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multi- pitman212[cleared]es

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multi- pitman212[cleared]es

Postby 1931roadster on Sun May 15, 2011 11:17 am


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The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis

Game number(s):

Game 9030692

Comments:This guy joins a difficult game (Gazala) and knows just what to do. I dont know for sure, but would like to.
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Re: multi- pitman212

Postby jefjef on Sun May 15, 2011 11:47 am

1931roadster wrote:Accused:


The accused are suspected of:

Being Multis

Game number(s):

Game 9030692

Comments:This guy joins a difficult game (Gazala) and knows just what to do. I dont know for sure, but would like to.

Fixed links and cleaned it up for ya.

Not sure why you think he is. I wouldn't call his opening move or several rounds the things to do. Looks like he was rolling lots of dice at everything in that game and having insane random. Sure didn't look like genius at play. If he is a multi 11% win is pretty pathetic.

Round 1:
011-05-08 17:26:14 - pitman212 assaulted Airfield Tobruk from Tobruk and conquered it from neutral player
2011-05-08 17:26:57 - pitman212 bombarded 15th Panzers K from 22nd Art. Brigade and annihilated neutral player's troops
This post was made by jefjef who should be on your ignore list.
drunkmonkey wrote:I'm filing a C&A report right now. Its nice because they have a drop-down for "jefjef".
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Re: multi- pitman212

Postby Evil Semp on Sun May 15, 2011 4:01 pm

pitman212 is CLEARED of being a multi.
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