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Cleared IcePack - Gross Abuse & Spamming

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IcePack - Gross Abuse & Spamming

Postby PaulatPeace on Mon Feb 13, 2017 5:15 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Severe PM Abuse, Gross Site Abuse & Spamming


I believe IcePack is guilty of Gross Abuse /spamming/Cyberbullying/cyberharassment, trolling and several other abuses as described on CC's Community Guidelines, Clan Department and other locations on this site. I believe he knew what he was doing and did so intentionally. I do not have much faith that he will be evaluated in an impartial manner, but I feel this must be reported nonetheless.

Before I detail specific supportive evidence, I believe it is important to define the terms being referred to in an effort to provide clarity. The definitions provided here are taken mostly from this site itself:

-Cyberbullying or cyberharassment - is a form of bullying or harassment using electronic forms of contact.

- Spamming - is the practice of sending unwanted email messages, frequently with commercial content, in large quantities to an indiscriminate set of recipients.
(- indiscriminate definition: in a way that does not show care or judgement.)

- Trolling - Trolling is the intentional attempt to cause chaos.

Furthermore, the Community Guidelines state one should not:
1) intentionally or continually make this community less enjoyable for others.....This applies to any part of the site where interaction takes place including Private Messages
2) NOT be intentionally destructive
3) not push boundaries

IcePack is guilty of all of these things on a regular basis, but specifically in a recent PM sent to the entire clan membership of The Omega Pantheon. While I was unable to respond to his message, he found it desirable and opportune to send this message via the illegal method of "spamming" as defined above. It meets the defined requirements for spamming by specifically a) sending unwanted email messages, b) to large quantity of recipients, c) in an indiscriminate manner.

IcePack's indeed sent several messages repeatedly to this same group of recipients! His 1st message is quoted below with my response to him included.

Dear IcePack,

Thank you for your kind message to our entire clan....and for sending it when you knew I was not able to respond! I can tell by reading it that you are truly sincere, with the minor exception that it is all Total BS!

I will respond to you message below and speak the truth, since this seems to have escaped you!

TOP Sitting Abuse Warning
Sent: Sat Feb 04, 2017 6:55 pm
From: IcePack
To: Rod_Javel Chuuuuck zips5000 downfall macken brkryk17 Witt13 bjonte jdw35 nibotha Stickse GeneralConfusion Great-Ollie FreeFalling123 Dougal McTavish imstillurdaddy PaulatPeace jaybrake bplp49 Lex Usi dkmaster MagnusGreeol ruleroftheworld1 antcowan patrick1234321 narutoserigala pinkrose2012 manhatton Yynatago Mojo2222 BIG_John

I realized that I forgot to include the whole clan in the original PM to nibotha/FreeFalling123 & PaulatPeace. While it may have already made its way / gotten posted in forums, this is just an FYI to those who may not have known yet.

As you may or may not have been aware, josko.ri brought forth a case to the admin regarding potential sitting abuse against several TOP members. Through the investigation, the admin found that there was excessive levels of sitting occurring within TOP.

Please allow me to quote you IcePack from your PM and where you referenced the admin's remarks concerning "excessive levels of sitting":

" As you know, josko has levied accusations of sitting abuse. While the number of games / cases were many, and the general scope of the claims fairly involved, working with the admin (KA) who has access to the login times, IP's, who took what turns etc. In general, the claims made were inconclusive."

" Most of the games etc that were reviewed that josko posted were inconclusive, other than the one game that was remade. Several items of concern that josko brought up were not verified / not accurate."

This is just a educational reminder / warning to the clan that all site guidelines on sitting, as well as Clan Sitting Rules should be followed. Punishment for breaking this rule starts with a warning, 2nd Offense is 1 month website ban, and 3rd Offense is a Permanent Website Ban. This is above and beyond any considerations for clan games etc if the abuses occur within clan games themselves or events. The site and clan dept take this very seriously.

TOP also takes sitting abuse very seriously IcePack. This is why we have been very careful to follow both the Site and Clan Dept. rules on sitting. As an educational reminder to you, please allow me to quote these to you:

Site Sitting Rules -

Also this:
Can I let another player take a turn for me when I am away from the game?

