Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team
Unwritten Rules wrote:
Obviously any gross abuse of the game is forbidden. This includes but is not limited to: throwing games or deliberately benefiting from thrown games, intentional deadbeating, holding players hostage, serial teammate killing, hijacking accounts, systematically "farming" new recruits.
Austin Powell wrote:I will finish on next turn, but DO NOT in the future tell players not to attack neutruels.
QoH wrote:Austin Powell wrote:I will finish on next turn, but DO NOT in the future tell players not to attack neutruels.
The goal of the game is NOT to conquer ever territory on the map... the goal is to kill the other player...
Austin Powell wrote:There are also no rules against claiming an intire territory to gain the troop count. Its part of the induviduals stradegy. So I will continue to take out neutrels because it works for me....
Austin Powell wrote:With the way dice rolls are in Conquer club?!?! We are FORCED to gain big power by taking entire territories to insure the win! Ive seen 16 against 3 loose!! Its rediculous. I NEVER intended for the other player to feel "hoataged" until he started bossing me. Right up to that point it was really anyones game! I think this was a case of sore looser ness....maybe taken a little too far on my part. Damn the temper. LOL
Austin Powell wrote:With the way dice rolls are in Conquer club?!?! We are FORCED to gain big power by taking entire territories to insure the win! Ive seen 16 against 3 loose!! Its rediculous. I NEVER intended for the other player to feel "hoataged" until he started bossing me. Right up to that point it was really anyones game! I think this was a case of sore looser ness....maybe taken a little too far on my part. Damn the temper. LOL
Austin Powell wrote:With the way dice rolls are in Conquer club?!?! We are FORCED to gain big power by taking entire territories to insure the win! Ive seen 16 against 3 loose!! Its rediculous. I NEVER intended for the other player to feel "hoataged" until he started bossing me. Right up to that point it was really anyones game! I think this was a case of sore looser ness....maybe taken a little too far on my part. Damn the temper. LOL
Austin Powell wrote:And i invite you to never join my game again.
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