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waauw / racism within the forum

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waauw / racism within the forum

Postby owenshooter on Sat Dec 05, 2015 4:54 pm

Accused: waauw

The accused are suspected of: racism / flaming within the forums

Comments: thread within the forums about site, lag, etc... responded to a post by the offending member and was met with a flame and racist retort. this user has a history of exactly this type of behaviour and this should be dealt with accordingly. no more sweeping this stuff under the carpet with nuances (a news report can't be racist). he straight up violated a major site rule and rounded it out nicely with a flame, also. comments and the thread link are below. you can see the entire thread. nothing was said to him that was abusive, offensive, derogatory or inflammatory. this type of racism/flaming should not be tolerated within the forums and this user needs to be dealt with accordingly.

Additional evidence:

Subject: Poor Server Performance

waauw wrote:
owenshooter wrote:
waauw wrote:If it were you'd hear non-stop whining on a daily basis.

um... but we do... so... um... thank you for helping to prove the point that the OP was making... the black jesus has spoken...-Jésus noir

p.s.-double thanks for helping to prove the point made about site lag, with this thread, too... took 25 min to file this, due to site lag.

Go f*ck yourself ghettoboy. Don't talk to me.
Don't you have some local rapbattles you have to attend to.

and just in case the mods are unable to find the portion that is racist, i have pulled it from the above quote:
Go f*ck yourself ghettoboy. Don't talk to me
Don't you have some local rapbattles you have to attend to.
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Re: waauw / racism within the forum

Postby waauw on Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:00 pm

I think many forum frequenters by now already know, I'm not a racist. I'm just against YOU PERSONALLY. A while back you showed a lot of disrespect, I'm just returning that favour. I have no intention of showing respect to a person who fails in those very basic skills himself.

What comes around goes around.
Last edited by waauw on Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: waauw / racism within the forum

Postby owenshooter on Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:03 pm

waauw wrote:I think many forum frequenters by now already know, I'm not a racist. I'm just against YOU PERSONALLY. A while back you showed a lot of disrespect, I'm just returning that favour. I have no intention of showing respect to a person who fails in those very basic skills himself.

really? then you should have reported this gross display of "disrespect" that was so egregious, as to give you the right to hurl racist insults at members of colour. there is no excuse for racism. period. this site claims to have a zero tolerance, and that has seemed to come into question, as of late. hopefully, this flame/racist post is enough for them to actually do something. there was nothing i posted that baited you into your disgusting post. even more sad, you edited your post 2 times in total!!! please show the "disrespect" that i posted, that gave you the right to violate CC's major infractions. as soon as you do that, i'll retract my complaint. until then, they need to deal with this blatant act of racism within the forum:


the black jesus has spoken...-Jésus noir
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Re: waauw / racism within the forum

Postby waauw on Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:07 pm

owenshooter wrote:
waauw wrote:I think many forum frequenters by now already know, I'm not a racist. I'm just against YOU PERSONALLY. A while back you showed a lot of disrespect, I'm just returning that favour. I have no intention of showing respect to a person who fails in those very basic skills himself.

really? then you should have reported this gross display of "disrespect" that was so egregious, as to give you the right to hurl racist insults at members of colour. there is no excuse for racism. period. this site claims to have a zero tolerance, and that has seemed to come into question, as of late. hopefully, this flame/racist post is enough for them to actually do something. there was nothing i posted that baited you into your disgusting post. even more sad, you edited your post 2 times in total!!! please show the "disrespect" that i posted, that gave you the right to violate CC's major infractions. as soon as you do that, i'll retract my complaint. until then, they need to deal with this blatant act of racism within the forum:


the black jesus has spoken...-Jésus noir

Why should I report it? Every mod on the forums already knows how bad you get. You're the most infamous person on this website.

