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Postby DJPatrick on Thu Jan 27, 2011 4:46 am

I have had TWo breif hiatuses in my CC career the first for refering to a pOm as 'the great unwashed"...this was over cricket and the Englishperson agreed that it was a bit harsh and "not cricket" due to Eng/Oz traditional rivalries...the second one was for bad mouthing some critter with a foul mouth...("maybe" deserved that time)...I should have just committed a "major violation"??? and been warned???? Oh well...No issue from me but no trust/belief either...
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Postby eddie2 on Thu Jan 27, 2011 4:53 am

do you know what i find funny here people are saying that because herkman did not recieve the pm with the password he did not join the game. is there not a invite system where you do not need a password. also since this was a record attempt. should it not of came under the clan and tourney thing were sitters can join waiting games.

also if you look at the time these games were joined it was during the period herkman said he had no acsess to the games. well what i can see is that one of his couple of sitters during this period could of accepted the invite doing herkman a favour because just after these games were signed up joshy confirmed that herkman had broke the record.(don't know if it still stands or not)
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Postby JoshyBoy on Thu Jan 27, 2011 5:57 am

Now that judgement has been passed, I shall break my silence. My (yes, my) decision to remain silent was due to the fact that if I denied anything, no-one would believe me, or if I confessed, people would still not let up with their "persecution" of me.

I made a foolish mistake but did it with the best intentions and never set out to cheat in any way. I was trying to assist theherkman in his record attempt, but what I did was unadvisable. It was a stupid mistake, nothing more. I know it looks bad, as I am a volunteer, but I'm just human, as we all are. I have received an official warning, and if I ever make a stupid mistake like that again, I believe a vacation of some sort will be in order.

For the record, I do not hold grudges, nor do I take no offence at any of the comments which were made throughout this case. I apologise to the entire of Team CC for making them look bad, and I apologise to you, the community, as I continue to let you down. I hope I can do better in the future.
drunkmonkey wrote:I honestly wonder why anyone becomes a mod on this site. You're the whiniest bunch of players imaginable.

Ron Burgundy wrote:Why don't you go back to your home on Whore Island?
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Postby jleonnn on Thu Jan 27, 2011 11:21 am

JoshyBoy wrote:Now that judgement has been passed, I shall break my silence. My (yes, my) decision to remain silent was due to the fact that if I denied anything, no-one would believe me, or if I confessed, people would still not let up with their "persecution" of me.

I made a foolish mistake but did it with the best intentions and never set out to cheat in any way. I was trying to assist theherkman in his record attempt, but what I did was unadvisable. It was a stupid mistake, nothing more. I know it looks bad, as I am a volunteer, but I'm just human, as we all are. I have received an official warning, and if I ever make a stupid mistake like that again, I believe a vacation of some sort will be in order.

For the record, I do not hold grudges, nor do I take no offence at any of the comments which were made throughout this case. I apologise to the entire of Team CC for making them look bad, and I apologise to you, the community, as I continue to let you down. I hope I can do better in the future.

Herky wrote:No, JoshyBoy, you're a little faggot. Just like Justin Bieber. You deserved a ban in the first place.

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Postby Uncle Death on Thu Jan 27, 2011 11:24 am

JoshyBoy wrote:Now that judgement has been passed, I shall break my silence. My (yes, my) decision to remain silent was due to the fact that if I denied anything, no-one would believe me, or if I confessed, people would still not let up with their "persecution" of me.

I made a foolish mistake but did it with the best intentions and never set out to cheat in any way. I was trying to assist theherkman in his record attempt, but what I did was unadvisable. It was a stupid mistake, nothing more. I know it looks bad, as I am a volunteer, but I'm just human, as we all are. I have received an official warning, and if I ever make a stupid mistake like that again, I believe a vacation of some sort will be in order.

For the record, I do not hold grudges, nor do I take no offence at any of the comments which were made throughout this case. I apologise to the entire of Team CC for making them look bad, and I apologise to you, the community, as I continue to let you down. I hope I can do better in the future.

Personally I don't think what you or even herkman did was that big a deal. I think CC should just put a cap on number of active games, like 500, which is still a ridiculous amount. I am upset however that your punishment was not forcing you to change your avatar. Every time I see it I just want to come straight down on top of it with a sledge hammer. That is all.
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Postby JoshyBoy on Thu Jan 27, 2011 12:26 pm

Uncle Death wrote:I am upset however that your punishment was not forcing you to change your avatar. Every time I see it I just want to come straight down on top of it with a sledge hammer. That is all.

You have no idea why I have that avatar do you? It's called respect for the dead.

Herky wrote:No, JoshyBoy, you're a little faggot. Just like Justin Bieber. You deserved a ban in the first place.


drunkmonkey wrote:I honestly wonder why anyone becomes a mod on this site. You're the whiniest bunch of players imaginable.

Ron Burgundy wrote:Why don't you go back to your home on Whore Island?
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Postby Uncle Death on Thu Jan 27, 2011 12:45 pm

JoshyBoy wrote:
Uncle Death wrote:I am upset however that your punishment was not forcing you to change your avatar. Every time I see it I just want to come straight down on top of it with a sledge hammer. That is all.

You have no idea why I have that avatar do you? It's called respect for the dead.

No I didn't until I received a pm from a friend just now. I meant no disrespect. I was just trying to be funny. My apologies.
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Postby JoshyBoy on Thu Jan 27, 2011 12:53 pm

It's ok. I understand why a lot of people are angry at me.
drunkmonkey wrote:I honestly wonder why anyone becomes a mod on this site. You're the whiniest bunch of players imaginable.

Ron Burgundy wrote:Why don't you go back to your home on Whore Island?
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Postby Uncle Death on Thu Jan 27, 2011 1:03 pm

JoshyBoy wrote:It's ok. I understand why a lot of people are angry at me.

I'm not angry at you at all. I was just making fun of the avatar. I didn't know it's significance.
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Postby jleonnn on Thu Jan 27, 2011 2:55 pm

JoshyBoy wrote:It's ok. I understand why a lot of people are angry at me.

Because you can break the rules and get away with it?
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Postby JoshyBoy on Thu Jan 27, 2011 5:03 pm

jleonnn wrote:
JoshyBoy wrote:It's ok. I understand why a lot of people are angry at me.

Because you can break the rules and get away with it?

I have not gotten away with anything.
drunkmonkey wrote:I honestly wonder why anyone becomes a mod on this site. You're the whiniest bunch of players imaginable.

Ron Burgundy wrote:Why don't you go back to your home on Whore Island?
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