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Emmdizzle rating abuse [noted]

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Emmdizzle rating abuse [noted]

Postby SpacemanSp1ff on Tue Mar 12, 2013 1:17 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Other: rating abuse

Game number(s):

Game 12338165

Comments: Large doubles game, progressed normally as far as i could tell. Emmdizzle happened to get eliminated first. There was no intentional effort against him, there was not public chat, there were no private alliances. He gave the same rating to 5 people in the game, 1 star, bully, coward, follower. I tired to contact this player to understand the problem because I was confused and they still claim that we all ganged up on them even though that was clearly not the case.
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Re: Emmdizzle rating abuse

Postby SaMejoHn on Tue Mar 12, 2013 1:22 pm

so you guys conducted secret diplomacy in order to eliminate the highest ranked and now you complain because he rated you accordingly?
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Re: Emmdizzle rating abuse

Postby Koganosi on Tue Mar 12, 2013 1:38 pm

You need to get proof of 5 unfair ratings left, which in this case would be all in the same game.

Dunno what the mods will do with it and generally it might be that he thought that you guys ganked up on him, so the rating should be kinda legal then caus its his oppinion.


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Re: Emmdizzle rating abuse

Postby jsnyder748 on Tue Mar 12, 2013 2:17 pm

They only follow up rating abuse if the player does it consistently to many people. Many would usually be way more than five.

There is proof of what you are saying if you go here ... =Emmdizzle

but that is not against the rules if he felt that way and has a reason for rating you so poorly. It is unfair to rate all of the 3 aspects as a 1 star because how could he tell your attitude unless you wrote mean things in the chat.
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Re: Emmdizzle rating abuse

Postby DoomYoshi on Tue Mar 12, 2013 2:40 pm

This thread is a blast from the past.
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Re: Emmdizzle rating abuse

Postby king achilles on Tue Mar 12, 2013 10:27 pm

I will take this is just one game where he may have rated with questionable reasons. The other poor ratings from other games looks justified as he appears to be a player who doesn't like people revealing positions, or at least his, when the game is on fog. I'll note this for now.
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Re: Emmdizzle rating abuse

Postby SpacemanSp1ff on Wed Mar 13, 2013 3:12 pm

SaMejoHn wrote:so you guys conducted secret diplomacy in order to eliminate the highest ranked and now you complain because he rated you accordingly?

That's probably what he thought, but it was just an assumption. I never looked at his profile until after i saw the rating, I had no clue who anybody in the game was nor do I care about others rankings. There were no secret alliances of any kind. Before this game I had no idea there were players on this site who think so highly of themselves, that they assume secret diplomacy occurred just because they lost.
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Re: Emmdizzle rating abuse [noted]

Postby SpacemanSp1ff on Wed Mar 13, 2013 3:17 pm

Thanks everyone for your input. I didn't expect action, just thought Emmdizzle's total Douchery should be noted.
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