PS: I'm a member of colour myself dumbass.
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Re: waauw / racism within the forum

Postby owenshooter on Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:21 pm

waauw wrote:Every mod on the forums already knows how bad you get. You're the most infamous person on this website.

and again, what does any of this have to do with your racist statement? please explain that... and i'm sorry, but you don't know what "every mod" or admin or volunteer think of me. i have great relationships with most, including those that i frequently clash with. we all love the site, we don't make it personal. i certainly don't flame / bait or make racist comments at them. so again, please show me the comments that gave you the right to say the racist garbage and flame that you directed towards me. you can't. it never happened. enjoy your vacation. your "defense" is laughable... the black jesus has spoken...-Jn

p.s.-you have not defended your deplorable post in any meaning way. "you did this, so i did that," is not a valid reason:

Last edited by owenshooter on Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: waauw / racism within the forum

Postby waauw on Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:23 pm

examples of disrespect?
I don't think it's coincidence people have opened topics against you in the past. Here's just three examples.

I'm far from the only one who is sick an tired of you.
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Re: waauw / racism within the forum

Postby owenshooter on Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:30 pm

waauw wrote:examples of disrespect?
I don't think it's coincidence people have opened topics against you in the past. Here's just three examples.

I'm far from the only one who is sick an tired of you.

sooo, 2 C&A threads that were locked and there were no actions/sanctions taken against me and ONE off topic thread... um.. ok... so, again, i am kind of missing the part where you feel as if you are allowed to violate the bigotry guidelines due to what? the above 3 threads? that is the reason you should be allowed to violate the bigotry guidelines? yeah, sorry... that doesn't really defend your post:


and it is quite a stretch, even for plastic man...

i think your actions have spoken quite loudly. the threads you have shown as a reason for your post are kind of funny. how old are they? *cough*... kind of funny that you yell at people for posting in an old thread and then put up OLDER threads to defend your deplorable racist actions. good luck with this. CC needs to finally take a stand. it isn't "say whatever you want about owenshooter, because of his posts, which don't violate forum guidelines", there are actual rules to the forums. and guess what? i stay within them. again, good luck. the black jesus is sad for you...-Jésus noir
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Re: waauw / racism within the forum

Postby waauw on Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:31 pm

Or how about the fact that when I tried to make a wiki for this website, WITH BLAKES PERMISSION BTW, you found nothing better but to falsely accuse me of trying to earn money off this website... You made the ridiculous accusation that I made money per view for my work on this.

owenshooter wrote:
waauw wrote:Little does he realize I actually got permission from blake for the wiki project I'm working on.
Évidemment ce prétendent de jésus se prend pour le malin... :roll:

i am amazed at your creativity in copying and pasting information from the site to another... man, you are amazing... they should up your pay...
again, it can all be found on the CC site, sorry, you won't get your little .0001 cent for a hit on your wikia page now, my bad..

the more pressing issue is, how was a long term member unable to locate something as simple as this on the site? goes to show how difficult this is
to navigate for a new member...-Jésus noir

riskllama wrote:also-stfu, Owen. wtf have you ever done to help or promote CC? Oh right, you were in BPB...

psst... bigotry guidelines... multiple rule changes... see all those clan sigs/branding? yep, started that too... contests with ACTUAL prizes, not 1/4 of a membership... i can go on and on... however, as a member of my fan club, you know all this... but please, continue with your name calling and lame ass "stfu", just making the ban hammer swing a little easier...

==> yes I know very polite and respectful :roll:
When I tried to work on a CC-wiki I only tried to help the website, and all you tried to do with messages like this was try to bully me out of it.
THAT is your general conduct.
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Re: waauw / racism within the forum

Postby owenshooter on Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:37 pm

waauw wrote:When I tried to work on a CC-wiki I only tried to help the website, and all you tried to do with messages like this was try to bully me out of it.
THAT is your general conduct.

i was waiting for you to get to this. you know, the part about my questioning why that was needed and my actions making you "RETIRE" from the volunteers and your "PROMISE" to never post in the forums again. how is that going? so, your personal vendetta against me, and your past volunteer work for CC, somehow give you carte blanche to post racist things towards me? this somehow guarantees that you will not face any sanctions by CC? i am just wondering why you think you are able to do these sorts of things, when you are fully aware of the rules and the repercussions of breaking them. the fact that you were a member of the junior mints should weigh even MORE heavily against you, as you are more aware of the rules, than just a casual user. thank you for finally admitting to the crux of your issue withe me and why you feel it is ok to say what you said to me. i would like to point out the fact, i did not receive any warnings for any of my posts within the thread you mentioned. so again, you just have no basis for what you did. good luck, i hope you learn a valuable lesson... the black jesus has spoken...-Jésus noir