You can, with the stipulation that the account babysitter is not your opponent in any current game. It is common courtesy to announce in game chat that another player will take your turn(s) during your absence. Babysitters should only do what is necessary to take the turn(s) and should not interact with the community, start or join new games (except for ongoing tournaments). Furthermore, you should only take another player's turn if they are in danger of missing a turn, not for the purpose of gaining a tactical advantage.

Clan Dept Sitting Rules -

Clan members must be responsible for their own turns. Clan members must take all of their own turns unless they need to be away from the site for a period of time. Or an emergency arises.

Basic Rules

1. The announcing in chat, of the name of the person who has covered a turn will now be mandatory.

2. You may appoint an account sitter If you need to be away from the site. Your sitter can take your turns whenever it is convenient for them, your sitter can add to chat whilst covering your account. You may have more than one sitter if you require it. Your sitter should announce in chat that you are away and give an approximate time frame for your return. If you need an account sitter then you should not take turns yourself.

3. Emergency cover may be given if the person is in danger of missing a turn. A person will be in danger of missing a turn when:

a, There is less than 2 hours on the clock
b, When their turn expires at a time when they are not usually online. For example It is in the middle of the night their time, or if they do not take turns during work hours.

Emergency cover is for when you have not directly been asked to sit by the person when there is less than 2 hours on the clock or when their turn expires at a time when they are usually not online.
For example. You may cover all turns that will expire in the middle of the night their time, until they would usually be online in the morning. Or if they do not take turns during work hours, you may cover all turns that would expire before they got home.

This rule will not cover all circumstances. We will look at every issue with common sense. If you have a legitimate reason for breaking the 2 hour rule and you post to say you have done so, you will not get into any trouble. However if you break the two hour rule, or take a turn at less than two hours you must be certain that the person will miss. The person in question must not have been online recently taking their own turns. If you regularly cover turns in an unnecessary time frame, and the person subsequently comes online in that time frame, you will be guilty of account sharing

4. You must not enter clan games if you know in advance that you will not be able to take the vast majority of your turns. If you are going to participate in clan games, it should be you who will actually play in these games.

5. You must not be in another persons account for any reason, other than to cover turns during a prearranged sit, or in an emergency situation. Adding to chat in a game you are not in for example will not be allowed. You must also not give permission for anyone to wander in and out of your account at their will. Take care of your account. What happens with it is your responsibility.

In response to the idea that people will just cheat anyway, the hunters will routinely check IPs, and assist us in checking suspicious activity abusing the account sitting rule.


Anyone caught breaking these rules will be subject to penalties as determined at the sole discretion of the CD Team. Penalties may include loss of privileges, loss of medals, forfeiture of games, and any other punishment the CD Team deems appropriate.The CD team will take a common sense approach when ruling on each individual case.

As you have been told repeatedly IcePack, none of these rules were broken by TOP members, including FreeFalling123 & nibotha. In fact ALL of them were strictly adhered to! In the FreeFalling123/nibotha case, nibotha played his last turn in a game 2 1/2 - 3 hrs before the sitting scenario presented itself. 2 1/2 - 3 hrs is not "recent" in any universe! He did not ask FreeFalling 123 to take his turn for him! The time ran down to 32 minutes. FreeFalling123 got home and noticed nibotha was in danger of missing his turn and took it for him as we have asked all our Clan Sitting Members to do! This constituted an Emergency Sitting situation as defined by both the Site Sitting Rules & The Clan Dept. Sitting Rules! These are the FACTS of this case and are indisputable!

Josko.ri made unverifiable & inacurate accusations to the admins (as you have admitted) and they believed him without verifying the truth. There is absolutely NO documented evidence anywhere that any TOP members have broken any sitting rules! You can mouth off all you want to about it...but you cannot change the truth!

Specifically you should note that a player should make every effort to play their own turns. If you are away (such as on vacation, or for a weekend etc) and being covered by a sitter, you should not be taking turns for yourself. If you are being covered under emergency sitting, you should not have been online yourself recently. It should be for a true emergency. Lack of instructions / notes from a teammate does not constitute an emergency, and if you choose to wait for those notes and then time runs low, you need to take it yourself as this doesn't fall under the emergency sitting exception. If you are unable to take it because you waited for notes, you should let the turn miss rather then have someone illegally take the move for you.

