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Postby Gen.LeeGettinhed on Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:17 pm

Culs De Sac

The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy - trying to

Game number(s):
9907601 - assumed

hey, not looking for trouble, etc. but went to post on Fritsyyy wall and saw. . then saw general comment by Fritsyyy on Culs (just general comment):

you are dropping the most troops behind me.. i need to keep you at bay.. or you win.. i have no choice
by Culs De Sac
on Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:44 pm

worst stratergiser ever
by fritsyyy
on Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:42 pm

DIscussed briefly with Chat Mod, who recommended C&A entry. At first they said "might be grey area" -- I think it's clear SD.
screen shot attached on excel file. only way I know how.
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Re: Culs De Sac - SD

Postby Culs De Sac on Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:48 pm

Hmm.. So where do I begin.. First of.. You were not in the game, so you have no right to comment on any particular situation that may or may have not occurred in that game.

But to wrap this matter up quickly and not waste anyone's time. Let me just discuss what occurred..

The game is a current speed game.. Current at the time of this post at least, since it is not over. I have green for a target.. In round 7, red begins to miss the first of 3 consecutive turns which will obviously boot him from the game.. In Round 8, Green misses a turn and then misses another turn in Round 9. Hence, I assume that green is going to follow suit and deadbeat as well.. In order to win the game being nuclear and adj settings.. I need to maximize my bonus while negating my opponents..

So i begin to fight for regions in Gen Pop which happen to be occupied by both Cyan and Pink.. But guess what happens.. Cyan then decides he wants to dead beat and green returns to game stating that he was making dinner.. So with 2 missed turns and no extra regions taken, there are three players who have more than 20 regions.. Pink, Green, and Myself.. based on gameplay my assumption is that Pink has cyan and with cyan missing the first of three turns. I have no choice but to focus my troops and attacks on pink or he wins the game..

Thereafter, right before announcing that he is leaving the game.. pink walls me a msg stating that he feels im the worst strategist ever!. I respond in kind letting him know that i felt that he was the threat and I have no choice..

So explain this to me.. If it was secret diplomacy then why the F.Uck! did i attack pink several rounds in a row and he returned in kind.. If i were conducting secret diplomacy would the object be to WIN the game.. But pink declared he was going to dead beat because he had work later on and green eventually won the game..

so do me a favor Gen. Lee.. Get over yourself. stop fantasizing about me.. and stop wasting my time along with that of the mods who will have to look into this.

As for the mods, feel free to do your inquiry.. I have nothing to hide.


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Re: Culs De Sac - SD

Postby dan the general on Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:51 pm

no problems in that game as far as i could see culs de sac was playing fine
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Re: Culs De Sac - SD

Postby jefjef on Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:52 pm

ANY and ALL discussion with opponents are ONLY allowed in game chat. No exceptions.
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
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Re: Culs De Sac - SD

Postby jonah03 on Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:54 pm

lolz i was there and i didnt see no cheating at all thre only poor sportsmanship on pink red and forgot what the other color was for deadbeating and besides he didnt even win lolz
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Re: Culs De Sac - SD

Postby Culs De Sac on Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:59 pm

jefjef wrote:ANY and ALL discussion with opponents are ONLY allowed in game chat. No exceptions.

There was no discussion.. Pink said i was a poor strategist.. and i defended myself.. had nothing to do with targets, bonuses, etc.. the comment were based on the fact that pink was unhappy with my gameplay and then he deadbeated.

What game information was posted on walls that was not clearly visible in game log?

Furthermore, I attempted to respond in game chat as well, but pink had already left!
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Re: Culs De Sac - SD

Postby jonah03 on Thu Oct 13, 2011 2:00 pm

its a no brainer tht all chat must be in the game but i didnt see any words saying tht hey lets be allies all i saw was keep u at bay which is understandable..... people always message me on my wall ex: saying hey calm down thre buddy dont kill urslef on me just yet we have another tht is a secret deplomacy...( FYI relax i always tell them to post in in game chat)... but if its just a comment saying im keeping u in line then thts fine in my head atleast... thre was no hint of allience...
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Re: Culs De Sac - SD

Postby jonah03 on Thu Oct 13, 2011 2:03 pm

and if lets just he did cheat dont u think other would have noticed and gave him bad rating his rating is at 4.7 so i doubt he started having poor sportsmenship just like tht.... i believe pink is a sore loser and thts tht..
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Re: Culs De Sac - SD

