ACCUSED: Cymaddux31
The accused are suspected of:
Ratings Abuse
Leaves crappy ratings for every single player - does every person unfortunate enough to have played this clunk have to suffer 2 & 3 star reviews? Just having to have witnessed his game play "technique" was painful enough believe me The ratings system is not some form of frustration venting device for clueless players to avenge themselves by. If I get the rating he leaves everyone (and why wouldnt I) I want it revoked, (enough that he cashed 50 spoils of troops to suicide them into my one 35 stack for no logical reason whatsoever and no gain, cept handing the game to the next player on a platter, his and mine the stupid doofus - fine hes a complete twonk - then seeing his ratings left was the final straw. Im not really keen on having both my game and my ratings trashed by this complete moron thanks. (Sorry so mad, I just prefer to lose to a players good strategy, not through having someone completely witless hand the game to another player by randomly pressing their keyboard like a blind monkey.
so umm yeah ... look him up - its not some players rated shittily, its everyone hes ever played. Theyve been punished enough prior to the "review" I can assure you