TOP does not illegally" take turns for any of our members at any time. We will continue to abide by the Sitting Rules as we have always done....but we will not be told how to do so by the likes of you! You are certainly entitled to your interpretation and opinion....but until the rules state specific wording other than what they currently is only your interpretation and opinion!

If you have any questions, let me know. If your ever in doubt of whether or not it violates the sitting abuse policy, its best to either ask or take the turn so that there is no question whether or not the coverage was questionable.

If we are ever in doubt about the sitting rules....we will simply refer to them as they are written!


Thank you again IcePack for so courteously contacting our clan members when you knew specifically I was not able to respond. This tells us a lot about your character and motives!


In his opening remarks IcePack states "I realized that I forgot to include the whole clan in the original PM to nibotha/FreeFalling123 & PaulatPeace. While it may have already made its way / gotten posted in forums, this is just an FYI to those who may not have known yet." Those who know IcePack are more than familiar with his passive/aggressive manner. He admits the "warning" he is giving to our entire clan membership is something they are already aware of, yet he deems it appropriate to "warn" us yet again. He is in fact aware we have even posted the sitting rules in our Own Clan Forum as per this post in the Clan Sitting Rules Discussion by our clan member Lex Usi to which IcePack later responded:

Re: Clan Sitting Rules Discussion
Postby Lex Usi on Sat Feb 04, 2017 4:21 am

"Even the clan sitting rules which are the main issue now, were posted in our own forum and everyone were made to read them."

This very issue has been discussed countless times in the Clan Forum recently and many of our members have participated and have already heard what IcePack had to say.

So what is the real reason IcePack decides to again "warn" all TOP members of what they already know....I will tell antagonize them and attempt to cause strife within our ranks. To cyberharass them at a time when their founding leader is unable to respond to this harassment. He of course will say otherwise...but look clearly at the evidence and you will come to no other conclusion.

So IcePack writes his 1st message to all TOP members, but then decides this is not enough. He has done what he said was his intent to do....but then feels it appropriate to continue to add even more harassment with a 2nd message to everyone dated :

Re: TOP Sitting Abuse Warning
Sent: Sat Feb 11, 2017 3:24 pm
From: IcePack
To: Rod_Javel Chuuuuck zips5000 downfall macken brkryk17 Witt13 bjonte jdw35 nibotha Stickse GeneralConfusion Great-Ollie FreeFalling123 Dougal McTavish imstillurdaddy PaulatPeace jaybrake bplp49 Lex Usi dkmaster MagnusGreeol ruleroftheworld1 antcowan patrick1234321 narutoserigala pinkrose2012 manhatton Yynatago Mojo2222 BIG_John

To this 2nd message I respond:

"Thank you again IcePack for continuing to harass and deprive members of our clan of their right to expect a reasonable opportunity to enjoy this site without your incessant passive/aggressive badgering and threats.

You were well aware of my not being able to answer your 1st message to our entire clan membership, but the fact that you are not speaking the truth about this or most of the other accusations you have made is not what really bothers me. It is the fact that you feel the need to continue harassing our clan members.

I am asking you to PLEASE STOP. We do not care what you have to say, and you are seriously diminishing our ability to enjoy our time here on Conquer Club!

Consider this your final warning!


You would think the 1st message of IcePack's was more than enough to provide us with a warning about information we already knew...but certainly a 2nd message would definitely get the job done. No...he then writes a 3rd message, even after being asked to PLEASE STOP and told that he is depriving many of us of the right to enjoy this site.:

Re: TOP Sitting Abuse Warning
Sent: Sat Feb 11, 2017 4:23 pm
From: IcePack
To: Rod_Javel Chuuuuck zips5000 downfall macken brkryk17 Witt13 bjonte jdw35 nibotha Stickse GeneralConfusion Great-Ollie FreeFalling123 Dougal McTavish imstillurdaddy PaulatPeace jaybrake bplp49 Lex Usi dkmaster MagnusGreeol ruleroftheworld1 antcowan patrick1234321 narutoserigala pinkrose2012 manhatton Yynatago Mojo2222 BIG_John

"To this 3rd message to the same TOP membership I reply:

You have gone way beyond your responsibilities IcePack! Way beyond!

