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Nietzsche- Offensive Banner [warned] BG

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Nietzsche- Offensive Banner [warned] BG

Postby VioIet on Thu Mar 29, 2012 11:24 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Offensive Banner

show: Banner


Nietzsche added my photo to his banner without my permission. I took offense to this, due to the racy nature of his banner.

I would like him to respect my wishes, and take the photo down. I also ask that he please not do this again in the future.

Thank you in advance.
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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner

Postby maxfaraday on Thu Mar 29, 2012 11:50 pm

From: Karl_R_Kroenen
To: maxfaraday

I have noted this post and if it continues, there will be consequences for you.
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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner

Postby demonfork on Fri Mar 30, 2012 12:28 am

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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner

Postby sniffie on Fri Mar 30, 2012 1:17 am

He might be warned for using your avatar on his banner, but the other pictures on his banner aren't that shocking are they, the women aren't naked...So it isn't against the rules I think.

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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner

Postby Bruceswar on Fri Mar 30, 2012 1:38 am

using personal info in a banner is forbidden. I am sure he will be dealt with swiftly.
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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner

Postby ljex on Fri Mar 30, 2012 1:49 am

Bruceswar wrote:using personal info in a banner is forbidden. I am sure he will be dealt with swiftly.

she posted the personal information willingly...i feel like that should not be against the rules. How are we even supposed to know that is her? Im no fan of nietzsche because i think he is a duche...but i am of the firm belief that anything you post about yourself becomes public information in the community and is fair game.
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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner

Postby Bruceswar on Fri Mar 30, 2012 1:51 am

ljex wrote:
Bruceswar wrote:using personal info in a banner is forbidden. I am sure he will be dealt with swiftly.

she posted the personal information willingly...i feel like that should not be against the rules. How are we even supposed to know that is her? Im no fan of nietzsche because i think he is a duche...but i am of the firm belief that anything you post about yourself becomes public information in the community and is fair game.

That is totally incorrect and nietz said in live chat he did it just to piss her off. If I post a photo of myself, it is for me to use only and nobody else.
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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner

Postby ljex on Fri Mar 30, 2012 1:55 am

Bruceswar wrote:
ljex wrote:
Bruceswar wrote:using personal info in a banner is forbidden. I am sure he will be dealt with swiftly.

she posted the personal information willingly...i feel like that should not be against the rules. How are we even supposed to know that is her? Im no fan of nietzsche because i think he is a duche...but i am of the firm belief that anything you post about yourself becomes public information in the community and is fair game.

That is totally incorrect and nietz said in live chat he did it just to piss her off. If I post a photo of myself, it is for me to use only and nobody else.

thats a stupid made it public info by posting it and it should not be against the rules for someone else to post it again. So your saying that if i post my name is luke...anytime someone post that my name is luke i can get all pissy throw a hissy fit and get them in trouble? seems rather stupid to me.
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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner

Postby eddie2 on Fri Mar 30, 2012 2:00 am

bruce i think you need to check back on cases...
you can't report people if they call you by your first name now. With this report, you told everyone who gets to read it whether the name mentioned here is actually true or not.

this is from king achilles and i think images will be classed as the same.. the thing with the case i brought up is the fact that i had not posted my personal info on the site before this
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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner

Postby Bruceswar on Fri Mar 30, 2012 2:15 am

eddie2 wrote:bruce i think you need to check back on cases...
you can't report people if they call you by your first name now. With this report, you told everyone who gets to read it whether the name mentioned here is actually true or not.

this is from king achilles and i think images will be classed as the same.. the thing with the case i brought up is the fact that i had not posted my personal info on the site before this

Your name is one thing... Posting a photo is another. Lets keep the 2 different.
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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner

Postby eddie2 on Fri Mar 30, 2012 2:25 am

bruce how can you but how do you different the 2 from what i see is this...

player posting my name on site = that had not previously been posted on site...

image used as a avi= posted on site

at the end i agree with violet but the only problem is king achilles closing a case previously and saying that now i have posted it any player can use when i had not posted it before the case and therefore by the same rule being used here it should not of been used. the previous case even went as far as 2 issue me a 1 month forum ban for reporting it.. even though the rules quiet openly say it was against site rules what had happened. in my eyes king achilles needs to appologise for a wrong verdict if he even acts on this case and clarify the rules properly because that previous verdict his statement literally states if you use personal info on site it is open for any player to use.
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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner

