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Masli [closed]

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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby White Buffalo on Sat Dec 24, 2011 9:08 pm

It was a simple enough question. The easiest way to hide something is to make it clearly visible. Now I think it probally is.
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby John Deere on Sat Dec 24, 2011 9:13 pm

jgordon1111 wrote:And so it continues,have any of you bothered to read what achilles wrote about masli not being the person who busted all those players? Or again I ask you to bring forth to this forum the specific (black and white) rule masli broke.No you are not going to do that it is very easy to ignore that to keep harping on the mob justice you desire.This is an internal affair,it involves admin let them do what they are going to do. These guys were cheaters CHEATERS you did not lose points,if one of these players was in the scenario suggested family members,dorm room mates They could have come forward to say hey we are not multis,but they didn't and now days most people have their own computers so that doesn't wash either.So for goodness sake let it go you guys are starting to look bad continuing with this after it was closed. And I am not a wanna be nor friends with any of the mods,just someone who after the first report you turned completely against your cause by the demand for mob justice that you tried to insist on.If admin handling this in house bothers you so bad start your own sites and then you can get any kind of justice on anyone you want.

Have you bothered to read my post? Pot meet kettle.....
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby jgordon1111 on Sat Dec 24, 2011 9:20 pm

Yes JD i read your post,mine was not directed at you,you apparently read what achilles wrote and noted it in your post.No my post was again directed at those who either intentionally ignored it or didnt bother to read it due to their desire to lynch without all facts being in place first
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby John Deere on Sat Dec 24, 2011 9:24 pm

And so it continues,have any of you bothered to read what achilles
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby jchamp on Sat Dec 24, 2011 9:25 pm

This is the most serious allegation that I have seen in my short time on the Cheating and Abuse forum. I truly believe that this is being investigated properly and as swiftly as the holiday season will allow. Whatever the outcome, I would like to know what actions are being taken to keep this from happening again.
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby Metsfanmax on Sat Dec 24, 2011 9:30 pm

nietzsche wrote:The apparent tone of almost every mod participant in this case is: "Ohh chillaaaaaax will ya?, don't make a scandal out of it"

No, the tone is: chillax until it's been fully investigated. If it is found that Masli was intentionally joining games knowing he would then bust the players, then yes, go ahead, make a scandal out of it. But until then, PLEASE treat him with the respect that he deserves: Masli has contributed much to this site and this community, and it is disgusting to see his name besmirched so before a full investigation is done. He absolutely deserves to be given the benefit of the doubt, unless proven guilty, given how much he has done for us in protecting our community.
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby jgordon1111 on Sat Dec 24, 2011 9:41 pm

My mistake JD that I did not say except for the limited few of you that bothered to read achilles post,does that fix it? And yes I know the Pack has an axe to grind with the loss of the clan medals,And I was behind Ollie on that until One of your members started getting out of line with his posts. Say what you have to say with dignity and honor then move on,you will have better luck with admin and the mods I believe.This topic is not the place to sharpen axes back up for past grudges.And I agree with metsfan's last post,look at how much masli has done for this site(except make some of you mad when his choices didnt go the way you wanted).I think That covers it JD
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby Master Bush on Sat Dec 24, 2011 10:06 pm

Clearly the "mods unite" button was pushed again, because here they come to support their own and tell us that we are over-reacting.

Even if masli is found to have done this, he will get an internal warning, and be free to be a multi-hunter even though nobody here will trust the guy (except the mods, and their mod groupies).
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby John Deere on Sat Dec 24, 2011 10:20 pm

jgordon1111 , there is no ax to grind, im stating facts! Im not blowing up or getting crappy about it. So you keep thinking this is personal. Oh and I think the same about scum bag ass cops that abuse the system and then try to enforce it, sometimes to there advantage. Time will tell the true story here.
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby blakebowling on Sat Dec 24, 2011 11:08 pm

nietzsche wrote:So blakebowling you mean all we want is spectacle, we have no other reasons? We are simpletons?

