by b.k. barunt on Sat Mar 24, 2007 1:31 am
I apologize for calling you a cheesewanker. But you might want to pay attention and learn some more about the dynamics of the game before you pop off at someone. When i first started playing on this site, i expected everyone to play like me, i.e. don't let anyone take a continent with impunity. When i would see someone take a continent while his neighbor stood by and let him hold it, i would get pissed. After playing on the site for a while, i found the dynamics of the game to be a bit different from what i was used to. Now i frequently will let someone hold a continent when i could break in. I rarely make alliances, but frequently will refrain from attacking someone if i think it will be advantageous for me. This could go on till it's only me and that person left, and yet we have never spoken a word to each other. Someone like you would deem that to be a secret alliance, but a secret alliance needs to be discussed either during the game or prior to it. Tacit (unspoken) alliances are a part of the game, and happen quite often. I've only had one person threaten me with nf, and i gave him one for doing so. Watch how people play for a while, and hold off on the judgements.