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intentional deadbeating[CLEARED]es

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intentional deadbeating[CLEARED]es

Postby PROFESSOR BRAINY on Thu Mar 21, 2013 7:36 pm

i'm in a feudal epic game 12200671

Titan Wood

is intentionally deadbeating.

I KNOW he is, because his "last visited" stat shows him logging-on..just not entering this particular game
he is doing it so I wont get cards.
he has done this to me in the past


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Re: intentional deadbeating Titan Wood

Postby PROFESSOR BRAINY on Thu Mar 21, 2013 7:40 pm

i'm not sure I filled the form out right
Titan Wood
is intentionally deadbeating in game 12200671

his "last visited" stat shows that he DOES log-on but doesn't take turns in game 12200671

he has done this same thing to me in the past to make-sure I lose

he is intentionally deadbeating to keep me from getting his cards...he already missed two turns-in-a-row

if and when he misses his third..i don't get the cards...isn't that cheating?...the rules say it is
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Re: intentional deadbeating

Postby Evil Semp on Thu Mar 21, 2013 8:00 pm

At this time he hasn't deadbeated so he hasn't broken a rule. He has missed 8 turns in this game. If or when he deadbeats you might have a complaint. There is no rule stating the he must take a card. If he has done this to you before I suggest you put him on FOE so he can't join any games that you are in.
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Re: intentional deadbeating

Postby Gumby1 on Thu Mar 21, 2013 8:00 pm

In future you should leave a link to the game in question:

I had to scroll through several pages of your game to find it.

It appears that he is deadbeating because he has lost. Most (if not all) deadbeating is intentional, that is why there is a option to tag this in the rating system. I can't see how it is cheating, however. He has 2 cards, just eliminate him and take his cards. Unless I am missing something.
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Re: intentional deadbeating[pending]es

Postby hotfire on Thu Mar 21, 2013 10:19 pm

isnt there also a rule about holding a freemium hostage?
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Re: intentional deadbeating[pending]es

Postby nicestash on Thu Mar 21, 2013 10:29 pm

hotfire wrote:isnt there also a rule about holding a freemium hostage?

There's a rule against holding anyone hostage actually.
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Re: intentional deadbeating[pending]es

Postby hotfire on Thu Mar 21, 2013 10:52 pm

nicestash wrote:
hotfire wrote:isnt there also a rule about holding a freemium hostage?

There's a rule against holding anyone hostage actually.

and the OP is clearly doing this, correct?
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Re: intentional deadbeating[pending]es

Postby rishaed on Thu Mar 21, 2013 11:36 pm

hotfire wrote:
nicestash wrote:
hotfire wrote:isnt there also a rule about holding a freemium hostage?

There's a rule against holding anyone hostage actually.

and the OP is clearly doing this, correct?

Yup. . . Thats not exactly kosher! No wonder the guy isn't "Taking" his turns. He doesn't have a single chance to win and should be eliminated already. . .
aage wrote: Maybe you're right, but since we receive no handlebars from the mod I think we should get some ourselves.

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Re: intentional deadbeating[pending]es

Postby rishaed on Thu Mar 21, 2013 11:40 pm

After looking at the log, Red "person posting in the OP" has had the opportunity to eliminate him for the past 2 turns? Both of which blue has missed. . . I don't exactly see why red isn't taking his cards and using them.
aage wrote: Maybe you're right, but since we receive no handlebars from the mod I think we should get some ourselves.

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Re: intentional deadbeating[pending]es

Postby Gumby1 on Fri Mar 22, 2013 7:37 am

hotfire wrote:isnt there also a rule about holding a freemium hostage?

I'm not sure if he is technically holding blue hostage because he has left blue 1 spot to attack. He certainly has him boxed in however, so I guess a case could be made for it. That being said, red has now lost those 2 cards by not finishing off blue because it is blue's turn, and if he doesn't take this turn, he will be kicked out for 3 missed in a row. Still not sure why red just didn't take him out instead of complaining about it.

As for intentionally deadbeating so that red can't get his cards, that is just not the case. Red could have eliminated blue and taken his 2 cards. Blue just didn't play because his game was over. Rate him poorly, foe him is you have to, and move on.
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Re: intentional deadbeating[pending]es

Postby Koganosi on Fri Mar 22, 2013 10:03 am

gumby7524 wrote:
hotfire wrote:isnt there also a rule about holding a freemium hostage?

I'm not sure if he is technically holding blue hostage because he has left blue 1 spot to attack. He certainly has him boxed in however, so I guess a case could be made for it. That being said, red has now lost those 2 cards by not finishing off blue because it is blue's turn, and if he doesn't take this turn, he will be kicked out for 3 missed in a row. Still not sure why red just didn't take him out instead of complaining about it.

As for intentionally deadbeating so that red can't get his cards, that is just not the case. Red could have eliminated blue and taken his 2 cards. Blue just didn't play because his game was over. Rate him poorly, foe him is you have to, and move on.

Dont agree on the holding hostage part untill now, I have to check back later in hte logs. But let me remind you guys its trench! Looking further back it seems like helding hostage, though blue has more then 327 troops, biggest fort the guy has done in turn 89. 2013-03-19 14:33:58 - Titan Wood reinforced Feudal Empire 7 with 324 troops from Feudal Empire 5!! So thats still a big effort to put into with troops, seeing there is also other people knocking on your front wall. In the end blue just suicided into him then red started killing him. And deadbeating meanwhile. This so that if he woudl have gone through with it his troops would go neutral and his cards lost, so red could not get them. In 10 hours well see if blue goes through and deadbeats all the way.


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Re: intentional deadbeating[pending]es

Postby Titan Wood on Fri Mar 22, 2013 7:04 pm

Is a real unfriendly player I have nothing nice to say about his actions. He could have killed blue in this map a long time ago.
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Re: intentional deadbeating[pending]es

Postby Titan Wood on Sat Mar 23, 2013 3:14 pm

by choosing to drag me through the coals your an *******
The game is lost and its a shame that you dont see it.
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Re: intentional deadbeating[pending] Professor Brainy

Postby Woftam on Sun Mar 24, 2013 1:28 pm

Professor Brainy is an overbearing know it all who's tactic is to acuse his oponents of everything from deadbeating to multi's ...the nagging, whineing, abuse continues throughout the game till his opponents either quit or intentionally lose to escape the madness...i have blocked him out and do not wish to ever play this player again for any reason, I strongly suggest that you all do the same or suffer the same as all of his oponents have in the past. DO NOT PLAY THIS GUY , ...frustrating would be the nicest thing i could say about him and his tactics...i am sure this is not what this site is about .
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Re: intentional deadbeating[pending]es

Postby Woftam on Sun Mar 24, 2013 1:29 pm

Is a real unfriendly player I have nothing nice to say about his actions. He could have killed blue in this map a long time ago.

I understand what you have gone through...this is his tactic, to offend and abuse...he should be kicked out.
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Re: intentional deadbeating[pending]es

Postby Evil Semp on Sun Mar 24, 2013 4:44 pm

Titan Wood did not deadbeat so he is CLEARED.
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