Conquer Club

Offensive usernames - Rape and the like...[OP warned]es

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Offensive usernames - Rape and the like...[OP warned]es

Postby TheGeneral2112 on Wed Jan 25, 2012 3:38 pm


savage rapefest - :shock:
RapedByElephants - Did that hurt?
RAPE - BAN! kkthxbaiiiiii
Irapeyoui - You most certainly do not!!
daterapecharge - Obv his prison name.
asianmonkey3 - This is offensive to asians everywhere. Asians aren't monkeys.
ADBEARJEW - This is offensive to jews everywhere. Adbear is a kind of fish. Jews aren't fishes.
tangosniper2 - This sniper fellow's username is very violent. Violence is inappropriate.
MustafaKemal1919 - Brutally slaughtered many innocent people. VERY violent!
LordBossMode - Intolerant. My Lord is not Bossmode. For him to say that Bossmode is Lord is very intolerant of my beliefs.
Gr.AdmiralThrawn - Commands Imperial forces. WARNING VERY VERY VIOLENT!!
exusarmyranger - Army rangers use guns. Guns kill people. People dying is violent.
samuraip - Samurais use swords. Swords kill people. People dying is violent.
Taartiej - This is probably violent in some language. Google translate offers no insight, but I know that anything can be twisted around in one way or another. So just let me know what this means in English and I will tell you how it is violent.
PavleMaster1 - This username is using the word master to refer to sadism and masochism. Definitively inappropriate.
$HADOW X - This username has a $ in the name. Money is used to pay mafia hitmen to perform hits. This is a violent username.
THEW1LDCANADIAN - This is offensive to Canadians everywhere. Canadians aren't wild.
IAmSoFuckingHigh - Drugs are bad, yo!
f*ck~THE~WORLD - Conquer club is about to f*ck you right back.
MouthRapeFuck - Ewwwie!!!
fuckerfucker - Very offensive. Double trouble. Ban him twice.
f*ck Islam - I agree. But still offensive.
niggerfuck - :o (EDIT: This is the actual username. If you edit it, how will you know what user I am talking about? Thanks for not touching it!!)
white-pride - Offensive to edit everywhere.

The accused are suspected of: having violent, intolerant, or offensive usernames

Comments: Precedent has been set. Please B& these usernames.
Last edited by TheGeneral2112 on Wed Jan 25, 2012 8:40 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Offensive usernames - Rape and the like...

Postby Evolution299 on Wed Jan 25, 2012 3:54 pm

you missed :

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Re: Offensive usernames - Rape and the like...

Postby TheGeneral2112 on Wed Jan 25, 2012 3:54 pm

Evolution299 wrote:you missed :


Thank you. Added to OP.
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Re: Offensive usernames - Rape and the like...

Postby Evolution299 on Wed Jan 25, 2012 4:01 pm

I think you meant, offensice to african americans/canadians/wherever.
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Re: Offensive usernames - Rape and the like...

Postby Butters1919 on Wed Jan 25, 2012 4:10 pm

TheGeneral2112 wrote:Accused:

RAPE - BAN! kkthxbaiiiiii

I don't find a username that refers to a plant offensive at all!
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Re: Offensive usernames - Rape and the like...

Postby DoomYoshi on Wed Jan 25, 2012 4:19 pm

Are you asking for a forum vacation thegeneral?
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Re: Offensive usernames - Rape and the like...

Postby DoomYoshi on Wed Jan 25, 2012 4:20 pm

TheGeneral2112 wrote:Accused:

savage rapefest - :shock:
RapedByElephants - Did that hurt?
RAPE - BAN! kkthxbaiiiiii
Irapeyoui - You most certainly do not!!
daterapecharge - Obv his prison name.
asianmonkey3 - This is offensive to asians everywhere. Asians aren't monkeys.
ADBEARJEW - This is offensive to jews everywhere. Adbear is a kind of fish. Jews aren't fishes.
tangosniper2 - This sniper fellow's username is very violent. Violence is inappropriate.
MustafaKemal1919 - Brutally slaughtered many innocent people. VERY violent!
LordBossMode - Intolerant. My Lord is not Bossmode. For him to say that Bossmode is Lord is very intolerant of my beliefs.
Gr.AdmiralThrawn - Commands Imperial forces. WARNING VERY VERY VIOLENT!!
exusarmyranger - Army rangers use guns. Guns kill people. People dying is violent.
samuraip - Samurais use swords. Swords kill people. People dying is violent.
Taartiej - This is probably violent in some language. Google translate offers no insight, but I know that anything can be twisted around in one way or another. So just let me know what this means in English and I will tell you how it is violent.
PavleMaster1 - This username is using the word master to refer to sadism and masochism. Definitively inappropriate.
$HADOW X - This username has a $ in the name. Money is used to pay mafia hitmen to perform hits. This is a violent username.
THEW1LDCANADIAN - This is offensive to Canadians everywhere. Canadians aren't wild.
IAmSoFuckingHigh - Drugs are bad, yo!
f*ck~THE~WORLD - Conquer club is about to f*ck you right back.
MouthRapeFuck - Ewwwie!!!
fuckerfucker - Very offensive. Double trouble. Ban him twice.
f*ck Islam - I agree. But still offensive.
editf*ck" onclick="this.href=this.href.replace('editf*ck',encodeURIComponent('editf*ck'));" onmouseover="this.href=this.href.replace('editf*ck',encodeURIComponent('editf*ck'));">editf*ck - :o
white-pride - Offensive to edit everywhere.

The accused are suspected of: having violent, intolerant, or offensive usernames

Comments: Precedent has been set. Please B& these usernames.
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Re: Offensive usernames - Rape and the like...

