttack wrote:
Night Strike wrote:
Master Bush wrote:I really don't care what you have to say Night Strike. I'm over the mod "spin" that gets pushed down the paying costumers throats. It's about time someone looks into this site, since the "owner" has all but abandon it.

What will someone looking into it change? And it's sad that you think the truth is considered "mod spin". Like I said, the lynch mob will just throw tantrums until they get the heads of anyone they deem unworthy. No matter whether that person is guilty or not. I'm not going to defend any of GLG's actions or antics, but it's equally wrong for so many people to automatically assume someone is guilty and think there's a massive conspiracy going on anytime someone is cleared.

Mods are doing a fine job.

Why people care so much about GLG and how he plays is beyond me.

I think the few thread knockers that always have something to say against anything they can need to get lives.

A mod is a thankless job which they don't even get paid for. I applaud all the mods even if I do disagree with them from time to time. =D> =D> =D>

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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby TheGeneral2112 on Tue Feb 28, 2012 1:35 am

swimmerdude99 wrote:
HighlanderAttack wrote:
Night Strike wrote:
Master Bush wrote:I really don't care what you have to say Night Strike. I'm over the mod "spin" that gets pushed down the paying costumers throats. It's about time someone looks into this site, since the "owner" has all but abandon it.

What will someone looking into it change? And it's sad that you think the truth is considered "mod spin". Like I said, the lynch mob will just throw tantrums until they get the heads of anyone they deem unworthy. No matter whether that person is guilty or not. I'm not going to defend any of GLG's actions or antics, but it's equally wrong for so many people to automatically assume someone is guilty and think there's a massive conspiracy going on anytime someone is cleared.

Mods are doing a fine job.

Why people care so much about GLG and how he plays is beyond me.

I think the few thread knockers that always have something to say against anything they can need to get lives.

A mod is a thankless job which they don't even get paid for. I applaud all the mods even if I do disagree with them from time to time. =D> =D> =D>


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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby Caymanmew on Tue Feb 28, 2012 8:40 am

jbudnick2001 wrote:what is funny is the fact that all you guys care so much about this when does it really matter? hes not found guilty. just go on with your piss poor lives and play your risk games. Here is an idea if you dont like the guy dont play with him, simple as that. GET LIVES. Mods just keep doing whatever it is you guys do

if it did not matter to us then it would never of been posted. as for going on with our "piss poor lives" we will try our best but it can be tough ya know since we are all so devoted to this site and some of us feel wronged. and in terms of dont play him if we dont like him well....... dont matter how much we like or hate him he wont play 99% of use anyways. and ya i agree it does seem like the mods dont do to much work sometimes but i'm sure they do tons behind the scene :-k well i'd hope they do

O and i'd love some more LIVES they would be great help on 1 vs 1 doodle earth any chance you know where i could get some?
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby Commander62890 on Tue Feb 28, 2012 3:53 pm

Evil Semp wrote:
Commander62890 wrote:Some of us have absolutely no faith in the hunters' tools. :evil:

Looking at the source I just lol'd.

I seriously doubt you'd be laughing if you had been the victim, instead of me. It was pretty upsetting.

I honestly wish that I had cheated, so that I would have had no one to blame but myself, and I could finally find peace on CC.

But, no... now I'm stuck with this harsh, bitter resentment, and a gut-wrenching desire for revenge... with no one to take it out on.
For, above all else, I am left with confusion; thus, the only people I can direct my anger on are those who do not share my lack of clarity, who truly believe it was me, and especially those who, by unhappy chance, had a hand in administering undeserved "justice" upon me.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby Viceroy63 on Tue Feb 28, 2012 4:10 pm

Master Bush wrote:looks like glg signed another check over. just helping the mods out in their personal lives, while they turn a blind eye.

...I haven't started a non tournament game, and once my tournament games are done, i'm out. I've decided to file a report about below:

I suggest others do the same, so that someone takes a look inside of whats going on behind closed doors at this site. I guarantee you they will discover some interest stuff, like dice codes.

You know Master Bush; It would lend more weight to your complaint if you just dropped those games in disgust over what is happening here behind closed doors and just go straight to filing that complaint. I mean it! Why continue to be a part of what is supposedly going on behind closed doors at this site by continuing to play on this site for any amount of time before filing that complaint? Might not those other people ask you, "Why did you not leave the site right away in protest?" Just a thought. After all, if you are going to suggest to others to do that, then why not lead by example?

