First off, I'd like to start by saying that I'm not upset with uckuki for posting a C&A - it's within any player's right to do so, and our staff of mods seem to me to do a pretty good job going through these... I've only had 9 games against him, but as you can see from my 5 star opponent rating of him (quick & friendly tags too!), I have had no personal issues with him...
I'll start with the game chat/log:
2012-05-08 23:17:29 - uckuki eliminated nebsmith from the game in round - 13
2012-05-08 23:17:40 - uckuki played a set of vR7- Cherkassy, vB6- Lvov, and V2- Limoges worth 50 troops
after this, phantom cashes and I cash, and we both run through him pretty good to sort of even out the map... on his next turn, uckuki cashes again and returns the favor... a couple more rounds of smaller drops and more back and forth, and then:
2012-05-13 23:24:28 - uckuki played a set of V4- Lyon, M3- Mozhaysk, and B3- General Friessner worth 70 troops
2012-05-13 23:24:38 - uckuki deployed 82 troops on ?
and from game chat:
2012-05-13 23:26:27 - uckuki: don't get confused and attack each other by mistake brave warriors

2012-05-13 23:28:09 - uckuki: can one of you guys kind of wink to let me know you're playing together so I stop wasting my time?
2012-05-14 08:28:26 - phantomzero: lol. this is why i love 3 ways
2012-05-14 20:34:11 - Ishihara: good lord... I've been traveling to visit family and didn't even think of that dynamic...
2012-05-14 20:35:01 - Ishihara: well, poor choice of who to eliminate first there, uckuki... *lol*
2012-05-14 20:35:29 - Ishihara: to be honest, I felt I kinda screwed myself by playing so much in one corner and having everything just be ?'s until I made that run...
2012-05-14 20:39:18 - Ishihara [self]: snapshot round 17
2012-05-14 20:39:37 - Ishihara: well, that didn't show me much...
2012-05-15 13:15:41 - uckuki: yellow was ok target, I just had to guess where his stacks might be (couldn't see them). If I did, I'd have had 50+ troops to go after you.
2012-05-16 15:23:09 - Ishihara: I know that eventually the cashes will be big enough that someone will fall... but to be honest, I'm still enough of a noob around here that I have zero idea how to even try to finish it... *lol*
of which there are two things I should say: first, in retrospect, a pretty dumb joke about his choice of who to eliminate first... pretty obvious now how that could be taken out of context... and as to my noob comment, I was referring to my experience on WW2 Europe - 2 dubs, 2 trips and 2 quads games - no singles experience... again, not very clear on my part, for which I apologize...
which brings us to round 18... Phantom goes first, drops 7 +1 and cards off me (giving him 5 cards)... I'm up next and have to cash at 5 cards... I know where the majority, but not all of phantom is (the obvious target at this point)... counting troops, and given the one-way paths and need to both split my drop and go search for some unseen blue, I determined that I probably couldn't kill Phantom... so I opted for lots of 2's, some stacks and the breaking of uckuki's +6 bonus... and when I did break the +6, I found the large stack... given the turn order of the game, I decided that it was in my best long term interests, having already broken his +6 (and most of Phantom's bonuses), to take the attackers dice and be aggressive and hit the stack... at this stage of the game, I was going to get to 3 cards before phantom and him given the turn order, so I thought it in my best interest to play aggressively and hope for good card fortune... for those interested, here's a link to my screenshot at the end of round 18 - where I am on the map may help explain why I did what I did the last few rounds (no peeking phantom and uckuki - got it?)...
I hope this helps to clear up at least why I have done what I have to (hopefully) put myself in a position to win eventually...
round 18 mapEdited to make that a direct link/larger image