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jgordon1111 - Deliberately throwing a game. [noted]

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jgordon1111 - Deliberately throwing a game. [noted]

Postby DaveH on Mon May 28, 2012 10:05 am



The accused is suspected of deliberately throwing an assassin game by telling an opponent how and where to take him out.

"2012-05-28 14:55:02 - DaveH: Have good luck, guys!
2012-05-28 15:01:12 - jgordon1111: you too dave
2012-05-28 15:45:03 - Stickleback: ooops..... think I'm in trouble!! :)
2012-05-28 15:49:34 - jgordon1111: Nah dave took me out so I couldnt get him, I am on mua and ubb
2012-05-28 15:50:30 - jgordon1111: come in thru aosa I knocked it down for you some"

Game number(s):

Game 11129692


Comments: Because I had taken one of his castles to prevent him taking me out, he deliberately told the third opponent of his remaining locations and even reduced the path to his castle, so that I would not win. Whilst this behaviour is not physically cheating, it is certainly not in the spirit of the game and warrants, in my opinion, some sort of reprimand!
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Re: jgordon1111 - Deliberately throwing a game.

Postby DaveH on Mon May 28, 2012 10:22 am

I just noticed that his comments have been completely removed from the Game Log?? How is that possible??
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Re: jgordon1111 - Deliberately throwing a game.

Postby Extreme Ways on Mon May 28, 2012 10:23 am

DaveH wrote:I just noticed that his comments have been completely removed from the Game Log?? How is that possible??

You foed him, we can see still them, only you can't.
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Re: jgordon1111 - Deliberately throwing a game.

Postby DaveH on Mon May 28, 2012 10:30 am

Of course!
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Re: jgordon1111 - Deliberately throwing a game.

Postby jgordon1111 on Mon May 28, 2012 10:56 am

not cheating in the least dave,rather hoping blue beings he wasnt strong enough would think to block you and break the barrier down some whilst I built up. But beings as I am not your target and you chose to weaken me up to that point, all is fair in assassin,beings you chose to make sure I didnt win how am I cheating by trying to ensure I do.

So who cheated,you for hitting a player who wasnt your target or me by trying to get that barrier broke down.LOL dont be sore about something you did
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Re: jgordon1111 - Deliberately throwing a game.

Postby DaveH on Mon May 28, 2012 11:04 am

If you read the rules: "Obviously any gross abuse of the game is forbidden. This includes but is not limited to: throwing games or deliberately benefiting from thrown games, intentional deadbeating, holding players hostage, serial teammate killing, hijacking accounts, systematically "farming" new recruits."

Had I directly attacked my target, it would have weakened me and allowed you, as the strongest of the two others, to take out at least one of my castles. Weakening a non-target in Assassin games is part of the game; what is not part of CC games is deliberately throwing them!
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Re: jgordon1111 - Deliberately throwing a game.

Postby jgordon1111 on Mon May 28, 2012 11:25 am

DaveH wrote:If you read the rules: "Obviously any gross abuse of the game is forbidden. This includes but is not limited to: throwing games or deliberately benefiting from thrown games, intentional deadbeating, holding players hostage, serial teammate killing, hijacking accounts, systematically "farming" new recruits."

Had I directly attacked my target, it would have weakened me and allowed you, as the strongest of the two others, to take out at least one of my castles. Weakening a non-target in Assassin games is part of the game; what is not part of CC games is deliberately throwing them!

I have deliberatley thrown nothing,What I have done is increase my chance of getting out of an area that is blocked.

Now you and blue have a choice,blue who is weak can knock that block down,hit you to slow you down,or you can protect me LOL. Do you know nothing of real strategy.

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Re: jgordon1111 - Deliberately throwing a game.

Postby jgordon1111 on Mon May 28, 2012 11:31 am

LOL just checked the game apparently blue got lucky and knocked down 2 barriers and took me out. your bad you should have read the game and hit him instead of me.

You win some you lose some,its a game, after all he was your target you should have been bold enough to read and hunt him.
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Re: jgordon1111 - Deliberately throwing a game.

