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Busted Akamango and French Cocaine [tg]

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Akamango and French Cocaine [tg]

Postby Flyswatter on Sun May 31, 2020 3:57 pm


Akamango - joined June 2011, 748 games completed
French Cocaine - joined August 2019, 88 games completed

The accused are suspected of:

same player?
if not, collusion?

Game number(s):

Game 19972660

Hi there, first time I'm venturing to this part of the site. The above game in which I played with these two was Classic Cities: Pot Mosbi, with five players, two whom were eliminated, leaving Akamango, French Cocaine and myself left. You have to hold a Tribe to stay in the game and what stirred my suspicion was when I had hits on the two tribes I was holding in successive turns, first one was taken out by French Cocaine, and then an attempt to take the other by Akamango occurred immediately after. The second one was unsuccessful initially, but he/she got me on the following turn, which eliminated me. Now there's technically nothing wrong with this but there was something that seemed deliberate and calculated about the way it occurred, especially as we were playing with fog and my exact whereabouts should have been unknown. I couldn't help but feel they had shared information about my whereabouts. Is it possible it was just a coincidence? Yes it is, but it nonetheless prompted me to have a look at their profiles and I discovered they are both in Singapore and when searching for games they have played together in Game Finder I note:

Of the 88 Standard games completed by French Cocaine (the majority of which have between 4-6 people), 81 (92%) have included Akamango. And of those 81, Akamango has won 49 (60%), French Cocaine has won 22 (27.5%) and other people have won 10 (12.5%). That is a combined 87.5% win rate.

I posted the below question before getting eliminated, then followed it up again after I had been eliminated but didn't get a proper response to it.

2020-05-23 15:40:26 - Flyswatter: do you two know each other?
2020-05-23 17:47:32 - Flyswatter: I'd appreciate an answer
2020-05-23 21:21:52 - French Cocaine: I don't know anyone with the name flyswatter.

I also note that after a handful of early games together, every game after this they play with the fog setting, which would make their trail harder to pick up. I accept that this isn't exactly a water-tight case but if you have any additional tools at your disposal to investigate further I would appreciate it.


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Re: Akamango and French Cocaine [tg]

Postby TeeGee on Sat Jun 06, 2020 7:19 am

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Re: Akamango and French Cocaine [tg]

Postby TeeGee on Sun Jun 07, 2020 11:28 pm

Not a Multi but guilty of Secret alliance.
They have been given a break from the website and blocked from playing in the same games together when they return.
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Re: Akamango and French Cocaine [tg]

Postby Machieavellian on Mon Jun 08, 2020 9:25 am

Flyswatter: Would it have felt useful to have a process to check this during the game?
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