Thanks for the attention you paid to may complaint.
For me, it's clear that they're either multis or friends/relatives coordinating their movements.
Let me summarize what I've found out:
1- They play from the same country - US - and have joined Conquer Club in the very same day and in the very same our:
TSWillis86 joined in on Sat Feb 23, 2013 12:08
Commander Cosmo joined in on Sat Fed 23, 2013 12:56
Suspicious, isn't it? And Commander Cosmo said in this Chat that he was introduced to Conquer Club by TSWillis86. How come, if they joined practically at the same time?
2 - Commander Cosmo has already played 489 games in CC. In 417 of them, TSWillis86 was there as well. It means that he shared 80% of his games here with TSWillis86.
I've been playing CC since mid 2012, from time to time I play with players I had played before, it's commons. But 80%? 417 games from 489? It's, at least, suspicious.
3 - Just do a "Game Finder" with their nicks. I'll see that they usually join the games at the same time. Their nicks commonly appear above/under each other. So it's not a coincidence, they don't run into by chance... It's deliberate.
4 - I did the "Game Finder" and took the first game they are active together to check. I didn't chose, but took the first one. It's
Game 14636226. Let's see:
It's the 7th round. They've attacked each other only in the first round. Maybe because they needed to do so, to conquer regions. For the next 6 rounds, nor TSWillis attacked Commander Cosmo, neither Commander Cosmo attacked TSWillis86.
5 - One of them won 7 of last 10 games they played together.
6 - TSWillis86 last visited CC on: Wed Jul 16, 2014 8:05am
Commander Cosmo last visited CC on: Wed Jul 16, 2014 8:19am.
I mean, they joined CC at the same time, they join the games at the same time and their last visit was, again, at the same time.
If they are the same person, as I believe, or friends/relatives playing together, there won't be any exchange of messages in their walls, which would be clearly "secret diplomacy". They don't need, cause they are either a multi or people playing together.
And they've already been accused here of Secret Diplomacy...
I'm sorry, but there is a bunch of "coincidences" which cannot be considered just coincidences...
PS: I've been playing here since mid 2012. This is the first time I came to this chat to denounce somebody. I just came because, during the game, it became clear that they were coordinating their tactics. They had mutual borders unprotected and didn't attack each other. It is a foggy war, but they always seemed to know the route to reach other players' weakest defenses - causer, playing as multis, it was easier for them to see "across" the fog.
I'm sorry, but I need to keep my complaint.