Donelladan wrote:KraphtOne, I have seen much beetter claim of game throwing being dismissed by the mods.
Ofc it may depends on which mod is treating your case.
But having only one offense which isn't that obvious ( meaning, game wasn't finished next turn after Ollie's turn and because of him). You should know that there is no way he will be punished for that.
I mean, I understand all your arguments, I wasn't in the game though, but of course throwing a stack against another in a BR nuclear game with round limit is completely stupid.
Nevertheless, I know, and almost everyone else that ever read C and A forum that Ollie won't be punished for it.
Oh, I know... Just having an admin. That can't tie his shoes dismiss it with "oh so you're not allowed to attack people?" Is a little insulting though...
Almost every respectable gaming site anywhere that has moderators, has rules against deliberately ruining someone's game for no reason other than you're an asshole. People on this site actually PAY to play. You'd think it would be written in the rules that you can't deliberately try to ruin another's gaming experience...
Oh wait. It IS in the rules...
But people get vacations for language and other garbage. Ha. Using slurs as a way to intentionally ruin someone's gaming experience should be no difference than what this asshat did... And then he came in here and said "oh I only did it because he was hitting me every turn"
Jesus... He shows how stupid he knows the masses are that you wouldn't understand the strategy of the settings. I can assure you if I were hitting him every turn it would appear in the game chat.
Alright, moving on... Can't wait to see him in the next round where I will hit him on every turn. May even wait till we are close to the round limit before completely suiciding. Not against the rules, so why not