Conquer Club

Cmd Popenfresh, verithas.KAW, Shadic [cleared]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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Cmd Popenfresh, verithas.KAW, Shadic [cleared]

Postby Koivn on Wed Mar 28, 2007 12:18 pm

These users have admitted they are friends in the same class and have also told me that I am doomed because they are allied. Both admissions can be found in the chat for game 312067.

Suspect users: Cmd Popenfresh, verithas.KAW, Shadic

Game number:

Comments: It's blatant cheating from a school, which almost certainly has a fixed IP. Obviously you know best and will do as you see fit, but an IP ban with account bans is probably not a bad solution.

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Postby Shadic on Wed Mar 28, 2007 10:36 pm

Come on, account bans? I mean, I can see you not letting us log in at school or something, but banning us because:

1) I've spent the game getting my ass kicked. (Admit it Koivn, I wasn't doing anything 60% of the game so far except be attacked by you.)

2) We talk to eachother. (How can one person have posted something in the log two seconds difference?)

I figured that Koivn is going to give me a negative feedback for this, which is bull. I sent him a quick private message telling him that I was NOT allying with Red, despite his beliefs, as well.

Check the history on the people you're accusing. Sure, they've all played together, but do you think that one person is willing to act out conversations just so that they can play and game and "Team Against" you? I'm disappointed that you were taken out, honestly. Now I know for a fact that I'm probably going to lose as well.

And for the record, yes, we do all go to the same school. Various other people that we've all played with ALSO go to the school. We're all part of a High School Digipen Computer Science class, and as such, all have computers. However, anybody that thinks that we're the same person, or that I have been cheating, need to look at the records again.

EDIT: Fixed minor typo's.

Speaking of typing, I should point of the fact that each one of us types in a completely different manner, with certain people typing with the skill of bashing one's head on the keyboard, and I find myself (modestly) quite the stark comparison to that.
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Postby AK_iceman on Sat Mar 31, 2007 4:32 am

Cmd Popenfresh, verithas.KAW, and Shadic have been cleared of multiple accounts, but are blocked from playing with each other again.
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Postby b.k. barunt on Sat Mar 31, 2007 2:57 pm

Good call iceman.
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