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Beer and Mahuffma[cleared]es

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Beer and Mahuffma[cleared]es

Postby Elochai477 on Mon Feb 07, 2011 10:03 pm



The accused are suspected of:

Conducting Secret Diplomacy
Other: Throwing the game

Game number(s):

Game 8291555

Comments: Early in the game beer placed for a couple turns on cayabi, to take my only bonus at the time in the eastern forest. I had been keeping mahuffma from collecting on his +6 bonus of the southern forest for a few turns, but was unable to stop him the following turns. beer then let mahuffma collect on the +6 bonus twice while both kept borders too a minimum without mentioning a truce at that time. Later red announces offers a truce to General Grevious (the troop leader) in chat, and gets it in exchange for giving General Grevious an addition +5 bonus. The following turn General Grevious wipes out any real competition and is to get 22 troops the next turn. While they did announce a truce, letting General Grevious collect on that seems like intentionally throwing the game (giving him a larger bonus was as well) when he has such a commanding lead. They don't have any other games together, and normally I would expect new players making mistakes, but 2 incidents in 1 game is suspicious.

Summary of what i suspect:
Secret diplomacy between beer and mahuffma
Throwing the game by mahuffma for general grevious
Lieutenant Elochai477
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Re: Beer and Mahuffma

Postby Evil Semp on Sun Feb 13, 2011 6:20 pm

Beer and Mahuffma are CLEARED of secret diplomacy. Just because he breaks your bonus and doesn't break someone else isn't secret diplomacy. When Mahuffma had his bonus Beer only had a couple of countries and I don't think he was in the position to break the bonus.

About throwing a game players make alliances at what they think is best for them. I don't think Mahuffma was throwing the game when the alliance was made. He is CLEARED.

On a side note Beer has been BUSTED with Alberta Republic for being a multi.
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Sergeant 1st Class Evil Semp
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