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The accused are suspected of:
Being Multis
Conducting Secret Diplomacy
Severe PM Abuse
Other: <systematically and deliberately focusing his attacks on me to prevent me winning thus allowing another player to win.>
Game number(s):
Game 13956160
I am not 100% sure I have a valid cause for complaint and I apolgise if I am bothering you without just cause.
I had got myself into a position where I had a large number of territories that I acquired very quickly early in the game but few troops. I was reasonably confident that no one was in a position to seriously challenge my position at that stage in the game and that I could build up my forces significantly before anyone was in a position to challenge me.
I was prevented from doing that by sjemba who devoted himself to obstructing my efforts throughout the game to the exclusion of anything else. Regardless of the fact that other players were getting stronger, he generally ignored them. This was not to improve his own chances which he could easily have done but only to keep me down. A fact he admitted to me later.
In fact he was so focused on me that he ignored attacks on himself by other players, just carried on attacking me until he was eliminated.
By that time, he had achieved his objective as I had no hope of winning.
After he was eliminated, I challenged him about it and he admitted that he deliberately attacked me to stop me gaining bonuses and winning the game.
I know that all sorts of strategies and tactics are allowed in the games and, usually, I never particularly object to anything anyone does but I felt particularly aggrieved in this case that an experienced player like him deliberately and successfully set out to spoil my game.