Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team
aage wrote:Never trust CYOC or pancake.
disk wrote:I posted a message here -- NO MODERATOR EVER LOOKED AT THIS. Dozens and dozens of others have been verified. Yet still, nothing on mine. Who the hell cares now, these cheaters got away with it and the game has been long over. Obviously if you scam non-paying players you can do it all day.
Thanks for nothin...
Macewg wrote:disk wrote:I posted a message here -- NO MODERATOR EVER LOOKED AT THIS. Dozens and dozens of others have been verified. Yet still, nothing on mine. Who the hell cares now, these cheaters got away with it and the game has been long over. Obviously if you scam non-paying players you can do it all day.
Thanks for nothin...
My sentiments exactly disk, however keep the faith, and get in line pal! I'm premium and have been waiting since April! What sucks is that a moderator moved quickly to remove "retaliatory feedback" from there friend, but nothing for old good old Macey...
Patience My Young Padawan
AAFitz wrote:you are of course assuming they havent looked at it....youre also assuming you are right about your cheating simply because you posted it...if they take time, it usually means they cant quite figure it out, and bump it to one of the more experienced hunters, or are waiting for more activity....
but post youre link to your thread here...lets take a look at that better hope youre right about the cheating, or you are going to look pretty foolish...
disk wrote:AAFitz wrote:you are of course assuming they havent looked at it....youre also assuming you are right about your cheating simply because you posted it...if they take time, it usually means they cant quite figure it out, and bump it to one of the more experienced hunters, or are waiting for more activity....
but post youre link to your thread here...lets take a look at that better hope youre right about the cheating, or you are going to look pretty foolish...
It's not a question of looking foolish. I wrote in my thread "suspected" multi. If some guy has a similar thread that gets treated in 24 hours and mine isn't done in 24 days there is a serious problem.
AAFitz wrote:disk wrote:AAFitz wrote:you are of course assuming they havent looked at it....youre also assuming you are right about your cheating simply because you posted it...if they take time, it usually means they cant quite figure it out, and bump it to one of the more experienced hunters, or are waiting for more activity....
but post youre link to your thread here...lets take a look at that better hope youre right about the cheating, or you are going to look pretty foolish...
It's not a question of looking foolish. I wrote in my thread "suspected" multi. If some guy has a similar thread that gets treated in 24 hours and mine isn't done in 24 days there is a serious problem.
you fastposted me here...again its taking a longer time, because its a tricky case...i can almost guarantee it...youre complaining they are doing nothing, when in fact, they are probably giving it more attention than most because its complicated...these they have to discuss between them, and sometimes even get lack involved to avoid making pipe down and think a little before you act...youll find this will work in your games more too
a simple bump is sufficient, crying that they arent giving you attention because youre not a premium is just silly...they care more about you than they do me....i already gave my money...not to mention soul....youre a potential customer....but in anycase that has absolutely nothing to do with it....they may consider experience when looking at claims, but not whether you pay or not
when i got matthew yung posted....he ended up having tons of multis, but it took weeks to narrow it down....but in the end...they got him...and him and him and him and him and him and him and him and get the idea
disk wrote:That just gives me even more reason not to pay for nothin' Here's a guy paying for a service he doesn't even get, while MODS help their friends.
premium membership page wrote:In return for your support, Premium Membership earns you the following benefits:
Play UNLIMITED simultaneous games
Create password-protected PRIVATE games (which Free members may join, too)
Have a GOLDEN rank icon display next to your name
Feel that WARM and FUZZY feeling you get from supporting a website that you love
disk wrote:Well if that's the case they should put [being investigated] like they do with [cleared] and [busted] so that people don't get the impression that it's simply being ignored.
Personally, I KNOW that I am not the only one that thinks this is crap. But, I'm willing to say something about it.
AAFitz wrote:well, disk...looks like you cried for nothing...lets hope youre as quick with your apology as you are with your accusations....somehow I doubt it....
my guess...more complaining...but ive been wrong before....
quite a few times actually
Macewg wrote:AAFitz wrote:well, disk...looks like you cried for nothing...lets hope youre as quick with your apology as you are with your accusations....somehow I doubt it....
my guess...more complaining...but ive been wrong before....
quite a few times actually
Disk, looks like your post made a difference to me, all of a sudden everything is reviewed or "pending", nice...sure there was some major rubber stamping going on but hell - who cares! Good Post. Just stay clear of most of the members that replied negatively in your post and in my posting on Scottland and you should be good to go. I'd recommend dropping the 20 bucks into CC and what the hell, buy a shirt while your at it...
Thanks FP and Wicked - Fitz if you lose the elitist attitude and remember what it was like to be a peasant on the outside maybe we'll thank you too one day. Oh, and I got your apology Right HEre!
disk wrote:Fitz, you're a little sniveler
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