SORRY FOR THE EDIT. adding the thread that was referenced, so people can see what waauw feels justifies his racism:

Subject: CC wiki

waauw wrote:There is no wiki anymore, since people think the user interface already enables easy information finding.
Last edited by owenshooter on Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: waauw / racism within the forum

Postby waauw on Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:37 pm

owenshooter wrote:i think your actions have spoken quite loudly. the threads you have shown as a reason for your post are kind of funny. how old are they? *cough*... kind of funny that you yell at people for posting in an old thread and then put up OLDER threads to defend your deplorable racist actions. good luck with this. CC needs to finally take a stand. it isn't "say whatever you want about owenshooter, because of his posts, which don't violate forum guidelines", there are actual rules to the forums. and guess what? i stay within them. again, good luck. the black jesus is sad for you...-Jésus noir

Where did I YELL at people BECAUSE they posted in an old thread? Living in owen-fantasy land again are we? Perhaps you should get your head out of your fat burgerfilled ass, because obviously it's making you hallucinate.
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Re: waauw / racism within the forum

Postby owenshooter on Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:41 pm

waauw wrote:
owenshooter wrote:i think your actions have spoken quite loudly. the threads you have shown as a reason for your post are kind of funny. how old are they? *cough*... kind of funny that you yell at people for posting in an old thread and then put up OLDER threads to defend your deplorable racist actions. good luck with this. CC needs to finally take a stand. it isn't "say whatever you want about owenshooter, because of his posts, which don't violate forum guidelines", there are actual rules to the forums. and guess what? i stay within them. again, good luck. the black jesus is sad for you...-Jésus noir

Where did I YELL at people BECAUSE they posted in an old thread? Living in owen-fantasy land again are we? Perhaps you should get your head out of your fat burgerfilled ass, because obviously it's making you hallucinate.

i believe this would be it, here is the thread. i invite people to go read your posts. you are the only one ranting within the thread. absolutely lost control. kind of like when you quit the team and stated you were never posting in the forums again:
waauw wrote:
WingCmdr Ginkapo wrote:
waauw wrote: If it were you'd hear non-stop whining on a daily basis.

We do

Really? From the 24th of november until the 4th of december this topic was silent once again. That's 11 days out of the 19 days this topic has run. I see similar trends in other topics regarding the same subject.


and here is the thread in which i somehow treated you so poorly, that you feel you have the right to hurl racist epitaphs at me:

Subject: CC wiki

waauw wrote:There is no wiki anymore, since people think the user interface already enables easy information finding.

there is no grounds for your disgusting act. until you post some sort of rational defense, i suggest you stop posting and let the mods sort this out. however, we both know what the outcome is going to be... again, good luck, i'm sorry you stooped to this... the black jesus is sad for you...-Jésus noir
Last edited by owenshooter on Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: waauw / racism within the forum

Postby waauw on Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:50 pm

owenshooter wrote:
waauw wrote:When I tried to work on a CC-wiki I only tried to help the website, and all you tried to do with messages like this was try to bully me out of it.
THAT is your general conduct.

i was waiting for you to get to this. you know, the part about my questioning why that was needed and my actions making you "RETIRE" from the volunteers and your "PROMISE" to never post in the forums again. how is that going? so, your personal vendetta against me, and your past volunteer work for CC, somehow give you carte blanche to post racist things towards me? this somehow guarantees that you will not face any sanctions by CC? i am just wondering why you think you are able to do these sorts of things, when you are fully aware of the rules and the repercussions of breaking them. the fact that you were a member of the junior mints should weigh even MORE heavily against you, as you are more aware of the rules, than just a casual user. thank you for finally admitting to the crux of your issue withe me and why you feel it is ok to say what you said to me. i would like to point out the fact, i did not receive any warnings for any of my posts within the thread you mentioned. so again, you just have no basis for what you did. good luck, i hope you learn a valuable lesson... the black jesus has spoken...-Jésus noir

Oh please, I can turn that argument back on you as well. Do you honestly think that because you get away with so many disrespectful messages, that it means it's ok? Do you honestly think that people don't notice how you changed your way of talking just purely for this thread? That you usually talk in a more derogatory manner to people?

