[These cases have been closed. If you would like to appeal the decision of the hunter please open a ticket on the help page and the case will be looked into by a second hunter.]
Whenever I see new Cheating/Abuse Reports, I always click on the ones that busted multi's. Maybe this is just a really morbid thing I do, but I get a kick from seeing cheater's get their comeuppance. Sometimes, if there are several multi's I even go "You got Served!" under my breath. Does anyone else get some satisfaction from seeing these people banned, even if you never played against them?
im more annoyed that they did it in the first place. plus i know that the people that report them must be suffering in a game yet the multies play on and often take points. thats what happened to me. its frustrating knowing you are playing a game which isnt fair yet there is nothing you can do about it.