Here, let me help you out.
Game 9454264 -
y2manypbr - Tagged him slow, Deadbeat, clueless, Quitter. He explained his one missed and didn't appear to quit. All 1's
Game 9169200 -
BlackWidowWS6 - Tagged him Slow, Deadbeat, Complainer. He didn't say a word all game, and never missed a turn.
supercollider - Tagged him Deadbeat, Rude, Paranoid, Coward. He was never rude, Paranoid, a coward, and didn't deadbeat any of the 4 games they played.
Game 9263653 -
M3VDJ - Tagged him Deadbeat, Irrational, Clueless, Poor Strategy. The guy won his game, obviously his strategy wasn't poor and didn't deadbeat.
Game 9487084 -
tobytully1 - Tagged him Rude, Complainer, Irrational, Secret Diplomacy, the guy only said good luck in the game, and his actions were justified as tjd did have a bonus, and went for a kill, but missed it.