Conquer Club

Dumb30minTimer [Busted]DCR

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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Dumb30minTimer [Busted]DCR

Postby b00060 on Fri Sep 20, 2013 9:14 am


The accused are suspected of:
Being Multis
Game number(s):

Game 13360831
Game 13364347
Comments: He has been on the site less than a week and has dominated in complicated maps such as Waterloo and bombard like he has played forever and takes 2 second moves. Oh, nevermind, I do not need to try and state my case, he has admitted it in the game chat. People like this really screw up the points system and ruin the site! Took all of 3 minutes to reearch his games to see him admitting to having another account. He plays like he should have 2500 points not 1400 to lose.
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Re: Dumb30minTimer [Pending]DCR

Postby b00060 on Sat Sep 21, 2013 9:21 pm

Not sure why it is pending, he is clearly a multi????
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Re: Dumb30minTimer [Pending]DCR

Postby macbone on Sun Sep 22, 2013 5:56 am

Just stall him, man. He's admitted that this is a multi, so no worries.

2013-09-20 04:48:26 - b00060: what is your other username?
2013-09-20 04:53:27 - Dumb30minTimer: I don't remember it. Played like 5 years ago
2013-09-20 04:55:06 - b00060: hahaha, total multi
2013-09-20 04:57:13 - Dumb30minTimer: I guess technically it is, but I haven't played in several years and honestly don't remember the old account.
2013-09-20 04:57:18 - Dumb30minTimer: My rolls are lucky as shit so far
2013-09-20 04:59:38 - Dumb30minTimer: Holy shit you have played a lot of games
2013-09-20 22:15:23 - b00060: I could say the same about you, but I only play with ONE account!
2013-09-20 22:16:57 - b00060: Do you think it is fair to join my game with 1480 points against my 2325 when you clearly have a lot more experience?
2013-09-20 22:35:24 - Dumb30minTimer: I do not have more experience.....I just started playing this map. You can see in my game here where I learned how to play it -
2013-09-20 22:36:30 - Dumb30minTimer: which was just the other day. Aside from that, I have probably played no more than 600-800 games total including my other account. They didn't even have this map when I played before
2013-09-20 22:38:45 - Dumb30minTimer: You're 30k games to my probably less than 1000 dictates you should have a lot more exp than me. Aside from that, as I said before, I can't locate the login or the email I used to sign up the old account. Your a goddamn cry baby
2013-09-21 00:32:22 - b00060: I prefer the term, non cheater to crybaby. But hey, someone with a thousand games under your belt between two ids already knows that you are cheating the system and f'ing with the points system.
2013-09-21 00:32:47 - b00060: How woul dyou feel if I had another account that was a cook and joined your games?
2013-09-21 00:33:48 - b00060: I guess the warning and checkbox that you will ever only have one account doesnt apply to you?
2013-09-21 00:34:34 - b00060: The reason why my id has over 30k games, is becasue it is my ONLY one. I am sure there are several players that have alsmots as many games divided amongst their other accounts like you
2013-09-21 00:51:40 - Dumb30minTimer: rofl, I played 4 years ago. I don't have the account any more and would love to recover it. I don't have anything tied to it though so why don't you grow up rather than being a "40-yr old" cry baby
2013-09-21 00:53:56 - b00060: Why play a game that you are cheating in?
2013-09-21 00:54:35 - b00060: Why should I have to play a cheater and possibly lose 40 points to win 8, when it should probably be more of a 15 points to 15 points game?
2013-09-21 00:54:48 - Dumb30minTimer: How exactly am I cheating? I've done nothing to tips odds in my favor. The only thing I use is my brain, just like you.
2013-09-21 00:55:47 - Dumb30minTimer: This is just sad
2013-09-21 00:55:58 - b00060: You really are simple minded aren't you? All you had to do is give them your name and they would have recoverd your original account
2013-09-21 00:56:13 - b00060: which I have no doubt in the world is higher than a sgt
2013-09-21 00:56:30 - b00060: It is sad that you need to cheat in a game to win more points
2013-09-21 00:56:34 - b00060: very sad actually
2013-09-21 00:56:44 - b00060: all to strat fresh and get a better win % I bet
2013-09-21 01:04:03 - Dumb30minTimer: I'm pretty sure I had a higher % than I do now and my highest rank was the star thing which isn't much higher than this. Also, I never use my real name when signing up for stuff so no, that wouldn't work
2013-09-21 01:04:18 - Dumb30minTimer: Good lord you are a weak person
2013-09-21 01:08:09 - Dumb30minTimer: lol

