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Cleared Pending agentcom[SN]

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Postby hairypies on Mon Jan 26, 2015 7:47 pm


I wish to lodge a complaint against agentcom, we are in a tournament and he delibaretly missed his first turns on all my games with me, twice on three games, this gave him the advantage of putting his deferred troops in exposed positions with a distinct advantage.
I also checked his online activity and he played other games and was online during these missed goes.
He is a cheat and should be kicked out the tourney.
these are the games
Please investigate.


The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy
Severe PM Abuse
Other: <Explanation>

Game number(s):


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Re: agentcom

Postby lancehoch on Mon Jan 26, 2015 7:53 pm

hairypies wrote:Accused:

The accused is suspected of:
Deadbeating/Intentionally missing turns

Game number(s):
Game 15268568
Game 15268569
Game 15268570
Game 15268571
Game 15268572

Comments: I wish to lodge a complaint against agentcom, we are in a tournament and he delibaretly missed his first turns on all my games with me, twice on three games, this gave him the advantage of putting his deferred troops in exposed positions with a distinct advantage.
I also checked his online activity and he played other games and was online during these missed goes.
He is a cheat and should be kicked out the tourney.
Please investigate.

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Re: agentcom

Postby Endgame422 on Mon Jan 26, 2015 8:17 pm

Agent will get nothing as missing turns is not an advantage.
Hairypies will get a warning for abusive language.
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Re: agentcom

Postby agentcom on Mon Jan 26, 2015 9:23 pm

This is going to be fun.
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Re: agentcom

Postby Edric Wolfswift on Mon Jan 26, 2015 9:27 pm

What I find hilarious is agentcom has a higher % of turns taken than hairypies...but hairypies is complaining about turns not being taken :lol: =D> :lol: =D>
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Re: agentcom

Postby agentcom on Mon Jan 26, 2015 9:32 pm

I was going to report the constant harrassment via wall post, PM and game chat, but I realized that I enjoy the attention.

As for the frivolous accusation, I have to confess my secret:

There's a secret cheat where you can miss a turn and it causes your opponent to get bad dice. I've been exposed. If I didn't take over 99% of my turns, I probably would have been conqueror by now. I just didn't want anyone to catch on! So I only use it in tourney games where I was going to advance anyway. You know, just to avoid any suspicion.

This is just another one of those people who doesn't know the difference between correlation and causation. There's also a healthy dose of denial mixed in here, too. This guy's poor strategy and bad dice combined to cause him to lose games that had basically been handed to him by my busy schedule. I wish his teachers and future therapists the best of luck because this is gonna be one tough case for them.
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Re: agentcom

Postby king achilles on Mon Jan 26, 2015 10:20 pm

Is there a game where he made a turn while he was missing turns for those games mentioned?
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Re: agentcom

Postby owenshooter on Tue Jan 27, 2015 8:54 am

king achilles wrote:Is there a game where he made a turn while he was missing turns for those games mentioned?

i don't think this question is relevant. we had this situation occur where ronc had an opponent intentionally dead beating or "forfeiting" as he called it, because ron did not let him take a snap (a rules violation in only JORIKI's mind)... JORIKI was taking turns in all of his other games, but not ron's game... yet, he was cleared of intentionally dead beating... when it happened, we said it was a stupid precedent to set, and it is still a stupid precedent... here is the thread:

Subject: intentionally deadbeating JORIKI [BG]

now, as far as this case goes, it was a strategic move that many use in poly. it isn't successful if you play an experienced poly player, because they know to attack the color that missed to limit the deferred troops... this is going to be interesting, because of the recent horrible ruling in the ronc issued complaint...-Jésus noir
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Re: agentcom

Postby IcePack on Tue Jan 27, 2015 12:24 pm

As Agentcom's clan mate / clan leader, I'll just throw in & confirm that he has been extremely busy and have experienced numerous occasions where he's been low on time etc and had to be alerted or requested to be covered. (For what it's worth to KA / MH's etc)

Happy to provide additional info to the powers that be through PM.

This guy's poor strategy and bad dice combined to cause him to lose games that had basically been handed to him by my busy schedule.

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Re: agentcom

Postby sniffie on Tue Jan 27, 2015 1:14 pm

king achilles wrote:Is there a game where he made a turn while he was missing turns for those games mentioned?

This question is relevant because it makes the difference between whether the accused has deliberately missed the turns or that he really wasn't online.

I have checked the game numbers provided, in 2 of them I can't see anything because of the fog. In the other games, I can see no benefit gained from missing.

hairypies, if you have other evidence please provide it here.
Same goes for Agentcom.

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Re: agentcom

Postby owenshooter on Tue Jan 27, 2015 1:48 pm

sniffie wrote:
king achilles wrote:Is there a game where he made a turn while he was missing turns for those games mentioned?

