savage rapefest -

RapedByElephants - Did that hurt?
RAPE - BAN! kkthxbaiiiiii
Irapeyoui - You most certainly do not!!
daterapecharge - Obv his prison name.
asianmonkey3 - This is offensive to asians everywhere. Asians aren't monkeys.
ADBEARJEW - This is offensive to jews everywhere. Adbear is a kind of fish. Jews aren't fishes.
tangosniper2 - This sniper fellow's username is very violent. Violence is inappropriate.
MustafaKemal1919 - Brutally slaughtered many innocent people. VERY violent!
LordBossMode - Intolerant. My Lord is not Bossmode. For him to say that Bossmode is Lord is very intolerant of my beliefs.
Gr.AdmiralThrawn - Commands Imperial forces. WARNING VERY VERY VIOLENT!!
exusarmyranger - Army rangers use guns. Guns kill people. People dying is violent.
samuraip - Samurais use swords. Swords kill people. People dying is violent.
Taartiej - This is probably violent in some language. Google translate offers no insight, but I know that anything can be twisted around in one way or another. So just let me know what this means in English and I will tell you how it is violent.
PavleMaster1 - This username is using the word master to refer to sadism and masochism. Definitively inappropriate.
$HADOW X - This username has a $ in the name. Money is used to pay mafia hitmen to perform hits. This is a violent username.
THEW1LDCANADIAN - This is offensive to Canadians everywhere. Canadians aren't wild.
IAmSoFuckingHigh - Drugs are bad, yo!
f*ck~THE~WORLD - Conquer club is about to f*ck you right back.
MouthRapeFuck - Ewwwie!!!
fuckerfucker - Very offensive. Double trouble. Ban him twice.
f*ck Islam - I agree. But still offensive.
niggerfuck -

white-pride - Offensive to edit everywhere.
The accused are suspected of: having violent, intolerant, or offensive usernames
Comments: Precedent has been set. Please B& these usernames.