Conquer Club

stripesandcollar and Savage Henry [noted]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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stripesandcollar and Savage Henry [noted]

Postby Maybemaybenot on Mon Nov 05, 2007 9:37 pm

These are suspected Multis/unofficial alliance:

Savage Henry

Game # 1104163

-no official alliance was made between the two, one basically just said "i'm going to attack Green" and the other basically said "go for it" (the closest thing to an alliance was that blue asked for two turns to build up guys, yellow did not respond.)
-suspected the possibility of multi after blue yelled at me for attacking yellow (why should blue care whether or not i attack yellow if they arent allied or multis?)
-also, both seemed to come to the same illogical conclusions (similar thought process) and both called me an a**. (similar insults)
-neither had attacked each other from round nine til current round (in fact they ONLY attacked me)
-yellow literally built up massive armies to defend blue, while blue's countries that boardered these massive armies contained only 1 unit.
-the only real advancement that either player made on each other was when yellow was in a reasonable position to become the game leader. once i had attacked yellow, he immediately surrendered his captured places back to blue so that blue could get large bonuses and place massive armies at my boarders. (i pointed this out in game chat)
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Postby king achilles on Tue Nov 06, 2007 3:36 am

Based from the game chat, stripesandcollar and Savage Henry appeared to have an agreement to weaken you. There were even remarks on building up. Plus you three were already discussing it in the game chat as you are disputing their reason for having a truce against you, and them, defending their side. So, it really shows that they are already in agreement to weaken you.

This is more of an announced two against one and the "one" happens to be you.

I have checked their past and current games, and so far, this is their first game together. And no, they are not multi accounts with each other. If we get similar reports involving these two players again, we shall take note of this. For now, I can say that the secret alliance is disputable here.
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Postby Maybemaybenot on Tue Nov 06, 2007 2:26 pm

thank you for looking into it. i realize there is a good chance that they are not cheater and instead just unpleasant players. some things just didnt add up:
-like how yellow went first and blue took his turn 1 minute after yellow finished, which wouldnt normally be all that unusual except that blue waited a half-hour for yellow to take his turn.
-they have also never been on at the exact same time (again not neccessarily unusual, but a little bit "convenient."
-and that blue had a premium membership before completing even 10 games (it just seems a little unusual for someone to pay for the premium membership before getting a good feel for the game.)

again, not just one thing, but a variety of small things that didn't quite add up.
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Postby king achilles on Wed Nov 07, 2007 12:53 am

For now, we can only speculate as to their timing when they do take their turns. As for anyone's decision to have a premium membership, well, this is already an entirely different subject and further investigation states that their membership still has no connection with them being multis with each other.

If you like, you could put them in your ignore list if you feel uncomfortable playing with either one of them again.
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