Postby chapcrap on Fri Mar 30, 2012 2:25 am

I think photos are not different. The woman in the photo can not even be proven to actually be Vio. When's it is your avatar, it's public.
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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner

Postby TheForgivenOne on Fri Mar 30, 2012 2:35 am

ljex wrote:
Bruceswar wrote:
ljex wrote:
Bruceswar wrote:using personal info in a banner is forbidden. I am sure he will be dealt with swiftly.

she posted the personal information willingly...i feel like that should not be against the rules. How are we even supposed to know that is her? Im no fan of nietzsche because i think he is a duche...but i am of the firm belief that anything you post about yourself becomes public information in the community and is fair game.

That is totally incorrect and nietz said in live chat he did it just to piss her off. If I post a photo of myself, it is for me to use only and nobody else.

thats a stupid made it public info by posting it and it should not be against the rules for someone else to post it again. So your saying that if i post my name is luke...anytime someone post that my name is luke i can get all pissy throw a hissy fit and get them in trouble? seems rather stupid to me.

It is true though, neitzsche did post in Live Chat that he added her in the banner just to piss her off. I can confirm it.
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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner

Postby nietzsche on Fri Mar 30, 2012 3:00 am

TheForgivenOne wrote:
ljex wrote:
Bruceswar wrote:
ljex wrote:
Bruceswar wrote:using personal info in a banner is forbidden. I am sure he will be dealt with swiftly.

she posted the personal information willingly...i feel like that should not be against the rules. How are we even supposed to know that is her? Im no fan of nietzsche because i think he is a duche...but i am of the firm belief that anything you post about yourself becomes public information in the community and is fair game.

That is totally incorrect and nietz said in live chat he did it just to piss her off. If I post a photo of myself, it is for me to use only and nobody else.

thats a stupid made it public info by posting it and it should not be against the rules for someone else to post it again. So your saying that if i post my name is luke...anytime someone post that my name is luke i can get all pissy throw a hissy fit and get them in trouble? seems rather stupid to me.

It is true though, neitzsche did post in Live Chat that he added her in the banner just to piss her off. I can confirm it.

A little clarification, to make her mad in a playful, childish way.

Bruceswar wrote:using personal info in a banner is forbidden. I am sure he will be dealt with swiftly.

Did you do that on purpose? Achiles the Swift?

Anyway, I was trying to be funny, asked everyone in live chat to see my sig, only Violet was busy I guess, got bored of waiting for her to react so I could change it back, and I had to go out to run, I even left the Live Chat open to see her reaction but you can read only so many lines back. She had made a comment about the women in my sig last night, this was a follow up joke.
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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner

Postby jiminski on Fri Mar 30, 2012 3:34 am

I can't honestly see how this is enforceable. In passing, posting ones actual picture as an avatar on a gaming site is either the act of a very brave person or one looking for compliments (nice smile Vio... if that really is you of course!) It's a bit like a lady wearing a T-shirt with "don't look at my boobs" written exactly where her boobs sit under the T-Shirt and then castigating you, when you read the sign, for looking at her boobs...But that really is an aside.

If Nietzsche is told to take the image down then realistically no one can re-post any image at all! As has been said, how can anyone prove that it is them? A photo ID to be Scanned-in and sent to the Admin? Well i'm sure i could knock up a pretty good forgery of Sylvester Stallone''s driver's licence but does that mean i can get everyone to take down their Rocky avatars..certainly i am no copyright lawyer but i'm pretty certain he's.. i mean I'm.. fair game as I've pimped around my image for years in order to gain the attention of my adoring public!

Anyway, I imagine that all will happen is that Nietzsche will be respectfully asked to take the image down and he will do so so that every other prick on the website does not have to change their banners again (hey BPB? ;) )
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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner

Postby Evolution299 on Fri Mar 30, 2012 8:53 am

In all actuality, as soon as post a picture on the internet it becomes public domain. there is no way to prove that is acutally violet, as well there is no way to prove it isn't.
My adivse Violet, is if you don't want to see your picture pop up in other places, not just on this site, take it down and use a different avatar.
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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner

Postby General Brock II on Fri Mar 30, 2012 9:48 am

Evolution299 wrote:In all actuality, as soon as post a picture on the internet it becomes public domain. there is no way to prove that is acutally violet, as well there is no way to prove it isn't.
My adivse Violet, is if you don't want to see your picture pop up in other places, not just on this site, take it down and use a different avatar.

