Conquer Club

Carlos Mencia, ConquerSEA [cleared]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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Carlos Mencia, ConquerSEA [cleared]

Postby DudeJustGiveUp on Sat Oct 27, 2007 3:27 pm

These are suspected Multis/Secret Alliance

Suspect users: Carlos Mencia, ConquerSEA

Game number: Game 1060756

2007-10-21 04:17:26 - Carlos Mencia: u couldve taken pinks advantage out
2007-10-21 04:53:10 - ConquerSEA: we could have a mutual truce? I decided against stopping you in the US when i could have,although it wouldnt be good for me
2007-10-21 18:25:26 - Carlos Mencia: ok ill stop others to help u
2007-10-21 18:47:13 - Carlos Mencia: a little not a lot though
2007-10-22 01:30:03 - ConquerSEA: ok, will try to help too
2007-10-22 01:34:27 - Carlos Mencia: hope this guy dont miss all his turns
2007-10-22 01:44:32 - ConquerSEA: yeah it will be a little irritating
2007-10-23 13:18:11 - Carlos Mencia: had to take canada from u
2007-10-23 13:18:22 - Carlos Mencia: no more attacks
2007-10-23 14:41:34 - ConquerSEA: its ok
2007-10-24 02:09:13 - Carlos Mencia: i think i need to take cuba is that ok u can take mine in Africa
2007-10-24 02:11:40 - Carlos Mencia: blue is gonna get kicked out
2007-10-25 00:14:23 - Carlos Mencia: nevermind
2007-10-26 10:43:37 - ConquerSEA: Oh men blue can you make your move?
2007-10-26 21:16:06 - das killa: hey everyone... i'll give a dollar to whoever kills blue so we can get on with the game! LOL
2007-10-26 21:17:32 - das killa: hey pink... you've got a lot of armies. put blue in a "singapore sling"
2007-10-26 21:18:20 - das killa: i just got back from SEA last week, is it raining a lot pink? KL was pretty wet
2007-10-26 22:31:57 - Carlos Mencia: my main worry is red
2007-10-26 23:03:08 - Carlos Mencia: im in a game with a bunch of new recruits
2007-10-26 23:04:10 - Carlos Mencia: ConquerSEA attack blue in Europe and ill atack him SA
2007-10-26 23:19:50 - Carlos Mencia: and green in australia
2007-10-27 03:32:55 - ConquerSEA: lol SEA is tropical all year round,rains every now and then, particularly during year end
2007-10-27 04:01:15 - ConquerSEA: so attack dark blue?
2007-10-27 04:01:37 - Carlos Mencia: i forgot
2007-10-27 04:01:57 - ConquerSEA: i mean do we attack dark blue?
2007-10-27 04:03:32 - Carlos Mencia: yes
2007-10-27 04:04:02 - Carlos Mencia: i think red is under control

These two players, Carlos Mencia and ConquerSEA, were collaborating in the game against all the other players, even though they were both in the lead and no one besides themselves had even a chance of winning.

My name : DudeJustGiveUp
Private 1st Class DudeJustGiveUp
Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Oct 04, 2007 3:11 pm

Postby cena-rules on Sat Oct 27, 2007 3:31 pm


not cheating
19:41:22 ‹jakewilliams› I was a pedo
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Postby sully800 on Sun Oct 28, 2007 9:41 pm

Carlos Mencia, ConquerSEA are cleared of being multis.

Declaring alliances in game chat means that it is not a secret alliance. It is legal.
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