And please DO point out where EXACTLY I ever said that because I used to be a volunteer I deserve to stand above the rules. I never said any such thing. You are just making that up in an attempt of infuriation as you've done so many times. My account is that there is a very reasonable causality to my hatred of you, and that you and all of your past behaviour brought this down on yourself. The myriad of people who have responded negatively to you are proof of that.
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Re: waauw / racism within the forum

Postby waauw on Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:58 pm

owenshooter wrote:i believe this would be it, here is the thread.

Ooooh, so now you call yourself people? You know full well that you've been acting like the little special case in CC all this while and even your friends on here have admitted to that. To quote one of your pals:
iAmCaffeine wrote:Owen is unique and I wouldn't categorise him with anyone else.

owenshooter wrote:and here is the thread in which i somehow treated you so poorly, that you feel you have the right to hurl racist epitaphs at me:

Subject: CC wiki

waauw wrote:There is no wiki anymore, since people think the user interface already enables easy information finding.

there is no grounds for your disgusting act. until you post some sort of rational defense, i suggest you stop posting and let the mods sort this out. however, we both know what the outcome is going to be... again, good luck, i'm sorry you stooped to this... the black jesus is sad for you...-Jésus noir

And here's the thread where you falsely accused me:

And you're sorry I stooped so low? You've corrupted these fora so much you have brought it down to your level, trolltopia. It's because of you I learned that the only way to deal with assholes is to sink to their level, meaning yours.
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Re: waauw / racism within the forum

Postby WingCmdr Ginkapo on Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:28 pm

What has any of this shit got to do with this report. Take your crap elsewhere, this is not the place to have a slugging match.
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Re: waauw / racism within the forum

Postby waauw on Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:49 pm

WingCmdr Ginkapo wrote:What has any of this shit got to do with this report.

Causality. If you mistreat someone, you should expect them to mistreat you. He's done his ample best to get on bad terms with me in the past, that he just can not expect me to forget all that.

I've had plenty of arguments with other people , but in the end they weren't that bad. We disagreed, we weren't always friendly, but in the end I was always able to bury the past. Owen is different, he drove me so far that I just can not forget. It's fine to be troll, but he has the propensity to drive it too far and to make it worse he seems to enjoy himself doing so.

His argument that I'm a racist is laughable. I'm a coloured person myself. I too have gotten the cops called on me purely based on my skin clour. Having experienced that, I am by no means a racist. I am anti-Owen for said reasons.
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Re: waauw / racism within the forum

Postby TheForgivenOne on Sat Dec 05, 2015 7:21 pm

If you find a post within the forums offensive, there's that handy button that looks like an upside down Triangle with a "!" in it on each and every post made in the forums. That will report that post. That way the proper people deal with it.

That's how you're supposed to report posts in the forum. Not post it in C&A.

Just saying. 8-[

(Unless Multi Hunters/C&A deal with this stuff now. They didn't when I was a Hunter.)
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Re: waauw / racism within the forum

Postby Metsfanmax on Sat Dec 05, 2015 8:26 pm

waauw wrote:I think many forum frequenters by now already know, I'm not a racist. I'm just against YOU PERSONALLY.

I think owen's a major asshole too, but there's still no excuse for using racist stereotypes to make your point.

Anyway TFO is correct, this isn't supposed to be handled within C&A. Unfortunately there's no transparency on when a report has been dealt with, but hopefully a forum mod will be looking at the report for this post soon.
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Re: waauw / racism within the forum

Postby riskllama on Sat Dec 05, 2015 9:57 pm

when did "ghettoboy" become a racial slur???
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Re: waauw / racism within the forum

Postby TeeGee on Sat Dec 05, 2015 11:04 pm


It is about time some of you grew up. If you don't like the way a forum is moderated then nobody, NOBODY is holding a gun to your head and making you stay and read.

We have a FOE button that prevents you seeing it.. USE THE DAMN THING and DO NOT WASTE MY TIME

This is directed at ALL of you!!

If it bothers you that much, thank you for your time and I might see you again on another forum that does not have a FOE button.

This is really trivial, I have real life issues to deal with and do not want to waste my time with he said/she said rubbish.. FOE if you get upset and do not like what the other person said

This is LOCKED, take your childish fights elsewhere
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