Surely he's talking about either the LT oak leaf or the Captain's diamond and not the General's star. =)


2013-09-21 00:39:24 - lt.Futt: My winning % wasn't 53 % when I started. I play the same setting over and over.
2013-09-21 00:40:00 - lt.Futt: How can I decrease from winning 60 % for the setting to 50 % and less?
2013-09-21 00:40:12 - lt.Futt: all due dice in my disfavor
2013-09-21 00:41:38 - lt.Futt: Are you a multi?
2013-09-21 00:42:13 - Dumb30minTimer: Technically yes. I played several years ago for like 500 games or so but don't know my account or email associated
2013-09-21 00:42:22 - Dumb30minTimer: Just started up again
2013-09-21 00:42:49 - Dumb30minTimer: They didn't have this map when I played but I was decent at regular feudal
2013-09-21 00:42:58 - lt.Futt: doesn't matter for the setting
2013-09-21 00:43:11 - lt.Futt: if the dice ain't one side dice, you can't beat me
2013-09-21 00:43:37 - lt.Futt: this is a different map from FW. FW masters struggle on FE.
2013-09-21 00:43:42 - lt.Futt: like I struggle on FW
2013-09-21 00:44:04 - lt.Futt: remember two accounts are illegal
2013-09-21 00:44:18 - Dumb30minTimer: I like this map but on Fog trench
2013-09-21 00:44:48 - Dumb30minTimer: Sure they are, but how are they going to recover my old account? I have no idea what the username is and can't find it
2013-09-21 00:45:29 - lt.Futt: you gotta to ask cc
2013-09-21 00:45:31 - Dumb30minTimer: The rule against multi is to prevent cheating and doing bad stuff with ranks and percentages which I'm not doing
2013-09-21 00:46:58 - lt.Futt: rules are rules. same for all
2013-09-21 00:47:23 - Dumb30minTimer: But technically I don't have more than one account. I don't play multip accounts
2013-09-21 00:47:34 - Dumb30minTimer: I used to have an account 4 years ago and now have another account
2013-09-21 00:48:06 - lt.Futt: no wonder you can beat higher ranks
2013-09-21 00:48:58 - Dumb30minTimer: Think you are going to win this one
2013-09-21 00:49:13 - Dumb30minTimer: yup, gg
2013-09-21 00:49:53 - Dumb30minTimer: I've always beat higher ranks though, even when I used to play.
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Re: Dumb30minTimer [Busted]DCR

Postby deathcomesrippin on Sun Sep 22, 2013 12:13 pm

Dumb30MinTimer is Busted with TangerineSky
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Re: Dumb30minTimer [Busted]DCR

Postby b00060 on Mon Sep 23, 2013 11:05 am

So i guess when you get busted as a multi you get to continue to play on the site with the new user id. You guys might want to update the login page from you will be banned to you can continue to use the new id and start fresh!
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Re: Dumb30minTimer [Busted]DCR

Postby codeblue1018 on Wed Sep 25, 2013 2:52 pm

:lol: :lol: :lol:

2013-09-24 09:56:52 - b00060 lost 33 points
2013-09-24 09:56:52 - b00060 has a score of 2324.
2013-09-24 09:56:52 - Dumb30minTimer gained 33 points
2013-09-24 09:56:52 - Dumb30minTimer has a score of 1478.
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Re: Dumb30minTimer [Busted]DCR

Postby b00060 on Wed Sep 25, 2013 3:09 pm

So code, I assume this was your multi since you seem to find it amusing how multis are ruining the scoring system??
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Re: Dumb30minTimer [Busted]DCR

Postby codeblue1018 on Wed Sep 25, 2013 4:04 pm

b00060 wrote:So code, I assume this was your multi since you seem to find it amusing how multis are ruining the scoring system??

Wow, spot on you are. When you realize that multis continue to hamper this site now and when we re long gone from here, you'll have much more fun mate. It is something that is impossible to stop, so I've learned to say eff it, play whomever and move on. Much less stress pal - try it. The :lol: meant that despite your continual plot to stop multis, you only seem to care when they involve your games; if it bothers you so much, do something proactive about it instead of reactive; join the multi team to better the site as a whole instead of just your games.
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Re: Dumb30minTimer [Busted]DCR

Postby rhp 1 on Wed Sep 25, 2013 5:43 pm

codeblue1018 wrote:
b00060 wrote:So code, I assume this was your multi since you seem to find it amusing how multis are ruining the scoring system??