As for the checks? Yeah man, my check for $20,000 American Peso's is already cashed and in the bank, dude. Thank You Gen.LeeGettinhed. You are a Super Guy, Man. Much appreciated. :lol:
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby GoranZ on Tue Feb 28, 2012 7:17 pm

IR1SH ACE wrote:Im speechless about this.....I will be joining those on the list of not renewing their premium..I have been on this site for 1 and half years now and have bought premium twice and entered two CC cups....thats over 60 euro I have wasted on this site and it will be the last lack gets from me..........I will post my real feelings on all this later....................................................................................................

I'll add... No contribution for maps, ideas, suggestions, not reporting bugs etc...
Even a little kid knows whats the name of my country...

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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby ljex on Tue Feb 28, 2012 9:26 pm

Commander62890 wrote:
Evil Semp wrote:
Commander62890 wrote:Some of us have absolutely no faith in the hunters' tools. :evil:

Looking at the source I just lol'd.

I seriously doubt you'd be laughing if you had been the victim, instead of me. It was pretty upsetting.

I honestly wish that I had cheated, so that I would have had no one to blame but myself, and I could finally find peace on CC.

But, no... now I'm stuck with this harsh, bitter resentment, and a gut-wrenching desire for revenge... with no one to take it out on.
For, above all else, I am left with confusion; thus, the only people I can direct my anger on are those who do not share my lack of clarity, who truly believe it was me, and especially those who, by unhappy chance, had a hand in administering undeserved "justice" upon me.

Having shared a similar experience on this site, i agree wholeheartedly with what is stated above. It is easy to accept the consequences of something that you have actually done, it is completely different to be punished for something you know you didn't do.

I used to be a huge advocate for Conquer Club, as was Commander62890. I dedicated my time to being a Discussion Volunteer and Global Moderator, bought about 5 different members premium, and told others they should join conquer club. Since being found guilty of my supposed infraction not only have i stopped buying others premium and donating my time to the site, but i have serious reservations about refiling my premium come September when it runs out. Yes I am fully aware of the fact that you or even the admins may not care about one member choosing to leave as you have so eloquently stated earlier. But when the number of members who have such reservations increases seemingly daily one would think eventually it becomes of concern...especially when these are players who have been prevalent in the community for the past few years.

Now I'm sure few will read this post, as it is buried in a closed C&A report; however, I think this issue of longtime members being fed up is one that needs to be addressed by the admins sooner rather than later. It is my sincerest hope that one of them will stumble upon it, and as a result, discuss the ramifications of this issue for conquer club and its future.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby jgordon1111 on Tue Feb 28, 2012 9:55 pm

ljex wrote:
Commander62890 wrote:
Evil Semp wrote:
Commander62890 wrote:Some of us have absolutely no faith in the hunters' tools. :evil:

Looking at the source I just lol'd.

I seriously doubt you'd be laughing if you had been the victim, instead of me. It was pretty upsetting.

I honestly wish that I had cheated, so that I would have had no one to blame but myself, and I could finally find peace on CC.

But, no... now I'm stuck with this harsh, bitter resentment, and a gut-wrenching desire for revenge... with no one to take it out on.
For, above all else, I am left with confusion; thus, the only people I can direct my anger on are those who do not share my lack of clarity, who truly believe it was me, and especially those who, by unhappy chance, had a hand in administering undeserved "justice" upon me.

Having shared a similar experience on this site, i agree wholeheartedly with what is stated above. It is easy to accept the consequences of something that you have actually done, it is completely different to be punished for something you know you didn't do.

I used to be a huge advocate for Conquer Club, as was Commander62890. I dedicated my time to being a Discussion Volunteer and Global Moderator, bought about 5 different members premium, and told others they should join conquer club. Since being found guilty of my supposed infraction not only have i stopped buying others premium and donating my time to the site, but i have serious reservations about refiling my premium come September when it runs out. Yes I am fully aware of the fact that you or even the admins may not care about one member choosing to leave as you have so eloquently stated earlier. But when the number of members who have such reservations increases seemingly daily one would think eventually it becomes of concern...especially when these are players who have been prevalent in the community for the past few years.

Now I'm sure few will read this post, as it is buried in a closed C&A report; however, I think this issue of longtime members being fed up is one that needs to be addressed by the admins sooner rather than later. It is my sincerest hope that one of them will stumble upon it, and as a result, discuss the ramifications of this issue for conquer club and its future.