Postby jgordon1111 on Mon May 28, 2012 12:40 pm

Also dave I will drop the other game before it fills,if you believe I cheated. No sense in going into another game with you wanting revenge when I am not your target possibly.
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Re: jgordon1111 - Deliberately throwing a game.

Postby DaveH on Mon May 28, 2012 1:05 pm


"Nah dave took me out so I couldnt get him, I am on mua and ubb
come in thru aosa I knocked it down for you some"

It is obvious from your statement prior to blue's turn that you deliberately threw the game to him by making blue aware of the location of your remaining castle - and weakened his route to it so that it was easier for him to take you out.
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Re: jgordon1111 - Deliberately throwing a game.

Postby DaveH on Mon May 28, 2012 1:12 pm

I don't want "revenge", I just want to play games with players that play in the spirit of the Club to the rules of the Club. We have played quite a few games before now, so why should you play in this way now?
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Re: jgordon1111 - Deliberately throwing a game.

Postby jgordon1111 on Mon May 28, 2012 4:37 pm

You are not listening,you weakened me up to the one section. I looked,blue wasnt that strong he had to take out nine nuetrals to get to the three terts I had left. I didnt think he could do it. therefore you would have had to block him on your turn, giving me a chance to build back up.
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Re: jgordon1111 - Deliberately throwing a game.

Postby squishyg on Mon May 28, 2012 4:50 pm

Methinks its time to hug it out boys.
There is no fog rule and I am no gentleman.
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Kaskavel wrote:Seriously. Who is the female conqueror of CC?

Depends on what metric you use...
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Re: jgordon1111 - Deliberately throwing a game.

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Mon May 28, 2012 10:10 pm

squishyg wrote:Methinks its time to hug it out boys.

Seriously... This stuff happens in 3 player Assassin games all the time... You attack your opponents target and your opponent wins.
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Re: jgordon1111 - Deliberately throwing a game.

Postby maxfaraday on Tue May 29, 2012 1:21 am

Jdsizzleslice wrote:
squishyg wrote:Methinks its time to hug it out boys.

Seriously... This stuff happens in 3 player Assassin games all the time... You attack your opponents target and your opponent wins.

Seriously... What's the point in 3 player Assassin games in the first place?
From: Karl_R_Kroenen
To: maxfaraday

I have noted this post and if it continues, there will be consequences for you.
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Re: jgordon1111 - Deliberately throwing a game.

Postby agentcom on Tue May 29, 2012 3:57 am

medals I would guess.
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Re: jgordon1111 - Deliberately throwing a game.

Postby king achilles on Tue May 29, 2012 7:37 am

For now this is noted. We would need more than one game alone regarding deliberate game throwing. Feel free to rate him accordingly and/or put him on your foe list.
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Re: jgordon1111 - Deliberately throwing a game. [noted]

Postby jgordon1111 on Tue May 29, 2012 11:21 am

You wont find one KA, it was the only way I could think of to stay in the game,blue had great dice apparently.
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Re: jgordon1111 - Deliberately throwing a game. [noted]

Postby betiko on Tue May 29, 2012 11:29 am

3 player assassin and assassin in general always end up in a pretty unfair way. if your target choses to target you, then you might need to even things up targeting your assassin and so on to find a better ballance. 3 players assassin is crap and always about more or less game throwing from someone, any stupid play that unbalances the game, or just a high risk taking to kill your target that fails and gives the game to your own assassin..
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Re: jgordon1111 - Deliberately throwing a game. [noted]

Postby agentcom on Tue May 29, 2012 1:45 pm

jgordon1111 wrote:You wont find one KA, it was the only way I could think of to stay in the game,blue had great dice apparently.

Jgordon, if what you're saying is true, and I have no reason to doubt you, it seems like some pretty sweet strategy. Trying to even out the game by making it look like you're conceding. Clever and tricky. Too clever by half, I guess, since he ended up actually being able to kill you.

But all in all, I hope this NOTE doesn't get used against you in the future.
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Re: jgordon1111 - Deliberately throwing a game. [noted]

Postby jgordon1111 on Tue May 29, 2012 3:40 pm

agentcom wrote:
jgordon1111 wrote:You wont find one KA, it was the only way I could think of to stay in the game,blue had great dice apparently.