Postby dazerazer on Thu Oct 13, 2011 2:20 pm

Awww GLG! Say it ain't so! Did this really warrant a C&A?
How much you want for Daze? (Culs De Sac on Wed Oct 12, 2011 7:33 pm)
She's priceless, Culs. ;-P (MudPuppy on Wed Oct 12, 2011 7:46 pm)
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Re: Culs De Sac - SD

Postby benga on Thu Oct 13, 2011 2:28 pm

A guys was banned just for saying on wall give me a card spot so...
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Re: Culs De Sac - SD

Postby clapper011 on Thu Oct 13, 2011 2:29 pm

hmmm..I dont see how culs is Sd in this one... pink was ticked off at culs strategy... how would that be secret diplomacy?... But I am not a cheating and abuse mod.. This is just my opinion from what I read...
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Re: Culs De Sac - SD

Postby trinicardinal on Thu Oct 13, 2011 2:37 pm

clapper011 wrote:hmmm..I dont see how culs is Sd in this one... pink was ticked off at culs strategy... how would that be secret diplomacy?... But I am not a cheating and abuse mod.. This is just my opinion from what I read...

I also don't think its secret diplo. I think Culs was offering an explanation... But I'm not the expert... I'm definitely interested in the results of this one
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Re: Culs De Sac - SD

Postby eddie2 on Thu Oct 13, 2011 3:21 pm

benga wrote:A guys was banned just for saying on wall give me a card spot so...

asking for a card spot is a form of diplomacy. telling a player who said you have bad game play, that you are holding him back is not.
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Re: Culs De Sac - SD

Postby Evil Semp on Thu Oct 13, 2011 3:28 pm

eddie2 wrote:
benga wrote:A guys was banned just for saying on wall give me a card spot so...

asking for a card spot is a form of diplomacy. telling a player who said you have bad game play, that you are holding him back is not.

This is scary folks, I am quoting eddie2. I do not feel that this was secret diplomacy. Culs De Sac is CLEARED.
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Re: Culs De Sac - SD

Postby MoB Deadly on Thu Oct 13, 2011 3:29 pm

Their chats did not effect eachothers' gameplay. They both were acting off their own strategies

fastposted - glad to see this clear
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Re: Culs De Sac - SD[CLEARED]ES

Postby Culs De Sac on Thu Oct 13, 2011 4:03 pm

Thank you!
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Re: Culs De Sac - SD[CLEARED]ES

Postby fritsyyy on Thu Oct 13, 2011 6:04 pm

there was no secret diplomacy.. yellow was killing me breaking 50 percent of my bonus and yellow was my target... i was tired and grumpy as i was 2 in the morning... hence the reason i spat the dummy.
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Re: Culs De Sac - SD[CLEARED]ES

Postby Gen.LeeGettinhed on Thu Oct 13, 2011 9:22 pm

1) SD rules state: "...not limited to. . .if suspected.. . report it" -- so I did
2) sides are split: jefjef agreed: ALL game related chat should be in game chat
3) harrassing someone that simply reported a C&A (after asking a mod) should not be tolerated by CC
4) going int Social and telling reporter to "fuc k off. . " and ". . you coc k sucker" should not be tolerated by CC

I saw it, I reported it. don't kill the messenger.
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Re: Culs De Sac - SD[CLEARED]ES

Postby fritsyyy on Fri Oct 14, 2011 3:10 am

Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:1) SD rules state: "...not limited to. . .if suspected.. . report it" -- so I did
2) sides are split: jefjef agreed: ALL game related chat should be in game chat
3) harrassing someone that simply reported a C&A (after asking a mod) should not be tolerated by CC
4) going int Social and telling reporter to "fuc k off. . " and ". . you coc k sucker" should not be tolerated by CC

I saw it, I reported it. don't kill the messenger.

whats it to you though?
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Re: Culs De Sac - SD[CLEARED]ES

Postby DJPatrick on Fri Oct 14, 2011 4:39 am

Can Eddie get some "store credits" for getting something right??? He'll prob need them again soon
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Re: Culs De Sac - SD[CLEARED]ES

Postby trinicardinal on Fri Oct 14, 2011 8:11 am

DJPatrick wrote:Can Eddie get some "store credits" for getting something right??? He'll prob need them again soon

lol... knowing eddie, he probably will.

fritsyyy wrote:
Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:1) SD rules state: "...not limited to. . .if suspected.. . report it" -- so I did
2) sides are split: jefjef agreed: ALL game related chat should be in game chat
3) harrassing someone that simply reported a C&A (after asking a mod) should not be tolerated by CC
4) going int Social and telling reporter to "fuc k off. . " and ". . you coc k sucker" should not be tolerated by CC

I saw it, I reported it. don't kill the messenger.

whats it to you though?