Postby Woodruff on Wed Jan 25, 2012 4:27 pm

DoomYoshi wrote:Are you asking for a forum vacation thegeneral?

I believe he's asking for consistency from the moderation team. Which is pretty funny, when you think about it.
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Re: Offensive usernames - Rape and the like...

Postby TheGeneral2112 on Wed Jan 25, 2012 4:28 pm

Butters1919 wrote:
TheGeneral2112 wrote:Accused:

RAPE - BAN! kkthxbaiiiiii

I don't find a username that refers to a plant offensive at all!

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Re: Offensive usernames - Rape and the like...

Postby TheGeneral2112 on Wed Jan 25, 2012 4:30 pm

I have been recently promoted to the position of C&A moderator. My first order of business is to address this complaint. No worries. I have been trained.

CLOSED - As none of these usernames are offensive. **Sweepsweepsweepsweep**
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Postby 2dimes on Wed Jan 25, 2012 4:51 pm

~holds edge of rug up~
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Postby TheGeneral2112 on Wed Jan 25, 2012 4:52 pm

2dimes wrote:~holds edge of rug up~

Thank you. All done here.


(To prevent anyone from disagreeing with this decision.)
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Re: Offensive usernames - Rape and the like...

Postby john9blue on Wed Jan 25, 2012 5:09 pm

i disagree with this decision
natty_dread wrote:Do ponies have sex?
Army of GOD wrote:the term heterosexual is offensive. I prefer to be called "normal"
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Re: Offensive usernames - Rape and the like...

Postby pimpdave on Wed Jan 25, 2012 6:10 pm

Please add the username Army of GOD to the list. Thanks.

As a conscientious objector atheist, I am deeply offended by his name. He should have known better before picking it.
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Re: Offensive usernames - Rape and the like...

Postby pimpdave on Wed Jan 25, 2012 6:14 pm

Please add the username thegreekdog to the list. Thanks.

As a sympathizer with the proud peoples of Troy and loving owner of 17 cats, I am deeply offended by his name. He should have known better.
jay_a2j wrote:hey if any1 would like me to make them a signature or like an avator just let me no, my sig below i did, and i also did "panther 88" so i can do something like that for u if ud like...
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Re: Offensive usernames - Rape and the like...

Postby betiko on Wed Jan 25, 2012 6:18 pm

loooool great post.
2112 is offensive; it looks like you know something about the end of the world happening in 2112.
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Re: Offensive usernames - Rape and the like...

Postby Evolution299 on Wed Jan 25, 2012 6:33 pm

I find my own name offensive as a supporter of Creation as opposed to Evolution.

If the Mods make me change it, I hear "David Haekstra" is now available to be used.
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Re: Offensive usernames - Rape and the like...

Postby Juan_Bottom on Wed Jan 25, 2012 6:42 pm

pimpdave wrote:Please add the username Army of GOD to the list. Thanks.

As a conscientious objector atheist, I am deeply offended by his name. He should have known better before picking it.

It's the name of a Christian group that kills abortion doctors.
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Re: Offensive usernames - Rape and the like...

Postby Evolution299 on Wed Jan 25, 2012 6:56 pm

If that is true, I am offended by the name and request that it be changed.

No joking here. Add it to the list.
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Re: Offensive usernames - Rape and the like...

Postby JCR on Wed Jan 25, 2012 8:04 pm

white-pride - Offensive to niggers everywhere.

I was getting a great laugh until the end, the last part is NOT cool man! Its not even funny.
I know what you are trying to do but you crossed the line there.
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Re: Offensive usernames - Rape and the like...

Postby yazoochick on Wed Jan 25, 2012 8:12 pm

$HADOW X - This username has a $ in the name. Money is used to pay mafia hitmen to perform hits. This is a violent username.

I find this to be very funny. He makes it sound like that's the only thing money is used for. This person needs a vacation for this spurious report.
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Re: Offensive usernames - Rape and the like...

Postby Serbia on Wed Jan 25, 2012 8:17 pm

jcrymal wrote:
white-pride - Offensive to niggers everywhere.

I was getting a great laugh until the end, the last part is NOT cool man! Its not even funny.
I know what you are trying to do but you crossed the line there.

If nothing else in the OP earns you a ban, this one will. Racism is not allowed.
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Re: Offensive usernames - Rape and the like...[OP warned]es

Postby Evil Semp on Wed Jan 25, 2012 8:23 pm

The OP has earned a WARNING. This is his first major infraction so he does not need to see a travel agent to book his vacation.

If the OP care to make a new complaint he is more than welcome to without using the edited words.
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Re: Offensive usernames - Rape and the like...

Postby jgordon1111 on Wed Jan 25, 2012 8:26 pm

I think he picked up where I left off on the proximus ventor case right before it was closed. I understand what your saying dude,but you could have made your point without the added commentary. Its not really a spurious report. Precedent was set. But it should have been toned down. Offending those who would have likely been on your side might not have been the best idea. If this report recieves a warning for being spurious then the one that started this should have been treated as spurious. Ie, the report on proximus ventor.

If you get jammed up on the added commentary, well no help there.

ES you gave the warning before I got my thoughts typed in

What was the player warned for?
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Re: Offensive usernames - Rape and the like...[OP warned]es

Postby IcePack on Wed Jan 25, 2012 8:29 pm

Evil Semp wrote:The OP has earned a WARNING. This is his first major infraction so he does not need to see a travel agent to book his vacation.

If the OP care to make a new complaint he is more than welcome to without using the edited words.

Any comment on (some) of the names proposed. While I know some were silly and shouldn't have been included, there are several that should be pursued legitamately.


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