This question is relevant because it makes the difference between whether the accused has deliberately missed the turns or that he really wasn't online.

I have checked the game numbers provided, in 2 of them I can't see anything because of the fog. In the other games, I can see no benefit gained from missing.

hairypies, if you have other evidence please provide it here.
Same goes for Agentcom.


you obviously didn't read my response, because it is not relevant due to the precedent set in the case i provided. in that case, despite being online and taking turns in other games and posting in game chat in the game he was dead beating, the user was CLEARED. so, maybe you should read my entire post before firing off a snarky comment... here you go, i'll quote the relevant part that you obviously didn't read... and the thread linked is the ruling from this forum about the exact same question that king a raised (a question any intelligent person would, but the mod that ruled seemed to not understand that.)

owenshooter wrote:i don't think this question is relevant. we had this situation occur where ronc had an opponent intentionally dead beating or "forfeiting" as he called it, because ron did not let him take a snap (a rules violation in only JORIKI's mind)... JORIKI was taking turns in all of his other games, but not ron's game... yet, he was cleared of intentionally dead beating... when it happened, we said it was a stupid precedent to set, and it is still a stupid precedent... here is the thread:

Subject: intentionally deadbeating JORIKI [BG]

now, as far as this case goes, it was a strategic move that many use in poly. it isn't successful if you play an experienced poly player, because they know to attack the color that missed to limit the deferred troops... this is going to be interesting, because of the recent horrible ruling in the ronc issued complaint...-Jésus noir

you are welcome, despite your condescending comment that was baseless...-Jésus noir
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Re: agentcom[SN]

Postby ronsizzle on Tue Jan 27, 2015 2:10 pm

this case is a little different than mine. but if he is taking turns in other games, and not in the ones that are in this thread, that is clearly a violation.

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Re: agentcom[SN]

Postby owenshooter on Tue Jan 27, 2015 2:31 pm

ronc8649 wrote:this case is a little different than mine. but if he is taking turns in other games, and not in the ones that are in this thread, that is clearly a violation.


you would think so, but that didn't matter in your game. we showed he was posting in your game chat while not taking turns AND playing in other games at the same time he was dead beating... the mods ruled it was not dead beating.. so, this case is really interesting now...-Jn

p.s.-your guy said it was an intentional "surrender"... ha!!
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Re: agentcom[SN]

Postby JamesKer1 on Tue Jan 27, 2015 3:38 pm

ronc8649 wrote:this case is a little different than mine. but if he is taking turns in other games, and not in the ones that are in this thread, that is clearly a violation.


Not correct. I had a period of time recently where I would miss some turns because I simply didn't have enough time to play all of them. Sometimes this would be 2 turns in a row, but in some games I didn't miss a single one. Just because you are playing in other games doesn't mean you are intentionally missing the ones you don't play in- it only means that you either prioritized what it was extremely important to play in to secure a win or put up a fighting chance, or it means that you simply don't have enough time. I freely admit to both of those, and I'm sure the latter applies for agent.
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Re: agentcom

Postby agentcom on Tue Jan 27, 2015 3:45 pm

owenshooter wrote:
king achilles wrote:Is there a game where he made a turn while he was missing turns for those games mentioned?

i don't think this question is relevant. we had this situation occur where ronc had an opponent intentionally dead beating or "forfeiting" as he called it, because ron did not let him take a snap (a rules violation in only JORIKI's mind)... JORIKI was taking turns in all of his other games, but not ron's game... yet, he was cleared of intentionally dead beating... when it happened, we said it was a stupid precedent to set, and it is still a stupid precedent... here is the thread:

Subject: intentionally deadbeating JORIKI [BG]

now, as far as this case goes, it was a strategic move that many use in poly. it isn't successful if you play an experienced poly player, because they know to attack the color that missed to limit the deferred troops... this is going to be interesting, because of the recent horrible ruling in the ronc issued complaint...-Jésus noir

Dammit. I had typed of a little bit of a response, but accidentally hit the back button and lost it :oops:

Briefly, I'm surprised by the ruling that Owen mentions. It's not in accordance with how I understood the rules previously. However, it is irrelevant because I am not accused of intentional deadbeating, which usually comes up in terms of point dumping and collusion but with the more general "gross abuse"-type violation. Basically, there are certain things that you are not allowed to do to gain an unfair advantage. Here, I think the rule could be summarized as "you can't intentionally miss a turn in order to gain an advantage."

So, accuser/investigator has to show both that there was intent to miss the turn and intent to gain an advantage. Arguably, a third prong has to be shown, as well: that an advantage was actually gained. But I'm not well-versed enough in the rules to know, and my answers below address it sufficiently for the moment. Conversely, the accused must show either that the missed turns weren't intentional, or if they could somehow be considered intentional, that there was no intent to gain an advantage.