I think ljex and commander may have the right of this, more are talking about leaving and how messed up things have gotten
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby jj3044 on Tue Feb 28, 2012 10:21 pm

First rule of building a successful business: Take every step possible to KEEP your existing customers.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby Chariot of Fire on Tue Feb 28, 2012 10:25 pm

I'm with ljex and Commander on this. I saw what happened to them and thought "OK, perhaps I'm not in possession of all the details" and that their punishment was excessive but maybe justified. Now having been on the receiving end of it myself (and in possession of all the details far better than anyone else) I have simply lost all faith. Along with this faith goes my desire to do anything for the welfare of this site: bringing new players into the clan, helping on new maps, reporting C&A, contributing to the CLA, assisting with ladders/rankings, renewing my premium, encouraging my clan members to renew membership, etc.

Sure, it's just one player. "Big deal" you may think. But if the same mood permeates throughout a wider (and more silent) audience then one day this place will just be left to an inept administration and a leaderboard topped by scam artists. It's a pity. It could be so much better if someone in authority had the moral fibre or a sympathetic ear.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby lackattack on Wed Feb 29, 2012 11:57 am

Master Bush wrote:looks like glg signed another check over. just helping the mods out in their personal lives, while they turn a blind eye.

btw, I have it on good authority that lackattack has VERY little to do with this site anymore. It's pretty much being run (into the ground) by Andy Dufresne, with help from KA and others. I haven't started a non tournament game, and once my tournament games are done, i'm out. I've decided to file a report about below:

I suggest others do the same, so that someone takes a look inside of whats going on behind closed doors at this site. I guarantee you they will discover some interest stuff, like dice codes.

AndyDufresne and king achilles work hard and are really dedicated to serving our members and volunteers. I keep up-to-date on their work and give them feedback and direction. I can only think of one explanation for why you think CC is a scam - you must be a troll! So if you file a report about CC on, I will file a report about you on I'll even suggest others do the same (possibly with bribes of secret dice codes) to expose your trollish ways :twisted:
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby happy2seeyou on Wed Feb 29, 2012 12:02 pm

lackattack wrote:
Master Bush wrote:looks like glg signed another check over. just helping the mods out in their personal lives, while they turn a blind eye.

btw, I have it on good authority that lackattack has VERY little to do with this site anymore. It's pretty much being run (into the ground) by Andy Dufresne, with help from KA and others. I haven't started a non tournament game, and once my tournament games are done, i'm out. I've decided to file a report about below:

I suggest others do the same, so that someone takes a look inside of whats going on behind closed doors at this site. I guarantee you they will discover some interest stuff, like dice codes.

AndyDufresne and king achilles work hard and are really dedicated to serving our members and volunteers. I keep up-to-date on their work and give them feedback and direction. I can only think of one explanation for why you think CC is a scam - you must be a troll! So if you file a report about CC on, I will file a report about you on I'll even suggest others do the same (possibly with bribes of secret dice codes) to expose your trollish ways :twisted:

I might be up for a good bribe or even playing a game with Lack were he doesn't miss turns!
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby comic boy on Wed Feb 29, 2012 12:17 pm

Chariot of Fire wrote:I'm with ljex and Commander on this. I saw what happened to them and thought "OK, perhaps I'm not in possession of all the details" and that their punishment was excessive but maybe justified. Now having been on the receiving end of it myself (and in possession of all the details far better than anyone else) I have simply lost all faith. Along with this faith goes my desire to do anything for the welfare of this site: bringing new players into the clan, helping on new maps, reporting C&A, contributing to the CLA, assisting with ladders/rankings, renewing my premium, encouraging my clan members to renew membership, etc.

Sure, it's just one player. "Big deal" you may think. But if the same mood permeates throughout a wider (and more silent) audience then one day this place will just be left to an inept administration and a leaderboard topped by scam artists. It's a pity. It could be so much better if someone in authority had the moral fibre or a sympathetic ear.

For what its worth I saw no reason to renew premium , I haven't even bothered to play a game for about 3 months, this site has lost its soul :(
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby eddie2 on Wed Feb 29, 2012 12:22 pm

i think it is time for a thread just to see what players we are actually losing...... nice to see lack has popped in pity he can't respond when people are calling out for rule changes etc..
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby Evolution299 on Wed Feb 29, 2012 1:10 pm

Really? Lack took the time to read some of the responses and the only one he cared about was MB's where MB is filing a complaint with consumer fraud. He even goes so far as to threaten MB that he will file a counterclaim.

Seriously?!?! What is wrong with this site when even the owner could care less about everyones opinions. Alot of us feel a lack of trust and integrity from those who run this, and LAck comes, comments about one post and ignores the real responses to this problem.