You were asked politely and you were warned!


IcePack will say he was only fulfilling his responsibilities as Head Clan Director. I have offered substantial proof that this is not the case and is without question not his motive. In evaluating his guilt one must answer 3 questions:

1) Did he indeed send unwanted email messages, on a frequent basis to a large amount of recipients in an indiscriminate manner? YES...he absolutely did! This is indisputable.

2) In doing so did he make this community less enjoyable for the recipients of his multiple messages. YES....he absolutely did! One only needs to look at the responses he has received from our members in forums to answer this question.

3) What was his intent? To provide information? To warn? This is clearly not the case as it was understood this information had already been provided and TOP members had been warned. Look at the posts by TOP members in the CL 8 Thread. Look at the posts by TOP members in the Clan Sitting Rules Discussion Thread. Look at the entry in the CL 8 Infractions section: "R6 - S&M vs TOP: TOP players nibotha and FreeFalling123 committed account sitting abuse. First warning issued to TOP, one game will be remade/replayed." His intention had nothing to do with providing information or warning. It was to harass & antagonize!

A while back I received a warning and punishment for guess what...Spamming. What had I done? After having my posts deleted by IcePack, and other threads I started moved and responded to by IcePack and then conveniently locked down, I posted the identical statements in several locations on this site and copied to several Clan Leaders in an effort to make sure my message would not be deleted and would be heard by those I felt it concerned. My motives were pure, but after reading what the site deemed as "Spamming" I understood I had inadvertently broken the spamming rule. I did not argue this with anyone and accepted my punishment!

In this case IcePack clearly has committed a spamming violation and Gross Abuse of the site. It is no secret that there has long been major contention between IcePack and the members of TOP. Just look at the posts in the CL 7, CL 8, The Clan Sitting Rules Discussion threads and many others. Not a post is made by a member of TOP anywhere that isn't disputed by IcePack. We upset FALL's ranking as the #1 Clan in the F400 Rankings and we are the only clan in the CL 8 that has yet to be defeated in any match. It is clear what IcePack's motive is here, and it is not an honorable one!

I leave this case in the capable hands of the C&A administrators.

Respectfully Submitted,

Field Marshal PaulatPeace
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Re: IcePack - Gross Abuse & Spamming

Postby IcePack on Mon Feb 13, 2017 5:21 pm

Happy to provide any defense as needed to Admin or MH. They know how to reach me. I'm an open book :)

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Re: IcePack - Gross Abuse & Spamming

Postby TeeGee on Mon Feb 13, 2017 5:59 pm


Pending admin review
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Re: IcePack - Gross Abuse & Spamming

Postby king achilles on Mon Feb 13, 2017 9:30 pm

After reading your report, I must admit that I have been tempted to tackle this as Spurious in nature but I changed my mind and will reply to it even though it does look the latter. I do not consider that pm warning to be a "Spam" email as it was about a serious subject to remind everyone in the clan to adhere with the clan account sitting rules and account sitting guidelines in general. As much as there are disagreements and disputes over what happened, he was just reminding/informing your clan not to get into that situation. Clan issues is always covered by the Clan Directors.

I believe we need to consider your defiant responses because you have taken his message as a form of harassment. This insistent dispute over that case and questioning his motives for contacting your clan can create a struggle on what to follow and believe for your clan members.

As a Clan Director, he has the right to determine if a situation needs to (still) be addressed. If you were told to stop doing something by a moderator, moreso if it is coming from a team leader, then simply listen and cooperate rather than to continually dispute what you were told. Both arguments were looked into when a decision was made from the account sitting abuse issue when it was brought into light.

If the message was not the same and it contains new important points, if there was still some confusion caused by an insistent defiance and dispute over the matter, or that the intended recipients needs to be determined, or a topic needs to be confirmed, then a clarification message is still within reason to be sent across the clan or people involved.

This is cleared.
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