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Lockup : fog of war rule numbers[CLOSED]ES

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Lockup : fog of war rule numbers[CLOSED]ES

Postby GioDuce on Sun Oct 20, 2013 5:35 am



The accused are suspected of:

Other: Not respecting fog of war rule <Explanation>

Game number(s):

Game 13049790



2013-10-16 10:58:21 - courtesykiller: cyan,DII legion is open for you...
2013-10-16 10:59:09 - courtesykiller: that's if you want to put up resistance to the rolling pink war machine?
2013-10-16 13:51:55 - hardraada: thats a roger wilco CK.
2013-10-16 13:55:30 - hardraada: what am I looking at for my target area? North, South Italy? Illyricum? Belgium...?
2013-10-16 13:56:22 - hardraada: it's gonna be a suicide mission if you and Blue and Grey were ready to fill in the gap after I go through...
2013-10-16 15:29:14 - courtesykiller: you'll find pink is halfway across the map so i don't think you'll have any trouble deciding where to go :)
2013-10-17 08:30:32 - hardraada: I take it he controls all the Blue terts
2013-10-17 09:18:48 - Lockup: He doesn't have EM Augustus, the drop out left them... high value neutrals....
2013-10-17 09:20:45 - Lockup: He has 54 on the West Seat and 22 on SIV, 36 on ITII... 30 combined on Medio+legion... He's grim!!!
2013-10-18 14:08:20 - courtesykiller: here he comes with his 118 on ILII.. good luck pink!
2013-10-20 10:53:39 - Lockup: He's now got 75 on the West seat...
2013-10-20 11:26:16 - GioDuce: what is it with all these numbers ? isn't this supposed to be a fog game...
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Re: Lockup : fog of war rule numbers

Postby greenoaks on Sun Oct 20, 2013 5:56 am

a couple of questions for you.

  1. where in the rules does it state what he is doing was wrong? please provide links.
  2. how do we know those figures were correct? please provide a snapshot.
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Re: Lockup : fog of war rule numbers

Postby Lockup on Sun Oct 20, 2013 8:54 am

I have to say that I'm rather surprised that Gio has decided to report this.
I have often seen information put up in games when uniting against someone who has reached a dominant position, and it has never been complained about, and there is nothing in the rules against it.
It's very unusual for me to even get a bad rating, and this cheeses me off!
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Re: Lockup : fog of war rule numbers

Postby Gabriel13 on Sun Oct 20, 2013 9:34 am

Fog of War Games:
Using the game chat to announce where a player's territories and troops may (or may not ;) ) be is NOT against the rules. It may come across as unfair or not in the spirit of the game, but feel free to find strategic applications of this non-rule.

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Re: Lockup : fog of war rule numbers

Postby GioDuce on Sun Oct 20, 2013 11:00 am

Alright, i'll leave it for what it is.

Tnx for the response.

Lockup you will get a bad rating from me as i prob get from you.
What you did is just bad sportmanship, i'm not even the strong one in the game.
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Re: Lockup : fog of war rule numbers

Postby Lockup on Sun Oct 20, 2013 11:27 am

Yes, you'll leave it for what it is...
An honest player, doing something which is within the rules....
For which, you have decided, you will give a bad rating....
Love the chain of logic....
Frankly, I'd rather bury the hatchet and get on with the game!
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Re: Lockup : fog of war rule numbers

Postby greenoaks on Sun Oct 20, 2013 3:46 pm

Lockup wrote:Yes, you'll leave it for what it is...
An honest player, doing something which is within the rules....
For which, you have decided, you will give a bad rating....
Love the chain of logic....
Frankly, I'd rather bury the hatchet and get on with the game!

Lockup, Gio is correct, it is considered bad sportsmanship and he is well within his rights to rate you accordingly.

for future reference say something like this. "hey guy, look at the logs, Player X is deploying almost what we are combined. if we keep fighting amongst ourselves ......" that information can be seen by everyone ;)
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Re: Lockup : fog of war rule numbers

Postby Evil Semp on Sun Oct 20, 2013 4:49 pm

This is not against the rules. This is CLOSED.
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