Wow, spot on you are. When you realize that multis continue to hamper this site now and when we re long gone from here, you'll have much more fun mate. It is something that is impossible to stop, so I've learned to say eff it, play whomever and move on. Much less stress pal - try it. The :lol: meant that despite your continual plot to stop multis, you only seem to care when they involve your games; if it bothers you so much, do something proactive about it instead of reactive; join the multi team to better the site as a whole instead of just your games.

actually agree with this, but C/B... really necessary to post the result of the game? are you saying that added something to the issue? no? didn't think so... just flame/baiting b00060 for whatever reason...
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Re: Dumb30minTimer [Busted]DCR

Postby b00060 on Thu Sep 26, 2013 9:33 am

i applied to the muti team and didn't get accepted. How else am I supposed to combat multis unless I see them in my games?
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Re: Dumb30minTimer [Busted]DCR

Postby rhp 1 on Thu Sep 26, 2013 11:23 am

b00060 wrote:i applied to the muti team and didn't get accepted. How else am I supposed to combat multis unless I see them in my games?

First, you tend to be a bit, how should I put it, extreme? when u speak to other players? This may have something to do with why you were rejected...

but I agree with you on ur point on reporting multis... short of trolling a shitload of games to find suspected multis, the only thing we have left @ our disposal is playing a multi, recognizing them as such, and reporting them...
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Re: Dumb30minTimer [Busted]DCR

Postby Shannon Apple on Thu Sep 26, 2013 2:33 pm

rhp 1 wrote:First, you tend to be a bit, how should I put it, extreme? when u speak to other players? This may have something to do with why you were rejected...

This! lol. You do have a bit of a reputation for being rude to other players if you are losing a game. You called me a (insert rude word) multi because I never played you and know about that. Maybe try to calm down on that a little. lol.

But yeah, the only way to find them is to play them really.
00:33:53 ‹riskllama› will her and i ever hook up, LLT???
00:34:09 ‹LiveLoveTeach› You and Shannon?
00:34:20 ‹LiveLoveTeach› Bahahahahahaha
00:34:22 ‹LiveLoveTeach› I doubt it
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Re: Dumb30minTimer [Busted]DCR

Postby b00060 on Thu Sep 26, 2013 2:36 pm

Usually the only games I am harsh in are warranted. Like this one. Yes, there are exceptions and it usually stems from a bad taste in my mouth form another game, like this one. The guy is obviously a multi and yet is allowed to continue to play the game and STEAL points. It is a viscous cycle, because now I GUARANTEE you he will join as a new user and harass me. I have seen it play out literally a dozen times on this site. rhp1, you have played a shit ton of games and I respect anyone who has accomplished what you multiply it by 3 and you get close to how many games I have played here. Take the number of jerks you have played against and multiply it by that number. That is why it is so frustrating to see users that have played literally a 100 games bitch about me. 1, they have not been on this site long enough to encounter or even know what to look for in cheaters and 2, they are either a multi that is pissed at me for targeting them or a friends account coming to their defense.
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Re: Dumb30minTimer [Busted]DCR

Postby codeblue1018 on Thu Sep 26, 2013 3:05 pm

b00060 wrote:i applied to the muti team and didn't get accepted. How else am I supposed to combat multis unless I see them in my games?

And that is the million dollar question ; if I knew that answer, we wouldn't have a multi problem. This is why I said , aside from personal games, I don't see how this issue can be combated to the point that it'll make a difference. Perhaps the site could implement some type of IP check prior to someone entering this site and being able to join - an application process so to speak; the only wait would be when could a hunter chk the applicants IP prior to starting/joining games. Nip it in the butt before it even starts. Thing is, they won't do this as this could deter future members from joining due to a delay on the multi hunters end.
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Re: Dumb30minTimer [Busted]DCR

Postby EBConquer on Thu Sep 26, 2013 3:27 pm

codeblue1018 wrote:Perhaps the site could implement some type of IP check prior to someone entering this site and being able to join

Code, this is a great suggestion. I wonder if it's been asked before in suggestions. I'm sure a bot could do it and if something seems astray, then a human would then take care of it after the IP has been "flagged" and entered into the system.
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