Conquer Club

Natelya, Chubarik, General Franco [Cleared]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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Natelya, Chubarik, General Franco [Cleared]

Postby stlcard1521 on Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:50 am

Natelya, Chubarik, General Franco

possible multis, would like an IP check just to verify

These guys seem suspicious and id like to have them checked out just incase, but I can't prove it. They play together as a team quite often, and all 3 take their turns at the same time. from a conversation i saw on another game log it looks like they might be work buddies which could easily explain this. but i also noticed that when they play single games, they play in seperate games but if you look at game logs their turns are often just minutes apart. again, could just be that they all play at work so theyre talking to each other, or that they were all already online to coordiante in their team games but it makes me suspicious.

my apologies to these guys if they are innocent.
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Corporal 1st Class stlcard1521
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Postby stlcard1521 on Wed Apr 18, 2007 11:13 am

actually, i am going to retract this complaint some of their moves are only 2 seconds apart so it must be different people. sorry for pointing a finger if any of you guys saw this :cry: mods you can delete this post if you would like
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Corporal 1st Class stlcard1521
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Postby sully800 on Tue Apr 24, 2007 11:37 pm

Also notably, all three members are premium.

I guess you suspected it, but Natelya, Chubarik, and General Franco are CLEARED.
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