Cheating or Multi'ing? Dude is just pissed because he got beat so he came in here to report us because we HAD to have been cheating to beat him.
The reason that it appeared like he was getting ganged is because of the map layout. We were playing San Francisco. He controlled a majority of downtown at the beginning of the game and pulled out all of his troops from there and went and took over the Avenues. I was trying to get control of South San Fran. and had just taken Marin. So I sent an army 2 turns in a row to break his avenues bonus because it was pretty obvious he was going to use his bonus and come at me(which he did later on in the game).
I had no clear path to take out Nomore or I would have. He is a solid player and wiped me out last night. I have known nomore for 2 days. He is a member of along with me and a few others that have a small risk group. Tyr asked if I wanted to play and I didn't want to play a 1v1 so I said we could play a 3 player. I then looked at people from Utopia that would be online and Nomore was online. So I asked him to join us, and he mopped the board with Tyr and myself.
There is absolutely no cheating or multi'ing going on in this game. Tyr is just a cry baby that needed to justify why he got beat so he decided to throw out a claim of cheating. Look it over mods, there isn't anything going on here.