Conquer Club

Secret Alliance: howdareu & GTO

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Secret Alliance: howdareu & GTO

Postby Kid_A on Tue Apr 17, 2007 5:18 am

Suspects: howdareu/GTO


4 players remaining. It was howdareu's turn. GTO was up next. howdareu was about to be eliminated by GTO once he finished his turn. This would have made it a pretty even match between the remaining 3 players.
For absolutely no reason howdareu decided to attack and kill as many of my armies as he could making it extremely easy for GTO to eliminate everyone and win on his very next turn.

howdareu claims it was accidental. I don't believe that he accidentally selected Greenland--(where nearly all my armies were placed)-- from the list of 40 countries to attack and then accidentally clicked auto-attack as well. He also would've had to selected Northern Territory--(where most his armies were)-- from the list of countries to attack from because of his armies in Congo.
I'd like to hear his explanation for making all 3 mistakes in one turn.

Last edited by Kid_A on Tue Apr 17, 2007 5:39 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby yeti_c on Tue Apr 17, 2007 5:22 am

Poor play doesn't a secret alliance make?

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