Master Ape
Other: illiad allowed Master Ape to take three territories without anything in exchange. Truces are normal but giving away territories for nothing is suspicious.
2013-08-15 01:21:16 - Master Ape assaulted ? from ? and conquered it from illiad
2013-08-17 00:40:04 - Master Ape assaulted ? from ? and conquered it from illiad
2013-08-18 10:57:19 - Master Ape assaulted ? from ? and conquered it from illiad
I thought I read there was a rule requiring players to try to win. Giving away territories for nothing is NOT trying to win.
The language of their postings is so similar, they may even be one player with two accounts. Zara, Venice, and Ratisbon were all surrendered by illiad to Master Ape for nothing.
Some of their messages:
2013-08-17 00:41:47 - Master Ape: Dear Blue King, we now have taken Venice back, and will take Ratisbon the next turn. Our realm is reestablished then, we will be satisfied then and not thirst for mor revenge
2013-08-17 14:32:48 - illiad: I am pleased you have safely returned home to claim your golden crown.
2013-08-19 04:56:03 - Master Ape: The people of Ratisbon were chearing, when we entered the city! We thank the blue emperor for his friendship. May his fightings go well in the future. My soldiers are tired now, they will rest for some time now.
2013-08-20 02:11:44 - illiad: Semper fidelis golden monarch! Enjoy the hard-earned rest.
Game number(s):
Game 12938165