Conquer Club

6pac and ian07 [closed]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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6pac and ian07 [closed]

Postby rsnyder on Tue Oct 23, 2007 9:51 am

Subject line: 6pac and ian07

These are suspected 6pac and ian07

Suspect users: 6pac and ian07

Game number:

Comments: many people have accused 6pac of a multi account with another account but after he got revealed on that account he made ian07 and still have his multis

Rob Snyder
Private 1st Class rsnyder
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Postby sully800 on Tue Oct 23, 2007 9:15 pm

2007-10-22 07:17:10 - ian07 deployed 3 armies on Argentina
2007-10-22 07:17:10 - 6pac receives 4 armies for 13 territories

2007-10-22 07:17:15 - 6pac deployed 4 armies on Indonesia
2007-10-22 07:17:15 - ian07 attacked Peru from Brazil and conquered it from dskyline

2007-10-22 07:17:38 - ian07 attacked East Africa from Egypt and conquered it from 6pac
2007-10-22 07:17:38 - 6pac attacked Western Australia from Indonesia and conquered it from dskyline

It's pretty easy to clear these two of being multis since they have made many moves at the exact same second.

But this is pending anyway :wink:
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