by malevolous on Tue Feb 04, 2014 3:54 am
You're commenting on Paul's character. Do you not remember where you are, or the implications of opening a thread here? They are all about his behaviors. I also didn't come here to "assassinate" anything, and my justification is clear. I caught that you aren't communicating with him, but you really should have. That's my justification for calling you out, and if all these character witnesses do anything, it is illustrate that Paul listens to advise, tries to always be upright, and certainly didn't need an official proceeding to fix any wrongdoing he may or may not have accidentally been doing. You rushed for the public eye, again, and somehow continue to justify not giving a human dignity of privately ensuring they are informed, simply because you are within the letter of the law. I painted the picture for you in different terms, and you saw it as unfair there, and now only seek to distance yourself so you can soothe your ego that you were right not checking first. I'm fully aware you will continue to believe so, even if Buddha, Christ, Kant, the Dalai Llama, and any other great moral authority pointed it out otherwise, so i'll just leave it here, assuming you can kindly not imply I'm somehow in the wrong for similarly questioning your behavior as you question Paul's by opening this thread.