The accused are suspected of: racism within the forums
Thread(s): Subject: Porkenbeans
within a discussion about porkenbeans and his alleged trolling within a thread in the foundry concerning a map that he found to be questionable due to it's overt bigotry and racism, this comment was directed towards me:
khazalid wrote:snigger snigger, nudge nudge.
clench dat fist boi, rayz it to de sky. can i have an aaaaamen?
i made comments with the porkenbeans thread and within the foundry thread that caused mrbenn to lock the map thread until it can be closely reviewed and a decision on it's future made. a decision that is clear, concise and objective. my objections halted when that step was taken, as the director of the foundry made it clear that it would indeed be reviewed before it could move forward. now, there have been several flames posted towards me in an effort to bait me into a heated discussion, which is juvenile and against the rules. however, khazalid's clearly racist statements crossed the line and he should be dealt with. this is very clear cut and intentional. he should not be given a slap on the wrist, but a substantial forum ban for his disgusting actions. to top it off, it is clear he knows exactly what he has done. this is from scottland's wall, who also made questionable comments towards me (but more overt which should also be reviewed):
i attribute it mainly to the formative years of casual drug abuse, or the occult miscreancy. jesus saves! apart from that im not really sure, i mean casual racism is ALWAYS funny - dont let the topcats tell you any differently!
by khazalid
on Sat Sep 19, 2009 6:26 pm
there was no mistake or simple error made by khazalid when he directed his racist comments towards me. with this wall post he clearly shows that he finds casual racism ALWAYS funny. it was posted on scott-lands wall after both of their racist posts within the porkenbeans thread.
additional racist comments:
khazalid wrote:i'd make a gag about a lynch mob, but.. y'know.
peas brudda
this comment is from this very thread. khazalid has proven that he truly finds casual racism, funny. again, a substantial ban is needed for this member so he can learn his lesson that racism/bigotry is not tolerated on CC... thanks...-0