Conquer Club

Noted hammi, DestroyerOfSeans, andymillar probable multis [ka]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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hammi, DestroyerOfSeans, andymillar probable multis [ka]

Postby Tiller on Sun Dec 13, 2020 11:37 pm

Okay, never done this before, hope I do this right. I'm in a random game of 5 players where I suspect most of them are actually the same person. The game in question is
The player who is red may or may not be involved, but blue/yellow/pink take their turns always within a short timeframe of each other and don't act normally, this latest turn blue turned in a set, deployed on a single, and took out my biggest stack on the map (not coincidentally the one place that I could have broken yellow's bonus from, and he also had several singles and easier targets elsewhere he could have attacked), then yellow who's had the only bonus so far came through red to break the bonus I just finally managed to grab after fighting red the whole game for it even though I'd left yellow alone, then pink takes a big bonus with another set just after the others attacked their 3s down to singles around there. I can't believe this sort of behaviour to be coincidence even from new or low skilled players.



The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis or possibly Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):
Game 20519302
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Re: hammi, DestroyerOfSeans, andymillar probable multis

Postby Tiller on Mon Dec 14, 2020 1:33 am

After checking a few other of their games, it looks like there's other possible abuse going on, here's one where mostly the same group ganged up on chuckie4201 -
There also seem to be new connected accounts named mandymillar and DestroyerOfSean2 (plus a few accounts with scatalogical names), and stobdubh and cwm2g show up a bunch when it's not just bots. From that I now would guess there's 2-3 players who are making several extra accounts, and chuckie4201 and I and whoever else just happened to join some games before they filled up with more their multis, and we each got turned on within a few turns in by the multis.
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Re: hammi, DestroyerOfSeans, andymillar probable multis

Postby McDodge on Tue Dec 15, 2020 4:47 pm

Hmmmmm, DestroyerOfSean and then DestroyerOfSean2. That's creative and not obvious at all!
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Re: hammi, DestroyerOfSeans, andymillar probable multis

Postby jonesthecurl on Sun Dec 20, 2020 1:36 pm

McDodge wrote:Hmmmmm, DestroyerOfSean and then DestroyerOfSean2. That's creative and not obvious at all!
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Re: hammi, DestroyerOfSeans, andymillar probable multis [ka]

Postby king achilles on Sun Dec 20, 2020 6:20 pm

Upon checking these people that have been reported:
DestroyerOfSeans & DestroyerOfSean2 are already blocked from playing each other which also means they are not multis.
Andymillar has been busted with Mandymillar.
hammi, stobdubh & cwm2g looks clean so far.

I have contacted them and made them aware of the rules but they have not been online for a few days now.
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