WTF ...
The game chat ..
2011-05-15 21:34:35 - blitzkreig1942: hi Vic... we meet again
2011-05-15 21:34:49 - blitzkreig1942:
2011-05-15 21:41:17 - VicFontaine: Hey man!
2011-05-15 21:41:47 - VicFontaine: Where else did we meet?
2011-05-15 21:42:20 - blitzkreig1942: well... i sure "bthoria" means something to u
2011-05-15 21:42:53 - blitzkreig1942: *I'm
2011-05-15 21:45:58 - VicFontaine: yeah it does
2011-05-15 21:47:29 - VicFontaine: Not sure what you're saying, though.
2011-05-15 21:50:30 - blitzkreig1942: i'm the same
2011-05-15 21:51:06 - blitzkreig1942: i've never play this map
2011-05-15 21:51:27 - blitzkreig1942: and i train with u
2011-05-15 21:53:36 - VicFontaine: OK
2011-05-15 21:57:30 - blitzkreig1942: do u play double?
2011-05-15 22:02:45 - blitzkreig1942: anytime u need a partener just invite x-cen-3c
2011-05-15 22:42:35 - VicFontaine: why, who is that? Why would I invite a player who isn't you?
2011-05-16 06:39:07 - blitzkreig1942: but is me