Conquer Club

Secret Alliance

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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Secret Alliance

Postby Fever157 on Fri Apr 27, 2007 4:49 pm


2. No secret alliances.

Rules Enforcement

Any form of collusion between opponents must be announced beforehand in the game chat, in English or in a language all players understand. Secret alliances are hard to prove, but if you suspect one please leave negative feedback to the members in question. Should enough people have the same suspicion, we will take corrective action against the individual(s).

Cheaters detract from the gaming experience of all Conquer Club players, and proactive measures are employed to enforce fair-play. Conquer Club reserves the right to suspend accounts and cancel Premium Memberships, with or without warning, of those players who are deemed to have violated the rules.

These people that i just played decided to ally against me becuase i was dominating in the middle of the game.

2007-04-27 02:37:07 - Aaron the Great: come on, blue, help me out here. I'm holding him off with my paltry two army continent. :P
2007-04-27 11:11:55 - larteaga: Green, this was a good turn. I broke his continents. Next turn I'll help you out in NorthAmerica
2007-04-27 11:14:02 - Aaron the Great: i seriously can't believe i'm still alive, haha.
2007-04-27 11:22:26 - larteaga: just hold on there buddy
2007-04-27 13:38:49 - Fever157: well u guys are allied so i give up have fun

Im Fever157

lartegea and Aaron the Great allied secretly
Cook Fever157
Posts: 1
Joined: Sat Apr 14, 2007 11:13 pm

Postby freezie on Fri Apr 27, 2007 4:53 pm

Homepage wrote: Use diplomacy to coordinate a group assault on the game leader.

They declared it in the game chat, as the rules say, it must have been declared before the game start for it to be cheating.

It's common knowledge to try to hold off the dominating player by helping out an opponent for a few turns. That's diplomacy.

No cheating.

If you REALLY suspect anything...fill out the form.
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Postby b.k. barunt on Sat Apr 28, 2007 1:05 am

Fever, i assume you're a young kid, so i'll hold my tongue here, but do try to learn a bit about the dynamics of the game before you start throwing around accusations of cheating. Didn't you read the statement on the site introduction about using diplomacy to go after the strongest man? Keep your eyes and mind open, and don't become one of the whiners on the site.
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