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player scaring opponents away

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player scaring opponents away

Postby GTE on Thu Oct 25, 2007 1:38 am

The player Dangerous-die is emailing players that are signed up to play in a game with me. He tells them that I will leave a negative feedback if I lose. He emailed a player I play all of my doubles games with and told him I was an a$$****. I currently have 3 games waiting for players, one of them had a player signed up and then he left. Leave the negative feedback, place him on ignore and move on.. Dangerous-die is taking it a little too far.
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Re: player scaring opponents away

Postby sully800 on Thu Oct 25, 2007 9:04 pm

GTE wrote:The player Dangerous-die is emailing players that are signed up to play in a game with me. He tells them that I will leave a negative feedback if I lose. He emailed a player I play all of my doubles games with and told him I was an a$$****. I currently have 3 games waiting for players, one of them had a player signed up and then he left. Leave the negative feedback, place him on ignore and move on.. Dangerous-die is taking it a little too far.

He'll stop eventually. No one is so persistent as to keep up a charade like that for any extended period of time. Just ignore what he does and eventually he will realize it is futile. People will still join games with you, theres nothing you can do to prevent that.

I once busted a multi I had a game with. The person created another name and said they would keep creating new names and joining all games with me and attacking only me until I was a private again. Harassed me for a little while and smeared my name around, then got bored and left the site for good. It's a pain in the ass but eventually people get over their petty problems.
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Postby treefiddy on Thu Oct 25, 2007 11:53 pm

IMO, your negative feedback against him was pretty ridiculous. He's doing people a favor by warning them if you're going to leave feedbacks like that.
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Postby soundout9 on Thu Oct 25, 2007 11:55 pm

That dude has a serious problem then and should be banned for crap like that
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