The apparent tone of almost every mod participant in this case is: "Ohh chillaaaaaax will ya?, don't make a scandal out of it"

jefjef called me trash yesterday after my posts in the original thread. I was about to respond when I realized it might be a trap. I reported it instead, only to be told by king achilles to chillax. Might it be that jefjef was on king achilles side and against mine? So I proceeded to answer jefjef, I won't be surprised his report do gets me banned.

So this is much like it happens in real life, those who have the power want nothing bad to appear in the paper, would do anything to tone it down. And the whistleblowers will always be called crazy.

All we want is this to be taken seriously, with an exemplar punishment so we trust the Multi Hunter team again. We don't want to chillax. I'll be getting drunk later but I wont chillax.

I mean exactly what I'm saying. This is being investigated. The continuing posts about it don't do anything to aid the investigation, they only add to the possibility that this story is fabricated. I'm not saying it is or it isn't. I'm plainly saying that the more you bitch about it, the more it seems like you're hasty for something negative to be done against this particular user, instead of wanting justice and the right in general.

If you want something to be done, claiming that all the mods work together against you, or that it's all some kind of conspiracy don't allow us to understand your viewpoint. If your desire is for a non-biased ruling to be made in this case, then the best thing you can do is to avoid biasing yourself against the entire team. That simply sends the message that you are against the authority, not just the abuse of it.
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby Great-Ollie on Sat Dec 24, 2011 11:12 pm

nietzsche wrote:So blakebowling you mean all we want is spectacle, we have no other reasons? We are simpletons?

The apparent tone of almost every mod participant in this case is: "Ohh chillaaaaaax will ya?, don't make a scandal out of it"

jefjef called me trash yesterday after my posts in the original thread. I was about to respond when I realized it might be a trap. I reported it instead, only to be told by king achilles to chillax. Might it be that jefjef was on king achilles side and against mine? So I proceeded to answer jefjef, I won't be surprised his report do gets me banned.

So this is much like it happens in real life, those who have the power want nothing bad to appear in the paper, would do anything to tone it down. And the whistleblowers will always be called crazy.

All we want is this to be taken seriously, with an exemplar punishment so we trust the Multi Hunter team again. We don't want to chillax. I'll be getting drunk later but I wont chillax.

Nothing will happen bud, the mods will just sweep this under the rug, and the groupie mod lovers like jefjef will just continue to bait and flame you as long as you have a sensible voice in all this. My advice to you is just be quite and let them and their groupies run this site! I have tried to get an answer why i was stripped a medal for over 7 weeks now, multiple E tickets, and i get nothing but we are looking into it internally! The mods have become the most untrusted bunch on here. Why should we respect them when we get nothing back but, we are looking into it internally! LMAO Now i will wait patiently for this thread to get locked, nothing to come of masli benefiting from farming with his mod powers against low ranks, and probably a few baits and flames from jefjef and the other mods telling me how stupid i may be. Peace out.
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby jgordon1111 on Sun Dec 25, 2011 12:00 am

Ollie maybe not,Believe in the system until it proves itself otherwise.Think positive,if admin finds masli in the wrong even though he didnt violate any rules,then let them serve justice fitting for a crime that doesn't exsist according to cc rules.Think of it from this point of view how do you punish someone for which there are no rules about? And what punishment do you give for said non-crime? As I said to JD I was behind you on being stripped of your medals until you member couldn't hold it in and started flaming everyone.And I still think you deserve them that is the reward for winning,let the punishment fit the crime, I would have suspended your ability to communicate in chats and forums for a month,but that is me and I dont get to choose punishment's. Why you ask,because I am not a Mod and neither are most of the other people calling for a lynch on this subject. So lets wait and see what admin does.Even though most here will not be happy without some dire recourse for said non-crime
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby Night Strike on Sun Dec 25, 2011 12:18 am

Master Bush wrote:Clearly the "mods unite" button was pushed again, because here they come to support their own and tell us that we are over-reacting.

Even if masli is found to have done this, he will get an internal warning, and be free to be a multi-hunter even though nobody here will trust the guy (except the mods, and their mod groupies).

Clearly you don't know what you're talking about. If you knew the private conversations I've had with a couple of moderators (including another hunter), you wouldn't be saying that. In fact, no where in either of these threads have I expressed my support for Masli on this issue.

