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Secret Diplomacy Partysos, guido74 [cleared]

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Secret Diplomacy Partysos, guido74 [cleared]

Postby ChrisBeerens on Sat Oct 12, 2013 4:24 pm



The accused are suspected of: Conducting Secret Diplomacy

Game number(s):

Game 13446290

Comments: Secret diplomacy was made, in round 4 it looks like. Red and blue kept taking their stacks, and annihilating my territories. Then in chat I read this...

2013-10-12 14:04:41 - guido74: it was my turn this round
2013-10-12 14:05:34 - partysos: attack moscow?.....done
2013-10-12 14:06:03 - guido74: unfortunately I am blue green color blind
2013-10-12 14:06:14 - guido74: this game is gonna be tricky
2013-10-12 14:07:12 - partysos: haha nice one

Round 7/8: Both players show their massive stacks to my 4's and 5's yet continuously assault me every turn.
Round 9/10 Partysos suicided on my 19 troops in dubai down to 7 then to 0 next turn, whilst blue and red continuously did not attack each other and left 1's at borders.
Round 11: Partysos continuously assault my 1's and leaves blue alone, Guido74 cashes and goes after me again in Europe
Round 12: Partysos fortifies his stack to moscow and Guido74 has his stack beside Vancouver as now I own only some of europe.
Round 12: Partysos leaves a 1 on magadan and Guido74 does the same, as guido takes over N/A and Partysos takes me out in Asia and now owns it.
Round 12: Guido74 ignores Partysos's bonus and goes to elim me.

Waste of my damn time when I was never strong.
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Corporal 1st Class ChrisBeerens
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Re: Secret Diplomacy Partysos, guido74

Postby king achilles on Wed Oct 16, 2013 3:11 am

In the 4th round, you were able to hold Europe while red has Oceania and blue had SA. Perhaps your weakest region was Moscow and red had an opportunity to break you in Moscow in the 6th round coming from Dubai. You regained Moscow after his turn and then blue attacked Dubai and then Moscow to break you again. On the 7th round, red re-took Dubai from blue and also attacked Moscow. After that, you assaulted blue and red to get hold of Africa and also took Moscow to control Europe. Being that you were in the middle, you were probably the easier target for the two especially if attacking you would gain a spoil and at the same time, breaking your potential bonus in Europe. If they let you get a bonus for holding Europe, you would have strengthen your hold on it and since they only had Oceania and SA, the game might be yours since you will be too strong for either of them. It was only on the 13th round where blue eventually finished you off and got hold of NA and Europe. Before that, blue had only SA and red had Oceania which we would assume, have been guarded with troops.
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