I think the biggest issue here is how the image is used. As VI proclaimed, Nietzche's signature is somewhat risque. Adding her avatar automatically associates her with Nietzche, whether or not she WANTS to be associated with a distasteful bit of art. So, for example, if Nietzsche took the chap in my sig and added it to his banner, the content is public, but I'd still be associated with, and appear to condone, the images in Nietzche's signature. Therefore, I would be livid.

And I disagree, again. In the example that I fly a Regiment sig doesn't mean that anybody can fly a Regiment sig - you have to have the express consent of the Regiment, because you are not a Regiment member. The same with Vi. If you are going to use Vi's images (unless you can find them on Google), then you must ask Vi if you can use them, because you are not Vi.

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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner [pending] BG

Postby betiko on Fri Mar 30, 2012 10:03 am

what a perv!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner

Postby Lindax on Fri Mar 30, 2012 10:14 am

eddie2 wrote:bruce i think you need to check back on cases...
you can't report people if they call you by your first name now. With this report, you told everyone who gets to read it whether the name mentioned here is actually true or not.

this is from king achilles and i think images will be classed as the same.. the thing with the case i brought up is the fact that i had not posted my personal info on the site before this

Mmmm.... Did you ask gordito if you could use the avatar he's been using for many years now?

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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner [pending] BG

Postby VioIet on Fri Mar 30, 2012 11:32 am

I just checked Nietzsche's profile, and he did take the banner down.

This is all that I wanted.

He has also sent me a pm, apologizing for the incident.The only reason I made this C&A report, is because he didn't take it down when I first asked him to. But now that he has complied, I am happy.

I am not sure what CC's ruling will be on this one, and how much protection I will really have here. So I guess I will follow that advice that some people echoed here, and not use the photo as my avatar. I suppose that's the only way to prevent something like this from happening again. Just sorry that it had to come down to that. I would have preferred to be able to display it, without having to risk the chance of it being used in another format, without my permission.

Also, as General Brock pointed out, it was the risque nature of the banner that I took offense to. I just feel if someone wants to use my photo in anything within the realms of this site, they should need my permission to do so. My photo is not on Google, so to my best knowledge, no one but myself and the photographer own the rights to it.
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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner [warned] BG

Postby BGtheBrain on Fri Mar 30, 2012 1:12 pm

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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner [warned] BG

Postby jefjef on Fri Mar 30, 2012 1:18 pm

BGtheBrain wrote:Nietzsche has been warned for personal information abuse

Really? A major infraction? The pic violet is using as her avatar is equivalent to a userid - Since this is now considered personal information (which it isn't) then all those that used insomnia red info and pics needs to also be warned. Maybe the "post a pic of yourself" thread has some violations too.

Seems a bit extreme.. Maybe a baiting violation would be more accurate.
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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner [warned] BG

Postby DrewbieDoo on Fri Mar 30, 2012 3:49 pm

Not gonna lie. This came out wrong.

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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner [warned] BG

Postby Evolution299 on Fri Mar 30, 2012 4:24 pm

How can he get a WARNING when there is no proof that that is a self pic of Vi, other than her word?

Wow, BG that is a poor decision.
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Re: Nietzsche- Offensive Banner

Postby codeblue1018 on Fri Mar 30, 2012 4:31 pm

Bruceswar wrote:
ljex wrote:
Bruceswar wrote:using personal info in a banner is forbidden. I am sure he will be dealt with swiftly.

she posted the personal information willingly...i feel like that should not be against the rules. How are we even supposed to know that is her? Im no fan of nietzsche because i think he is a duche...but i am of the firm belief that anything you post about yourself becomes public information in the community and is fair game.

That is totally incorrect and nietz said in live chat he did it just to piss her off. If I post a photo of myself, it is for me to use only and nobody else.

Wrong. What you post about yourself is now public; like it or not. If you are worried about such things, don't post personal information. Totally a choice that you made.
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