Conquer Club

Busted moscaep85 - Multiple accounts [ka]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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[These cases have been closed. If you would like to appeal the decision of the hunter please open a ticket on the help page and the case will be looked into by a second hunter.]

Re: moscaep85 - Multiple accounts [ka]

Postby paxho on Tue Aug 19, 2014 5:09 pm

Edric Wolfswift wrote:His story evolved as I gave him the chance to explain. He DID intend to break the rule and he DID know that what he was doing was wrong.

First he said that he created a separate account so that his girlfriend could play. When I asked him about it, why not just create an account for her, he then magically forgot about the "girlfriend" and said he created a second account because he forgot the info for the original account.

No heavyhandedness at all... He clearly knew what he was doing was wrong and I caught him.

It is a shame that someone who follows the rules and reports a cheater is vilified, yet the rule breaker is defended.

This is the convo between them two.. you guys be the judges

2014-08-18 00:04:31 - Edric Wolfswift: gl
2014-08-18 00:11:39 - moscaep85: gl to you! it has been a while for me since playing this
2014-08-18 00:34:45 - Edric Wolfswift: Youve played on this site before?
2014-08-18 00:37:08 - moscaep85: yeah.... but the last time I played was years ago.. created a new profile basically because I want to get my gf to play with me in the office
2014-08-18 00:44:44 - Edric Wolfswift: Why did ypu not use the old one and her create a new one?
2014-08-18 01:02:58 - moscaep85: ohhh because I could not remember my user, and the email that I used to use has been deactivated for a while since I graduated from university almost 5 years ago.. so even if I wanted to use that one I wouldnt have any idea of how to get the password
2014-08-18 01:04:24 - moscaep85: Besides there is no need for her to create one if she does not like the game
2014-08-18 02:14:28 - Serbia: Well unfortunately for you mos, you've been reported by your opponent as a multi.
2014-08-18 02:36:05 - moscaep85: Edric... why would you report me ?
2014-08-18 02:37:25 - moscaep85: no multi accounts what so ever.. I was telling the plain truth... give my history if you will so you can check the validity of the account... my last email was long time out of service
2014-08-18 02:49:23 - Edric Wolfswift: Why report you? You admitted to having multiple accounts.
2014-08-18 02:51:42 - moscaep85: ppfffffff read the message!!!!! SINCE I GRADUATED FROM UNIVERSITY FIVE YEARS AGO!!!!!!!!! what am I supposed to do ? if I dont have any access to that email which has been deactivated!!!! meaning I no longer possess the means of having another account
2014-08-18 02:54:49 - Edric Wolfswift: As I said in the forum, if the mods find there is no issue I will apologize. However "I can't remember my old account" is an all too common excuse from multies.
2014-08-18 02:58:13 - moscaep85: Well.... I am pretty sure I am being investigated... anyways I can always create another account, which I would hate to do because the only email that I use is the one associated with the account now and I dont want the other be full of spam or notificati
2014-08-18 02:58:53 - moscaep85: ons of taking a turn.... meaning you left me out of the game for good because I am not opening a new email just to play this!
2014-08-18 02:59:17 - moscaep85: lets get this over with...
2014-08-18 03:08:03 - Edric Wolfswift: That attempt at an explanation made no sense whatsoever. You would not have to create a new email account and you can turn notifications off. You are just making yourself look more like a multi who is trying to cover his ass.
2014-08-18 03:08:52 - Edric Wolfswift: Its also odd that Serbia just happens to be looking out for you and felt the need to mention the report in a game he was not in.
2014-08-18 11:12:12 - moscaep85: Edric, if a username is attached to an email ( and the email gets deactivated, can the user be transferred to another email? I don't know if you now how an institutions email works, they give you one once you enter, and once you leave the
2014-08-18 11:12:42 - moscaep85: place, then the email gets deactivated.... meaning a lot of the info is lost with it
2014-08-18 11:13:38 - moscaep85: that lluque is from my school in Canada... was the one I used to use back in the day when I was doing my undergrad
2014-08-18 11:13:51 - moscaep85: back in Colombia
2014-08-18 11:15:08 - moscaep85: And it is not odd that hey mentioned that I was been investigated it is odd, that you are just chasing people around when you have but a couple lines which you did not even read, or could not figure out the tense of the sentence
2014-08-18 11:15:40 - moscaep85: which is the past tense!!!! I used to have an account... used to!!!!!
2014-08-18 13:15:28 - Serbia: Yeah dude, we're multis. I like to keep my free account in Canada while this one is kept in the US. I've also got several in Kenya, just to throw the hunters off. LOL TRICKED YOU!
2014-08-19 00:19:55 - moscaep85: gg
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Re: moscaep85 - Multiple accounts [ka]

Postby Edric Wolfswift on Tue Aug 19, 2014 5:56 pm

Hate to burst your bubble since you think you are special, but If you will read my wall, you will see that I put anyone on the Foe list if they have less than a 97% attendance... Yours is 95%.
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Re: moscaep85 - Multiple accounts [ka]

Postby Major.Bossman on Tue Aug 19, 2014 8:17 pm

It seems like the guy was just trying to come back to the site. It is sad that this was dealt with in such a draconian manner. For similiar instances it might be necessary to have directions on how to reclaim an old account if someone is unable to access their email. If it was possible to find out what his old account was it would have been also possible to find out if it was active or not. Also if the mods can check the ip address of multis wouldn't it be possible to use it to see what accounts are using that same ip?
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Re: moscaep85 - Multiple accounts [ka]

Postby king achilles on Tue Aug 19, 2014 8:32 pm

There is more than what you see in this report and this was handled according to that. He can still upgrade his original account into premium to become legit again. Let's leave it at that. We do give considerations when needed and when it is fair to the situation. This is already closed and I am locking it.
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