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Postby b00060 on Sun Jan 08, 2012 6:02 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis

Game number(s):

Game 10381481

Comments: Sorry but for someone who has been here less than a month and wins on Kings court and Antartica like this in their first game is bullcrap. No way that guy can know the strategy and talk about bonuses like he does in the chat without some experience on it. He even points out how is opponent played it wrong. Come on man anyone that plays less than 50 games and most of them are multi player games and has a 50% win rate on difficult maps is a glaring sign of a cheater.
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Re: mountain1024

Postby mountain1024 on Sun Jan 08, 2012 6:18 pm

hi guys,
I only have a 50% win rate because i played on the anniversary cups. Otherwise i would have had close to 80%.
What is there to say? You have my ip, i know for a fact that no one plays in the EPFL (that is in Lausanne Switzerland) except me.
I would say that this guy is a sore loser. But he is also an organizer so i'm taking this seriously.

I also see that this guy is the type that cries wolf all the time - game 10166493 for instance.
Oh well.. as he also points out - this is easy enough to settle.
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Re: mountain1024

Postby b00060 on Sun Jan 08, 2012 8:14 pm

WOW, so you pick the same game that the multi who has been stalking me constantly was in, very interesting. You and he or should I say you and you both need to stop writing on my wall. You and he seem to think that because you use another computer with a different ip that it is not cheating. Get real, the experienced players see right through that shit and your gameplay. It doesn't take a genius to figure out creating a fake freemium account and playing on another computer like you are doing is an easy way to start out of the gate with a 60-70% win rate, all it takes is someone with no ethics and enjoys cheating the system and the paying members on this site. I am always amazed how fast you freemium newbies find the cheating report forum, even when i don't accuse you in the chat.

Was I crying wolf in my last two posts 2 days ago, or was I just making it harder for you and your cheating friends to get away with cheating the rank system and getting around the 4 game limit???


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Re: mountain1024

Postby s3xt0y on Sun Jan 08, 2012 9:13 pm

The multi that has been stalking you!? Scary, there is cc-stalking now. That explains why you get so many multi's, keep up the good work
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Re: mountain1024

Postby mountain1024 on Mon Jan 09, 2012 1:29 am

maaan.. how come you're 38 and haven't grown up yet?
people can R-E-A-D! both map objectives and gameplay and more importantly - what others tell them on the chat - for instance to come here and defend oneself from a paranoid idiot.
That guy is from the US. That means he logs in from the US. which means he/she is physically at least 10.000 km from me. Which leads to the conclusion that if you are right I've just invented teleporting. Which is why i think I have now earned a right to call you a paranoid idiot.

Moreover, if on average let's say 20 percent of the beginners playing well are indeed multis, and you call 10 of them multis and are right 2 times that doesn't actually say anything about you except that you are interested in the subject.
Multi detection should be done automatically - all players with with more than 50% win rate or something should be checked and voila - no multis.
Your service to this site is valuable right now, I understand that, but it would be much easier and with less resentment if it were done automatically.

p.s. 38 is a ripe age to accept that you are not the sharpest tool in the shed and others do get it faster.
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Re: mountain1024

Postby b00060 on Mon Jan 09, 2012 8:30 am

Ha, I am right alot more than two times, those two were just my last two examples from less than 2 days ago. I would comment on your age, but you have that hidded as do most multis who do not like to give away to much information so as to not make it obvious, otherwise I would say that being "x" years old was to old to be a cheater, man up and play with your original account. Reading an objective and actually seeing how it plays out are two totally different things, one that is not as easy as you make it sound on Kings Court. Anyone here who has played it can attest, knowing what is what and seeing what is what are two different things.
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Re: mountain1024

Postby morff69 on Mon Jan 09, 2012 8:43 am

I dont much like b00060 however he is not usually wrong on sniffing out multis
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Re: mountain1024

Postby mountain1024 on Mon Jan 09, 2012 8:58 am

I hope you haven't said that just because you lost our last game. That would be.. demeaning.
Anyway - I'm not intervening here anymore. Waiting for an admin to finish this and that's it.
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Re: mountain1024

Postby Extreme Ways on Mon Jan 09, 2012 9:40 am

b00060 wrote:WOW, so you pick the same game that the multi who has been stalking me constantly was in, very interesting. You and he or should I say you and you both need to stop writing on my wall. You and he seem to think that because you use another computer with a different ip that it is not cheating. Get real, the experienced players see right through that shit and your gameplay. It doesn't take a genius to figure out creating a fake freemium account and playing on another computer like you are doing is an easy way to start out of the gate with a 60-70% win rate, all it takes is someone with no ethics and enjoys cheating the system and the paying members on this site. I am always amazed how fast you freemium newbies find the cheating report forum, even when i don't accuse you in the chat.

Was I crying wolf in my last two posts 2 days ago, or was I just making it harder for you and your cheating friends to get away with cheating the rank system and getting around the 4 game limit???



He asked what a multi was in Live Chat, then Night Strike posted the link to this topic.
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Re: mountain1024

Postby Evil Semp on Wed Jan 11, 2012 6:10 pm

Mountain1024 is cleared.
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Re: mountain1024[cleared]es

Postby mountain1024 on Thu Jan 12, 2012 3:21 am

Thanks for the reply.
I just want to make this clear - I don't resent b00060 for the fact that he suspected me of wrongdoing. I resent him for the obnoxious and rude way of saying it. That being said, Thank you and let's close this.
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