And the only way the public will be happy about this is if Masli is stripped of multi hunting immediately, without a chance to change his ways. That's the definition of a lynch-mob that other people have been posting about. If he's allowed to stay a hunter, the public will see it all as a cheat. If he's stripped of hunting, then he has no chance to correct his actions and follow the rules. I'm pretty sure that if KA decides that Masli is being abusive, he won't mess up a second time.
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby John Deere on Sun Dec 25, 2011 12:52 am

Night Strike wrote:
Master Bush wrote:Clearly the "mods unite" button was pushed again, because here they come to support their own and tell us that we are over-reacting.

Even if masli is found to have done this, he will get an internal warning, and be free to be a multi-hunter even though nobody here will trust the guy (except the mods, and their mod groupies).

Clearly you don't know what you're talking about. If you knew the private conversations I've had with a couple of moderators (including another hunter), you wouldn't be saying that. In fact, no where in either of these threads have I expressed my support for Masli on this issue.

And the only way the public will be happy about this is if Masli is stripped of multi hunting immediately, without a chance to change his ways. That's the definition of a lynch-mob that other people have been posting about. If he's allowed to stay a hunter, the public will see it all as a cheat. If he's stripped of hunting, then he has no chance to correct his actions and follow the rules. I'm pretty sure that if KA decides that Masli is being abusive, he won't mess up a second time.

You mean kinda like we lost our clan medal without a real warning or second chance? I dont recall you taking up for us, but we arent mods either. Same old crap, just a different thread. So that would make chemefream and masli the lynch mob mods?
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby zimmah on Sun Dec 25, 2011 1:02 am

jefjef wrote:Since when is it wrong to bust multi's? Accounts that shouldn't even exist... ](*,)

yes, but if the account shouldn't exist, then why play against them before kicking them? and if 29% of your recent games is against multies that are getting kicked in the middle of the game, something is wrong.
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby chapcrap on Sun Dec 25, 2011 1:30 am

TeeGee wrote:Don't think for a second that the admins will let this slip. If Masli is in fact guilty he WILL be punished.

what ever happened to innocent until proven guilty? Looks like you guys are more after a lynching, mafia style. Be careful, don't lynch the wrong guy ;)

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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby jefjef on Sun Dec 25, 2011 1:56 am


mmmmmmhmmmmmmmm (Mod lover groupie wanna be about to speak)

Looking at this thread you would think it was partly in re of me. :lol:

Do my friends in here have nothing better to do than to bait, flame and troll me? Get a freaking life. As for clicking report post triangles. I think I have done that 4 times the last many many months. Heck I could have reported 4 of joshy boys blatany bait posts in GD. I didn't bother. Kinda made me lol. I could report at least 3 in here - Betiko - and.... meh. Do you all honestly believe you bother me? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Now back on topic. This case boils down to intent. If he joined them KNOWING they were multi's then he should be severely punished. Even a point reset... If he was just joining the games and then getting around to checking them then it's just a case of he should have been hunting a little differently and a procedural change is necessary. ;)

Why isn't this locked?

Happy holidays to all!
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby angola on Sun Dec 25, 2011 2:49 am

This thread is ridiculous.

It has it all. A bunch of people who don't believe in letting an investigation run its course, master dumbass who wants things to be like when he was a mod, and the pack continuing their whining about some stupid fucking medals.

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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby mviola on Sun Dec 25, 2011 3:15 am

angola wrote:and the pack continuing their whining about some stupid fucking medals.

Imagine if they were fighting for something that actually mattered.
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby GoranZ on Sun Dec 25, 2011 4:18 am

Night Strike wrote:And the only way the public will be happy about this is if Masli is stripped of multi hunting immediately, without a chance to change his ways. That's the definition of a lynch-mob that other people have been posting about. If he's allowed to stay a hunter, the public will see it all as a cheat. If he's stripped of hunting, then he has no chance to correct his actions and follow the rules. I'm pretty sure that if KA decides that Masli is being abusive, he won't mess up a second time.

So if a cop rob a bank and he is caught its ok with you, as long as he doesn't repeat it. Sorry but this wont happen in RL, and what cops hate the most is dirty cops ;)

from the last thread:
king achilles wrote:He is still a good multi hunter and to maintain his good standing, he will put an end to this.