What's it to him? something that he considered might be against site rules and he therefore reported it... many other people do the same including myself. In this case the ruling is that it was not (which I agree with). Other people may have different opinions on this one, just as GLG did (maybe still does?).
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Re: Culs De Sac - SD[CLEARED]ES

Postby TheForgivenOne on Fri Oct 14, 2011 6:52 pm

fritsyyy wrote:
Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:1) SD rules state: "...not limited to. . .if suspected.. . report it" -- so I did
2) sides are split: jefjef agreed: ALL game related chat should be in game chat
3) harrassing someone that simply reported a C&A (after asking a mod) should not be tolerated by CC
4) going int Social and telling reporter to "fuc k off. . " and ". . you coc k sucker" should not be tolerated by CC

I saw it, I reported it. don't kill the messenger.

whats it to you though?

So if you see an obvious multi in a game you aren't in, you shouldn't report it?
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Re: Culs De Sac - SD[CLEARED]ES

Postby fritsyyy on Sat Oct 15, 2011 2:52 am

TheForgivenOne wrote:
fritsyyy wrote:
Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:1) SD rules state: "...not limited to. . .if suspected.. . report it" -- so I did
2) sides are split: jefjef agreed: ALL game related chat should be in game chat
3) harrassing someone that simply reported a C&A (after asking a mod) should not be tolerated by CC
4) going int Social and telling reporter to "fuc k off. . " and ". . you coc k sucker" should not be tolerated by CC

I saw it, I reported it. don't kill the messenger.

whats it to you though?

So if you see an obvious multi in a game you aren't in, you shouldn't report it?

it was no where near an obvious multi though? i cant see how we were SDing so it couldnt have been that obvious. Maybe next time he should keep his nose out of it cause now he just looks like a dick
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Re: Culs De Sac - SD[CLEARED]ES

Postby eddie2 on Sat Oct 15, 2011 6:41 am

fritsyyy wrote:
TheForgivenOne wrote:
fritsyyy wrote:
Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:1) SD rules state: "...not limited to. . .if suspected.. . report it" -- so I did
2) sides are split: jefjef agreed: ALL game related chat should be in game chat
3) harrassing someone that simply reported a C&A (after asking a mod) should not be tolerated by CC
4) going int Social and telling reporter to "fuc k off. . " and ". . you coc k sucker" should not be tolerated by CC

I saw it, I reported it. don't kill the messenger.

whats it to you though?

So if you see an obvious multi in a game you aren't in, you shouldn't report it?

it was no where near an obvious multi though? i cant see how we were SDing so it couldnt have been that obvious. Maybe next time he should keep his nose out of it cause now he just looks like a dick

fritsyyy some people think sd is any form of communication via walls during games. this is due to the way previous cases have happened. lets say it was culs de sac that started this c and a thread for the reason of you were trying to start a secret diplomacy. he had every right to and general lee should of had your name on this thread not culs.
fact of the matter is this case was not classed as secret diplomacy because it was a assassin game if this was a regular game then it was sitting on the border line of being that.
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Re: Culs De Sac - SD[CLEARED]ES

Postby TheForgivenOne on Sat Oct 15, 2011 3:46 pm

fritsyyy wrote:
TheForgivenOne wrote:
fritsyyy wrote:
Gen.LeeGettinhed wrote:1) SD rules state: "...not limited to. . .if suspected.. . report it" -- so I did
2) sides are split: jefjef agreed: ALL game related chat should be in game chat
3) harrassing someone that simply reported a C&A (after asking a mod) should not be tolerated by CC
4) going int Social and telling reporter to "fuc k off. . " and ". . you coc k sucker" should not be tolerated by CC

I saw it, I reported it. don't kill the messenger.

whats it to you though?

So if you see an obvious multi in a game you aren't in, you shouldn't report it?

it was no where near an obvious multi though? i cant see how we were SDing so it couldnt have been that obvious. Maybe next time he should keep his nose out of it cause now he just looks like a dick

Reread what I wrote. Did I EVER say any of you were a multi? NO. I said "IF" you see an obvious multi.
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