I think this is easily decided on the first prong. The missed turns weren't intentional. For the past few weeks, I have taken my turns almost entirely in the order that they come up. I simply don't have the time to go through my games and cherry pick the games that I want to play right now. Almost all of my missed turns lately have been in the morning. I either didn't wake up in time to take them, or I fell back asleep or got busy before getting to all of them.

But even if I did intentionally miss (which I didn't), it's pretty clear that there was no intent to gain an advantage. First off, I've often and publicly stated that missed turns rarely afford any advantage. It's unlikely that I "found" several such rare instances over a short period of time against the same opponent. Second, the missed turns actually didn't provide an advantage. The accuser (here and in countless similar cases) makes the mistake of conflating subsequent, irrelevant events with the missed turns. Namely, he got bad dice and didn't play well. In other circumstances, I would sympathise with him. But the bottom line here is that the missed turns themselves didn't provide me with an advantage. In fact, it was a disadvantage, as it almost always is.

For example, in Game 15268569, S. America had a blue, green, cyan and pink territory and had not been disturbed at the time of the miss. In Australia, I had a green 7 against his 3 yellow, and a cyan 3 and 2. I would have loved to drop green and take them through Australia and most likely pick up the bonus and a spoil. Alas, I missed green's turn. He didn't put enough troops on Aus or trim green in S. Am. (a combination of bad strategy and poor dice). So, while I couldn't take Aus first round, by the time green's turn came up again, Aus. was safe from him for the moment even without my deferred troops. Additionally, I was able to take S. Am. with green even without the deferred troops. That sealed his fate, but I guess it's more convenient, though disingenuous, for him to attribute the loss to my disadvantageous missed turn.
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Re: agentcom[SN]

Postby willedtowin1 on Tue Jan 27, 2015 5:11 pm

sounds like petty bs to me................
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Re: agentcom[SN]

Postby Serbia on Tue Jan 27, 2015 8:06 pm

Do away with deferred troops, and this is never an issue again.

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Re: agentcom[SN]

Postby JamesKer1 on Tue Jan 27, 2015 8:19 pm

Serbia wrote:Do away with deferred troops, and this is never an issue again.


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Re: agentcom[SN]

Postby ronsizzle on Tue Jan 27, 2015 9:53 pm

JamesKer1 wrote:
ronc8649 wrote:this case is a little different than mine. but if he is taking turns in other games, and not in the ones that are in this thread, that is clearly a violation.


Not correct. I had a period of time recently where I would miss some turns because I simply didn't have enough time to play all of them. Sometimes this would be 2 turns in a row, but in some games I didn't miss a single one. Just because you are playing in other games doesn't mean you are intentionally missing the ones you don't play in- it only means that you either prioritized what it was extremely important to play in to secure a win or put up a fighting chance, or it means that you simply don't have enough time. I freely admit to both of those, and I'm sure the latter applies for agent.

so for that logic tourney games arent important enough???

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Re: agentcom[SN]

Postby agentcom on Wed Jan 28, 2015 2:52 am

ronc8649 wrote:
so for that logic tourney games arent important enough???


Not bullshit actually. Try again sometime.
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Re: agentcom[SN]

Postby sniffie on Wed Jan 28, 2015 12:10 pm

As Owens has been so kind to tell me, the accused is cleared of deadbeating, clearly because the Agentcom is still alive in the game.

The complaint however, regards to deliberately missing turns to gain an advantage. I am not convinced that is the issue here, but if I'm wrong on that, please provide evidence that I'm wrong.
If no further evidence is provided I'll close this on Friday.

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Re: agentcom[SN]

Postby agentcom on Wed Jan 28, 2015 2:02 pm

Thanks sniffie
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Re: agentcom[SN]

Postby JamesKer1 on Wed Jan 28, 2015 7:15 pm

sniffie wrote:As Owens has been so kind to tell me, the accused is cleared of deadbeating, clearly because the Agentcom is still alive in the game.

The complaint however, regards to deliberately missing turns to gain an advantage. I am not convinced that is the issue here, but if I'm wrong on that, please provide evidence that I'm wrong.
If no further evidence is provided I'll close this on Friday.


Any investigation into the OP's gross abuse of foul language? Or is there not enough for it to be warnable, at the very least?
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Re: agentcom[SN]

Postby ronsizzle on Thu Jan 29, 2015 12:51 pm

did he deadbeat in these games, while playing other games? if so, he should be warned.
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Re: agentcom[SN]

Postby sniffie on Fri Jan 30, 2015 2:42 am

Agentcom did not play any other games while missing turns, nor was he online. Therefore he's cleared.

Hairypies comments aren't racial or bigoted. So he won't get a warning for it.
Maybe it's best both players Foe And Move On.

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