We are still waiting for Masli to put an end to this aka his resignation.

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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby eddie2 on Sun Dec 25, 2011 6:08 am

ok 1 post has been found from masli in game chat. on a previous occasion when i made a case a c and a mod asked me to provide some form of post game chat or forum so they can check the ip. So could masli of joined this game to get some form of post to confirm ip address before he busted the account. also you keep on bringing the police into this. have you ever worked in a coffee shop and given a police officer a free coffee. (most places do.) this is actually against there contract of work they are not allowed to accept it. but do we scream for every cop to be sacked.
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby codeblue1018 on Sun Dec 25, 2011 6:34 am

GoranZ wrote:
Night Strike wrote:And the only way the public will be happy about this is if Masli is stripped of multi hunting immediately, without a chance to change his ways. That's the definition of a lynch-mob that other people have been posting about. If he's allowed to stay a hunter, the public will see it all as a cheat. If he's stripped of hunting, then he has no chance to correct his actions and follow the rules. I'm pretty sure that if KA decides that Masli is being abusive, he won't mess up a second time.

So if a cop rob a bank and he is caught its ok with you, as long as he doesn't repeat it. Sorry but this wont happen in RL, and what cops hate the most is dirty cops ;)

from the last thread:
king achilles wrote:He is still a good multi hunter and to maintain his good standing, he will put an end to this.

We are still waiting for Masli to put an end to this aka his resignation.

Probabaly the worst analogy i've ever heard; try again.

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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby betiko on Sun Dec 25, 2011 6:34 am

eddie2 wrote:ok 1 post has been found from masli in game chat. on a previous occasion when i made a case a c and a mod asked me to provide some form of post game chat or forum so they can check the ip. So could masli of joined this game to get some form of post to confirm ip address before he busted the account. also you keep on bringing the police into this. have you ever worked in a coffee shop and given a police officer a free coffee. (most places do.) this is actually against there contract of work they are not allowed to accept it. but do we scream for every cop to be sacked.

sorry but I see absolutely no link with the story here lol.

regarding the rest I just want to make my position a little more clear;
-I do think that metsfan, night strike, chemefreak, teegee, blakebowling and king achilles are taking this seriously.
-I do think there is a chance Masli is innocent
-I do think being a mod requires lots of dedication on your free time for little reward.
But, if proven guilty, I think there should be no second chance, as it's the way it's handled on this site for many other examples. His clan mod hat has nothing to do with this case, I m just talking of his multi hunter privileges.
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby blakebowling on Sun Dec 25, 2011 6:38 am

eddie2 wrote:ok 1 post has been found from masli in game chat. on a previous occasion when i made a case a c and a mod asked me to provide some form of post game chat or forum so they can check the ip. So could masli of joined this game to get some form of post to confirm ip address before he busted the account. also you keep on bringing the police into this. have you ever worked in a coffee shop and given a police officer a free coffee. (most places do.) this is actually against there contract of work they are not allowed to accept it. but do we scream for every cop to be sacked.

I never thought I'd find an eddie2 post I completely agree with.
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Re: I'd like to add to the Masli Case

Postby hmsps on Sun Dec 25, 2011 6:48 am

blakebowling wrote:
eddie2 wrote:ok 1 post has been found from masli in game chat. on a previous occasion when i made a case a c and a mod asked me to provide some form of post game chat or forum so they can check the ip. So could masli of joined this game to get some form of post to confirm ip address before he busted the account. also you keep on bringing the police into this. have you ever worked in a coffee shop and given a police officer a free coffee. (most places do.) this is actually against there contract of work they are not allowed to accept it. but do we scream for every cop to be sacked.

I never thought I'd find an eddie2 post I completely agree with.
Then i will totally disagree, if you are put in a position of trust and you abuse that position of trust, then you should either a) do the honourable thing and resign or b) be removed from that position so that it doesnt happen again. No one with a modicum of respect would suggest otherwise unless you ar trying to close ranks or are on the waiting list to be a mod.

Mods do in general do a good job in difficult circumstances but they should be regulated like everyone else. They are not or should not be above the law.
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