Jgordon, if what you're saying is true, and I have no reason to doubt you, it seems like some pretty sweet strategy. Trying to even out the game by making it look like you're conceding. Clever and tricky. Too clever by half, I guess, since he ended up actually being able to kill you.

But all in all, I hope this NOTE doesn't get used against you in the future.

I dont believe it will, If anyone wants to look at the game log you will see going into the last turn,blue had five terts total bonus troops max of 7 troops to deploy(red had sanctuary) so with great dice round one he had five plus seven for a total of 12. He had to break thru 2 nuetrals one five and one four(the one I hit) plus take the last 3 terts I held. I figured the odds to be in my favor and he couldnt do it. Thus on the next turn red was going to have to protect me. They fight I build up, I was wrong blue had freaking super dice he took 12 with 12,very rare to do.
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Re: jgordon1111 - Deliberately throwing a game. [noted]

Postby eddie2 on Tue May 29, 2012 6:17 pm

DaveH wrote:
Comments: Because I had taken one of his castles to prevent him taking me out, he deliberately told the third opponent of his remaining locations and even reduced the path to his castle, so that I would not win. Whilst this behaviour is not physically cheating, it is certainly not in the spirit of the game and warrants, in my opinion, some sort of reprimand!

you took 1 of his castles in a 3 player game he was not your target so there fore weakening him to much. this could also be classed as throwing the game because you weakened yourself as well as jgordons. but jgordon to the extent of only having 1 base area to protect.

king a i need to ask what actual rule was broke here for a noted, as cc stands all jgordondone was gave position away in a fog game this is not against cc rules (something i think should be.)

So in effect are you actually now saying that if someone gives a position away in a fog game they are breaching rules because if you give a opponants position away or your own you are in affect throwing the game away from the leader. for this noted to stand you need to add a rule dis allowing any person from disclosing info in a game that can not be seen from the other player.
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Re: jgordon1111 - Deliberately throwing a game. [noted]

Postby jgordon1111 on Tue May 29, 2012 7:03 pm

eddie2 wrote:
DaveH wrote:
Comments: Because I had taken one of his castles to prevent him taking me out, he deliberately told the third opponent of his remaining locations and even reduced the path to his castle, so that I would not win. Whilst this behaviour is not physically cheating, it is certainly not in the spirit of the game and warrants, in my opinion, some sort of reprimand!

you took 1 of his castles in a 3 player game he was not your target so there fore weakening him to much. this could also be classed as throwing the game because you weakened yourself as well as jgordons. but jgordon to the extent of only having 1 base area to protect.

king a i need to ask what actual rule was broke here for a noted, as cc stands all jgordondone was gave position away in a fog game this is not against cc rules (something i think should be.)

So in effect are you actually now saying that if someone gives a position away in a fog game they are breaching rules because if you give a opponants position away or your own you are in affect throwing the game away from the leader. for this noted to stand you need to add a rule dis allowing any person from disclosing info in a game that can not be seen from the other player.

Damn it eddie, shit I have fought that fog rule several times,and was waiting for the next time it came up to use this entire game as a challenge to it.

Thats why I told KA he wouldnt be able to find any other instance of me saying anything about positions in a fog game,and agent that it wouldnt be used against me in the future for the same kind of action. Damn I wish you had come to me first and said something.

Why do you think I didnt holler about the noting. I know the rules and whats been said everytime its discussed.

BTW the strat gambit was real. DaveH reporting me for C&A blew my mind,and that I got noted boggled me.
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Re: jgordon1111 - Deliberately throwing a game. [noted]

Postby shieldgenerator7 on Wed May 30, 2012 9:59 pm

I play mafia with this dude and I don't think he would have deliberately thrown a game trying to lose.

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Re: jgordon1111 - Deliberately throwing a game. [noted]

Postby jgordon1111 on Wed Jun 06, 2012 4:48 pm

shieldgenerator7 wrote:I play mafia with this dude and I don't think he would have deliberately thrown a game trying to lose.

-SG7 ( :) )

I play in an unorthodox manner in both the game and mafia,it usually works to my adavantage.
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