I knew I shouldn't have renewed.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby Serbia on Wed Feb 29, 2012 1:27 pm

Evolution299 wrote:Really? Lack took the time to read some of the responses and the only one he cared about was MB's where MB is filing a complaint with consumer fraud. He even goes so far as to threaten MB that he will file a counterclaim.

Seriously?!?! What is wrong with this site when even the owner could care less about everyones opinions. Alot of us feel a lack of trust and integrity from those who run this, and LAck comes, comments about one post and ignores the real responses to this problem.

I knew I shouldn't have renewed.

I continue to be utterly flabbergasted by the number of people who waste their time on a website about which they have nothing good to say. If you're that bothered, why don't you just leave?
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby hmsps on Wed Feb 29, 2012 1:31 pm

lackattack wrote:
Master Bush wrote:looks like glg signed another check over. just helping the mods out in their personal lives, while they turn a blind eye.

btw, I have it on good authority that lackattack has VERY little to do with this site anymore. It's pretty much being run (into the ground) by Andy Dufresne, with help from KA and others. I haven't started a non tournament game, and once my tournament games are done, i'm out. I've decided to file a report about below:

I suggest others do the same, so that someone takes a look inside of whats going on behind closed doors at this site. I guarantee you they will discover some interest stuff, like dice codes.

AndyDufresne and king achilles work hard and are really dedicated to serving our members and volunteers. I keep up-to-date on their work and give them feedback and direction. I can only think of one explanation for why you think CC is a scam - you must be a troll! So if you file a report about CC on, I will file a report about you on I'll even suggest others do the same (possibly with bribes of secret dice codes) to expose your trollish ways :twisted:
I dont think many people would argue that King A, Andy, Evil Semp and others do a good job, but if this is the only post you can grace people with your presence and in that manner which frankly is. schoolboy stuff, really you shouldn't have bothered.
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby Evolution299 on Wed Feb 29, 2012 1:48 pm

Serbia wrote:
Evolution299 wrote:Really? Lack took the time to read some of the responses and the only one he cared about was MB's where MB is filing a complaint with consumer fraud. He even goes so far as to threaten MB that he will file a counterclaim.

Seriously?!?! What is wrong with this site when even the owner could care less about everyones opinions. Alot of us feel a lack of trust and integrity from those who run this, and LAck comes, comments about one post and ignores the real responses to this problem.

I knew I shouldn't have renewed.

I continue to be utterly flabbergasted by the number of people who waste their time on a website about which they have nothing good to say. If you're that bothered, why don't you just leave?

Oh Serbia, Its because I like this site that I say what I do. I have vision and see how well this site COULD run, but DOESN'T because of its leadership in the C&A department. Thanks for caring though, and have a great day!
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby lackattack on Wed Feb 29, 2012 2:32 pm

Evolution299 wrote:Really? Lack took the time to read some of the responses and the only one he cared about was MB's where MB is filing a complaint with consumer fraud. He even goes so far as to threaten MB that he will file a counterclaim.

Seriously?!?! What is wrong with this site when even the owner could care less about everyones opinions. Alot of us feel a lack of trust and integrity from those who run this, and LAck comes, comments about one post and ignores the real responses to this problem.

I knew I shouldn't have renewed.

I take the integrity of the game quite seriously, and I do care about our members opinions. I don't like it either when our Conqueror gets his points from cheap tactics. We just don't have a solution yet. Once again we spent quite a bit of time this morning discussing farming and ranching during the admin meeting. I've recently made improvements to the anti-farming ban, and there are more measures coming soon to protect new recruits. As king achilles has pointed out many times, it is very tricky to make rules against taking advantage of lower ranks because it is very hard to draw a line between abuse and normal playing. If you have any suggestions on how to enforce a ranching rule in a practical way we would love to hear them. In the meantime I'm looking into changing the join a game pages to show new games first, to discourage ranching, but there are serious issues I need to iron out (i.e. will most games still fill?, what to do with games that never fill?).

By the way, my counterclaim threat was a joke, that website doesn't even exist!
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Re: Will the Real Gen.LeeGettinhed please stand up![CLEARED]

Postby Chariot of Fire on Wed Feb 29, 2012 3:00 pm

Thank you. This is exactly the kind of response I think most would like to hear - that you and your team are at least aware of the problem and are discussing it. I'm fairly certain a set of rules and guidelines could be proposed for you to consider. There's none better-qualified than those who invest a lot of their time on this site playing the game fairly.
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